In between wrong and right

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(Turn on the music at the beginning. You won't hear any music at the beginning so you need to wait a little).

Miguel rushed out of the portal and ran through the darkness. It was raining and the cold felt like little needles digging into his skin. He ran into a small secluded alley and rushed into the next dark door. Quickly he ran up the stairs. He opened the door to a small dark room.
"Hello, is anyone here?"
No one answered. The moonlight shone beautifully through the windows, making the dust float around the room like glitter.
"Hello, is anyone here? I'm Miguel O'Hara," he walked cautiously into the room. He turned around to see if anyone came out of a corner. But for a few minutes nothing happened.

Suddenly he heard someone walking behind him. The clatter, like cowboy boots, grew louder. Miguel looked in its direction, but anything was barely visible in the darkness. Slowly, the moonlight rose from the boots to the figure running in, until he was completely covered in it. Standing before him was none other than Miles Morales.
Miles Morales of Earth-42.
Prowler Miles Morales...
"Miguel O'Hara." His voice was cold and monotonous. "The head of the Spider-Society. What could he want from me?" He laughed maliciously.
Miguel looked at him with big eyes. For a moment he was too paralyzed to speak.
"There's a problem and I need to get rid of it..."
"You have a problem? And now you need MY help? Interesting." He came even closer to Miguel and began to slowly circle him. His black cloak blew slightly through the air, making him look powerful.
"What could be the problem with the boss coming at me? The Prowler." He smiled mischievously again.
"There's a girl." He paused.
Miles stopped abruptly and looked at him in confusion. It was literally written all over his face.
"No, no. Not like that." Miguel waved his hands frantically to clear up the misunderstanding.
"There is a Spider-Woman. Jasmin Caccia, to be exact. She interrupted a Canon-Event by saving someone who shouldn't have been saved. That means expulsion from the Spider-Society, but... she got away."
Miles listened intently and continued to walk around Miguel.
"We don't know where she is. I've already sent the entire Spider-Society out to look for her, but the hundreds of members have already failed when they went into the compound to capture her." Miguel stopped and closed his eyes.
Miles' pacing annoyed him more and more.
"And now you want me to capture her for you?"
Miguel nodded cautiously. The Prowler stopped in front of his face.
"And what's in it for me?" He looked at the boss expectantly. His voice remained cool and showed no emotion.
Astonished, Miguel looked at him.
"What do you want?" he asked stubbornly, scowling at him.
"You must have a way to find out who the Spider-Man's of each world are..." he smiled at him. "Give me my Spider-Man and I'll give you Jasmin."
Miguel's eyes snapped open.
"I can't do that!" he said in horror.
"It's not like you're interrupting a Canon event," Miles says nonchalantly and starts playing with his metal glove.

"It's not like you're interrupting a Canon event," Miles says nonchalantly and starts playing with his metal glove

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„I'm the head of the Spider-Society. I can't just give you any Spider-Man!"
"No Spider-Man, no Jasmin!" Miles turned and motioned for them to leave.
Miguel was torn. He had to get rid of Jasmin. She had become a danger to everyone. Besides, Hobie Brown was on her side, breaking the rules anyway, and who knew what they'd get up to. Still, he couldn't just betray a Spider-Man like that. Maybe there's another way that would help him anyway...
"Okay," Miguel O'Hara said. "I'll try to get your Spider-Man, and you bring me Jasmin."
The prowler smiled mischievously.
"Deal." He turned around. "Now we just have to figure out a decoy..."

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