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Katsuki was angry, more than usual at that

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Katsuki was angry, more than usual at that. Since never mind where he would go, whether it would be phones, television, or anything else, he would see the records of night in Hosu that happened last night. And the main reason to his anger was that he felt that he should've been there fighting, and not having his hair undergoing torture.

Ever since morning he tried to contact Y/n, but from what he concluded her phone must've been either destroyed or turned off, and with what type of person Y/n was, he couldn't bet which option was more probable.

But he didn't even had enough time to ponder to what exactly happened as he needed to hide from Best Jeanist's sidekicks that wouldn't give him a break from either talking—it was more like a gossiping, so it made him even more furious—or doing something with his clothes or hair, both seemed like the worst nightmare to him at that point.

Thank fucking god that it was now finally time for them to go take patrols so Katsuki would have a chance to take a breath, if he thought about it, those were the times where he missed Y/n the most. Because she was always the one to steal him away from those annoying situations, just like it happened a day ago.

He was at the moment in the training room, trying his best to not slack off on his own since up till now he didn't learn even one damn thing in this stupid Genius Agency—to the irony of its name. His eyes caught the sight of tv that hanged in the corner, at first he didn't understand why there were so many tv's in this place, but then he found out that Best Jeanist specifically placed being informed before anything else, so that's where all the tv's with news stations on came from.

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