In between the multiverse

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Exhausted, Jasmin fell to the ground. She was completely out of breath.
"Hey, Sunflower, let me help ya up." Hobie put one of her arms around his shoulder, pulled her up and walked with her to his bed.
She looked around. She was in a cartoon world. Everything around her was drawn like a magazine. Stickers in bright, flashy colors hung on the walls.
"Where are we?" asked Jasmin, out of breath.
"In London."
"In London?"
"In my room to be exact, Sunflower," he smiled at her and stroked her cheek gently.
Jasmin looked at him with wide eyes, but suddenly her whole body jerked. She glitches.
"Hobie... my watch..."
"Wait, I have something for you." He walked over to his desk and opened a drawer. He fumbled around and pulled out three bracelets.
„A day-pass. This won't replace yer watch, but ya need it." He held the bracelets out to her.
She looked at him wide-eyed, and you could read the question of where he got them clearly on her face.
"Took them once, ya know." He sits down beside her. "As many times as I broke the rules and Miguel warned me, it was only a matter of time before he kicked me out. So it was a precaution. But hey, look at me, honey. I'm still in. I don't follow rules and neither should ya." He winked at her.
Jasmin grinned at him, but her smile disappeared when she realized that she was more or less kicked out of the Spider-Society...
Just as Hobie Brown was about to comfort her, Gwen, Miles and Pavitr fell out of a portal. All three looked rather shaken.
"What are y'all doin' here?" asked Hobie, a bit irritated.
Miles got to his feet.
"You don't know how long it took us to find you!"
"That's only because you didn't listen to me," Gwen countered. "It was obvious that Hobie would bring Jasmin to him."
Jasmin looked over at Hobie in surprise, but he continued to look at the three newcomers in annoyance.
"Anyway," Pavitr said, "Miguel is incredibly angry. He has ordered the entire Spider-Society to search the multiverse for you, Jasmin!"
Startled, she looked at him.
"He wants to get rid of you."
Protectively, Hobie put his arm around her shoulders and darkened his eyes.
"If he wanna get rid of her, he'll have to go through me first!"
"You can't go back to your world," Gwen said. "Miguel is expecting you there."
"But what about this world? It will only be a matter of time before they show up here." She looked anxiously at everyone.
Hobie grabbed Jasmin's shoulders and turned her to face him.
"Don't worry, Sunflower. No one has found out where I live yet. And if they do, I'll be there to protect ya." His dark and rough voice made its way through her veins.
She looked into his eyes and could tell that he was honest. She could see his protective instinct in his eyes.
"Me too!" Miles said hastily, looking over at Hobie. He just replied with a grin.
"We brought you three more day passes," Gwen said, handing them to Jasmin, "We'll see if we can always get a few more."
"Thanks, I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Lay low and try to do as little as possible," Pavitr said worriedly. Jasmin giggled.
"Don't worry, I won't interrupt another Canon event."
Everyone smiled.
"Take care of yourself," Miles said, giving her a hug. "And you take care of her!" He turned to Hobie.
"Don't worry, bud'." He grinned.
Miles, Gwen and Pavitr said their goodbyes and disappeared through the portal.
"So annoying," Hobie sneered.
Jasmin grinned slightly. He looked at her romantically. Even behind all the rocker and punk veneer and his coolness, one could clearly see that there was something loving in his gaze.
"What do ya wanna do next, sunflower?" He grinned at her slyly.
The question caught Jasmin off guard.
"Hobie, we should keep a low profile," she said in a whisper, as if someone else was listening.
"Oh, come on. You don't wanna stay in my room and be bored every day." He grinned at her. "You're gonna stay with me for the next few days, sun'. And we'll still have a lot of fun."
He winked at her and then left the room.
"By the way," he called from the kitchen, "I love yer rebellious ways."
Jasmin smiled after him and she knew he was grinning even without seeing it. She realized how warm her heart got when she thought of Hobie. There was something special about his way. This protective, cool, but also absolutely sensitive and romantic, even if it was still hidden, was seductive. She didn't know what was coming...

(This song as an Outro. The lyrics may not fit, but I think the melody and vibe of the song is what quite suits to the storyline).

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