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(Start the music)
„I can't believe it!" Jasmin shouted at him. "How could you?" Tears streamed down her cheeks and her blue eyes disappeared behind the red.
"I didn't know, Jasmin. I mean it!" Hobie was distraught. Tears were streaming down his face too. "It was blackmail!"
"You're just blind, Hobie! You're far too spontaneous and you don't think. It was Miguel! You betrayed me. After all we had. I really thought you knew me better, but I guess I was wrong..."
"I am so sorry. I thought they had my sister. It seemed so... real..."
"You let yourself be fooled?! You should be trained not to be deceived!"
"It's my sister, Jasmin! What would you do for your family? Just let them die?!" Hobie was horrified and felt anger creep up inside him.
"Of course not, but I wouldn't blindly trust Miguel after he threatened your supposed 'great love' with death. We know he's capable of a lot!" How could he be so stubborn, it broke her heart. He handed her over to Miguel. Led the prowler Miles straight to her. Our bitterest enemy! He chose to lie!
„Please forgive me, Jasmin!" said Hobie, still trying to make amends.
"I can't."
His eyes grew wide and his heart beat faster and faster.
"How can't you?"
"Do you know how I felt about the prowler? Do you know how he kept threatening to kill me if Miguel didn't show up? If Gwen, Miles and Pavitr hadn't been there, I might be dead right now! All because you believed a fucking lie!" Jasmin got angrier and angrier. "I can't do this anymore. What's it going to be like? Are we going to keep hurting each other? Until one of us actually dies..."
With that she turned and walked away from him. Hobie was devastated. He had just lost the love of his life. But Jasmin couldn't take it anymore, the pain was just too much...

 But Jasmin couldn't take it anymore, the pain was just too much

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