War of feelings...

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(Put on the music at the beginning)

They arrive at Miles' house. Jasmin sits down on his bed and begins to cry. Her heart was broken. She didn't know what to think or feel. She had never believed that Hobie would do this to her. That he would turn her over to Miguel because he believed a lie. That his sister was in danger.
"How could he do such a thing! I don't understand!"
"What a bastard!" scolded Pavitr.
"That was a lousy performance for a Spider-Man. He's trained to spot lies. It's part of being a superhero," Gwen said indignantly.
No one could believe what he had done to her. Even Miles, who hadn't spoken to her since their last meeting and should be happy that Hobie was gone now, felt sorry and somehow guilty.
"I'm sorry, Jasmin. I acted like a total jerk. I'm your best friend. I should have been there for you. If I hadn't run away, none of this would have happened." He blamed himself while Jasmin was beside him.
"It's not your fault, Miles," she sobbed. "It's not your fault he's affected. He's not even a damn superhero!" She didn't feel good at all.
No one really knew what to do. Everyone was horrified and angry. They were just glad that they were able to save Jasmin in time.
"Thank you for saving me. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't be alive."
Gwen looked at her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"No big deal. Thank God we found out where you were. You don't know how worried we were about you."
"You have Miles to thank," Pavitr told Jasmin. "He saw Hobie and a black figure running out of the house as they fled. It struck him as odd, and he told us about it back at headquarters. Luckily. Otherwise we might not have gotten there in time."
Jasmin looked at Miles and thanked him.
"Maybe you'd like to rest first," he suggested. "You can lie down in mine." He smiled at her and one by one the three of them left Miles' room, leaving her alone.
She didn't know what to do. Her thoughts kept circling back to Hobie. Why did he let himself get tricked so easily?

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