In between Miles feelings

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Miles and Gwen were hanging upside down from a roof (like in the picture⬆️).
The sun was slowly setting, turning the town into a beautiful gold with the last rays of the sun.
"I really feel sorry for Jasmin," Gwen said.
„That's so not fair of Miguel," Miles said angrily, clenching his hands into fists. Gwen looked down at him worriedly and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"I know," she said sympathetically. "We'll help her. Somehow..." she said, knowing that it wasn't quite as easy as it sounded. Miguel can be quite stubborn and doesn't give up easily.
"Tell me," Gwen began, hesitating a little, "do you actually still have feelings for her?"
Startled, Miles widened his eyes. He was a little overwhelmed and couldn't get a word out at first. "Uh...I...uh," he stuttered.
"Okay," she laughed, "you still have feelings for Jasmin."
He turned red and scratched the back of his head. They had been spending a lot of time together lately and Miles realised he liked Jasmin as more than just a friend.
"Yeah, kind of."
"But you haven't told her yet, have you?" Gwen asked carefully. Miles hesitated.
"No." he looked down. "I don't even know how to tell her. Especially now that she's with Hobie Brown." He rolled his eyes. The way he said Hobie's name, you knew he was jealous of him. "Hobie Brown. The oh-so-cool, handsome, funny, mysterious spider-punk," he sneered.
Gwen had to chuckle slightly at Miles' display. "He's not that bad."
"But I'm sure he's got a lot of girls fighting over him, and then I come around the corner. I have feelings for someone for once and I bet Jasmin likes Hobie too!" He sighs. It was like a pain in his heart. The thought of Jasmin liking Hobie more than him and being with him right now stung him.
"Probably showering her with romantic and erotic words and wrapping her around his finger," he rolled his eyes again.
"But you don't know that. Maybe she has feelings for you. You've been doing so much together lately." Gwen paused for a moment. Then an idea came up in her mind.
"Why don't you just tell her that you like her? Meet her and tell her." Her face lit up and her smile darkened. The very thought scared him.
"No, I can't! I can't make a sound. I always start to stutter!" Panic rose in him.
"What if I make a fool of myself? What if it ruins the friendship?" His face went white as a sheet.
"Miles!" Gwen doubled up with laughter. He scowled at her.
"I'm serious. I'm a total loser when it comes to this!"
"You worry too much. Take it easy. She's your best friend. You've always been able to talk to her and she's very understanding. She's not going to blow you off. I think you'll find it easier to talk to her than you think." Gwen smiled at him. Her optimism was almost unnatural. She must have forgotten who told her that.
"Do you know who is sitting next to you? Hello, Gwen," he waved his hands in front of her. "It's Miles Morales."
Gwen shook her head, smiling. There was silence for a few seconds.
„What do you like about her?" Gwen asked curiously.
"Is this going to be an interrogation?"
"Tell me what you like about her." Gwen's smile was almost creepy, she seemed so happy to hear it.
Miles thought for a moment, took a deep breath and then began to tell.
"Jasmin is warm and loving. She always cares about everyone who is important to her. She always makes sure that everyone is comfortable and if not, she will ask and listen to you all evening if necessary. She has a charisma that is simply attractive and magical. You enjoy spending time with her because she makes you feel good. She gives you the most profound compliments I have ever heard. No one gives compliments as well as she does. She notices the little things, the details that you sometimes hope to be noticed for. She is kind, polite, responsible, profound and unique. She is beautiful, inside and out. I like being around her. I'd like to be near her..."
Gwen smiled steadily at him.
"And now you say that to her."


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