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Y/n who never cared too much about her appearance still always made sure her clothes were nice, it didn't matter whether she was playing a villain or a hero at that time

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Y/n who never cared too much about her appearance still always made sure her clothes were nice, it didn't matter whether she was playing a villain or a hero at that time. She simply liked to look properly to the role she was in at the moment, but what she definitely didn't expect was how bad UA uniforms were.... And they were truly unsightly.

And the worst part was that she couldn't do anything about it. She was a student, and with that title came the responsibility of wearing that. And so she put it on, she tried to wear it loosely, tightly and in many other combinations and it still looked simply ugly. At least her nice body was making it look acceptable, and nothing more than that.

It was the first day of school already and it was enough to make her irritated at that point, it wasn't necessarily about the school itself but more about who would she see in her class, and she was sure after seeing the exam for herself that she'll see Katsuki.

She needed to prepare herself to answer his questions nicely since she would feel too guilty if she just ignored him, she was a human being too after all. And however she hated emotions, she needed to deal with them somehow, both her own and Katsuki's.

Y/n sighed and teleported to the UA's gates and as her view became clear again she noticed no one else than short-haired brunette that saved Izuku at the exam. It made Y/n wonder if she got to the same class as her, and if she did then the trouble of looking for the class could be avoided.

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