Where to escape?

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(Start the music)
Her body ached and her head buzzed. Where was she? She noticed a lingering drowsiness as she slowly came to consciousness. She opened her eyes and saw...
"Hobie?" She didn't know if she should be happy or not.
"Hobie. Where have you been?" she said weakly. His face was monotonous and cold. He did not answer. She tried to move, but realized she was tied to a chair. Thousands of thoughts swirled in her mind. What did this mean?
With a touch of panic, she looked at him, wondering why he wasn't helping her.
Suddenly, two more figures appeared beside him. One in a black cape, the other in a Spider-Man costume and broad shoulders.
"Miguel?!" She looked at him in horror. The person next to him removed his mask.
"Prowler Miles in, to be exact. That's her, isn't it?" He glanced over at Hobie and Miguel. Both nodded. Jasmin didn't understand anything anymore. Her body hurt, she was tied up in a dark and cold room and her boyfriend just stood in front of her and did nothing.
"What's going on?!" She tried to gather more strength to stabilize her voice.
"Go Hobie. And find your sister," Miles told him with a mocking laugh. Without saying a word to Jasmin, he turned around, opened a portal and disappeared.
Miguel and Miles started to laugh out loud.
"Your boyfriend really isn't the brightest candle on the cake," Miguel said.
Jasmin glared at him.
"What did you do?" she hissed.
"Oh, we just told him his sister was in danger. Mistakenly..."
Jasmin's eyes widened.
„What?" she said in horror.
Miguel approached her and was now dangerously close to her.

 Miguel approached her and was now dangerously close to her

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„You shouldn't have run away. You know you've broken the rules several times now. Canon event, running away without permission, stealing day passes."
"And what does this have to do with Hobie?"
"Oh, Hobie was the perfect finishing touch to our plan." The prowler grinned.
"Our?" Jasmin repeated.
"Miguel came to me to capture you for him. All the members of the Spider-Society obviously failed. But you were no easy catch. You were always surrounded by your little friends, especially Hobie Brown. I knew that to get to you, I had to get Hobie out of the way or get him on my side. It was easier than I thought. While you were at the bar, you were in the bathroom for a while. I met him. I told him that his little sister, age 6, was trapped with us and we would only release her if he brought you to us. He was a sitting duck. What an idiot. When you went out with Miles Morales, he sent us his location. He was gone and we were there. And now you're here. It was that easy." He laughed maliciously.
Hobie Brown, a superhero, has been led astray by the Prowler. An enemy. Jasmin was close to tears.
"Where is he now?" she sobbed.
"In a very dark place. He's searching for his sister. In vain."

*skip to Hobie*

Hobie hurried out of the portal. His heart was pounding and he was scared to death. Where was his little sister? He was in the place the Prowler had sent him. The place where Miles showed him a video from his sister. But where was she?
He screamed and shouted, but there was no answer. It was a dark swamp in the middle of the forest. It was raining, cold, and no matter where he stepped, mud stuck to his shoes. He ran in every direction, calling countless times, but the forest remained as silent as before. He kept running into it, just hoping to be in the wrong place. Nothing changed. The cold, the wetness and the darkness remained the same. Suddenly, he had the sinking feeling that he had been deceived. His stomach tightened and panic crept up inside him. He took out his cell phone and dialed his mother's number. He didn't know why he hadn't thought of it before. As he waited to be picked up, he hoped he was wrong. Because if he wasn't, it meant that he had just given his love to his enemy...
His mother answered.
"Mom, hey, it's Hobie." He paused for a moment. "Say, is Maja home?" He heard only a grumbling and a crackling, then it was quiet for a while. After a short while someone picked up the phone again and it was his sister, who could never have sounded more cheerful.
Hobie's heart skipped a beat. He had played Jasmin right into Miguel's hands....

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