Take me back...

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Miles was waiting for Jasmin outside the door.
"Hey," he said a little nervously when she came out.
"Hey," she replied and ran up to hug him.
"Let's go for a walk," he suggested, walking ahead. Jasmin followed him.
They walked a few meters, getting farther and farther away from Hobie's apartment.
"How are you, by the way?" asked Miles worriedly.
"Yeah, pretty good. I need some time to really process that I'm now the most wanted person in the multiverse." Jasmin looked a little sad.
"Miguel really is an asshole. He's so crazy, he just sicced the whole Spider-Society on you!"
Jasmin and Miles continued to walk out of town, leaving the safe zone. Both were aware of it, but neither wanted to be restricted because of Miguel's madness. Especially not Jasmin. They come to a small hill that is completely covered with lush green grass. The sun makes its color even more vivid. They walk all the way to the top, enjoying the silence for a moment before sitting down.
"I can't believe we've known each other for so long," Miles broke the silence and looked out at the green landscape.
Jasmin smiled.
"Yes, we've known each other forever." She paused for a moment. "But there was never a moment when I regretted it."
She looked over at him, and Miles turned his head as well. Their eyes met and a smile crossed their faces.
"Remember when we were teenagers and played pirates?" he had to laugh.
"Oh yes, I remember that well." The memories came flooding back to her, playing out in her mind like a movie. She and Miles dressed up as pirates, held wooden swords and fought. It was one of her favorite memories, and it would break her heart if she ever forgot it.
"We were so young," she said, smiling at him. "Hard to believe it was so long ago. It feels like yesterday."
Miles' eyes lit up. He buried his hand in his back pocket, pulled out his cell phone, and turned on a song. Not just any song, but THE song. The song that connected them.

(Start the Song)

Suddenly, Miles gets up and stands in front of Jasmin. He extends his hand to her. It was an invitation. To put her hand in his. She looked at him with big eyes.
"Let's dance to the song. Like we always have." His smile was warm and sincere.
Jasmin took his hand and let him pull her up.
And so they both stood in front of each other, letting the melody of the song carry them. They danced hand in hand as if it was raining, but this time the sun was shining. The feeling was the same. The nostalgia that came with the song and the memories that came with it.

(You can replay the song as often as you want)

When the song ended, they both fell back into the grass. They did not speak for a few minutes. The lingering feeling would continue to spread between them, and no words would counteract it.
Suddenly Miles broke the silence.
"Jasmin, there's something I need to tell you."
"What is it?" Jasmin replied in her sweet voice, looking at him expectantly.
There was a slight doubt and fear in Miles' eyes. He didn't really believed in himself and she noticed it.
"You can tell me anything that is on your mind. I'm your best friend."
These words warmed his heart like nothing else before and he knew he had to tell her. Tell her how he felt. And hope that she felt the same... ....
"It's like this...we've known each other for so long and we've been through so much together. We've told each other everything and we've grown closer and closer. You've always been there for me when I needed you and I've always been there for you when you needed me."
He paused and looked to the ground, but Jasmin's eyes didn't even turn away from him. She was a little confused because she didn't know what he wanted to tell her. But she tried as much as possible to maintain a pleasant atmosphere. Miles collected himself and continued.
"I notice that something is changing there. For a while now...I..." But Miles hesitated. He couldn't just tell her how he felt about her. His heart and head were a chaos of emotions and he couldn't manage to put things in order. With every word he spoke, his thoughts overflowed and he lost the thread. He was afraid to say the wrong thing. Afraid of making a wrong move, but he realized that he was slowly losing control of himself. His heart was pounding so hard that his mind and brain could barely keep up.
Suddenly, Jasmin put her hand on Miles'.
"It's okay. Take all the time you need," she said, smiling lovingly at him.
That was the moment when his emotions ran away with him. He was no longer in control of them, let alone himself. Within a second, he leaned forward and kissed her. Fireworks went off inside him. Her lips were soft as a pillow and so warm.
Jasmin was so surprised by the kiss that she didn't know what hit her. The feeling of Miles' lips on hers was unfamiliar and strange. Her best friend was kissing her and it just didn't feel right.
They just weren't Hobie's....
She pulled away from the kiss and looked at Miles, slightly shocked.
"I'm sorry..." he murmured, leaning back again.
"I just couldn't control my emotions." He looked at the ground.
Jasmin's heart spun around a thousand times. Her best friend was falling in love with her....
There was sadness and pity in her voice. She wanted to tell him everything to make him feel better, but she couldn't. "I..."
"You have no feelings for me, do you?" There was sadness and pain in his voice. He didn't look at her, and somehow that hurt her heart.
"I'm sorry, Miles, but..."
"...There's already someone else," he finished her sentence, looking slightly angry.
Jasmin pressed her lips together because she couldn't argue with him. She would like to tell him something else, just to avoid hurting him, but she can't.
"Yes," she replied quietly, lowering her head.
"I'm sure it's Hobie," Miles said now, a little annoyed. His stomach tightened and he noticed tears welling up in his eyes, but he quickly choked them back.
"Miles, I'm sorry."
"Let it go, Jasmin." He paused for a moment. "It's always Hobie Brown. Handsome Hobie, cool Hobie, ladies' man Hobie!" Miles was getting angrier and angrier, but out of disappointment. And she knew it.
"I can't control my feelings," Jasmin tried to calm him down, but everything she said probably just made him even more disappointed.
"Of course you can't! But it still hurts. It was always Hobie and it will always be Hobie. Am I right?" His eyes sparkled at her. Anger and grief combined in them, drowning him. She wants to save him, from his own emotional chaos....
She contorted her face in sorrow, and that was answer enough for Miles. He stood up energetically and was on his way back when Jasmin jumped up, grabbed his hand and tried to stop him from leaving.
"Miles, wait. You are my best friend and you will always be one of the most important people in my life," Jasmin said slowly.
Miles grumbled a little.
"That's not what bothers me." He paused for a moment. "It's always Hobie Brown who gets chosen. In everything, really."
With that, he turned away from her, leaving her alone on the hill.

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