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Y/n was sitting in the interrogation room with quirk nullifying handcuffs on her wrists

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Y/n was sitting in the interrogation room with quirk nullifying handcuffs on her wrists. She had send Lucy to go check on Rina-sensei and assist her with all the problems that might arise and destroy any evidence of her being involved in the orphanage case in the first place.

She didn't care how it sounded, but Y/n had gotten quite a liking in her former personal nanny, so she didn't want the raven-haired woman to get in trouble because of the orphanage being found out to be child trafficking organization, technically out of Y/n's fault. After all, it wasn't hard to deduce that either her or Fuzen messed with someone that helped heroes get the localization of the gala.

It couldn't leave her mind for a while to why would some random villains—that she didn't even recognized as she saw Lucy's memory—attack Fuzen and Jueru. But then it was weird that they attacked at the same time as heroes, exactly at the moment when Y/n was absent, it was too big of a coincidence. So if she both couldn't recognize the villains but they still attacked even during all that chaos that was happening around, then they needed to know what they were doing, or simply were doing as they were told. It was the most rational to judge that it was one and the same person behind both attack on Akanos and heroes' mission.

But then another question appeared: who would go this far? Her mind rushed through different faces and names and then one name popped in her mind. Name of person who knew about Y/n's past at the orphanage which made it obvious that she was the Akano Dragon, and someone that was close enough with Fuzen that could influence and know his next move, that was no one else than Thomas Baron, the owner of the conglomerate and a villain that wanted her to work for him. However, she had to admit, it was a very brutal, but god how good of a plan. It was honestly brilliant.

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