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The same second Y/n's eyes were able to catch the clear view on what was happening in Hosu, she was taken aback by the chaos that was going on all around

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The same second Y/n's eyes were able to catch the clear view on what was happening in Hosu, she was taken aback by the chaos that was going on all around. It definitely wasn't something that Hero Killer alone could cause, so there must've been something more to it. She immediately send Lucy for him to take a look from the sky at what was happening and what was the cause of all this.

But then her attention was stolen by something that was falling from the sky, it was small—no, it was big but just still away. And then she noticed; it was a car. She was unsure how to feel about the car falling from the sky, but when she saw that there were people inside she summoned ten of her shadow soldiers for them to catch it before it would hit the ground while additionally killing people that were trapped inside.

She walked closer and ripped out the door of the car that seemed to be too crushed to be opened normally and helped people that were inside to walk out one by one. „Can you walk on you own?" She questioned but all that people were able to muster were small nods out of shock they just went through. Y/n's attention went to the woman that held a little girl no older than four in her hands, the girl had a long wound right under her eyebrow causing blood to flow right at her eye. Deciding that it wouldn't cost her much Y/n slightly reached her hand towards the girl and glanced at the mother while asking. „May I?"

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