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Y/n yawned as she turned to the other side of her bed after her alarm woke her up. She glanced at the hour with her eyes that were refusing to cooperate. „Lucy... my dear companion, remind me why am I waking up at such a horrendous hour."

Lucy that was sleeping next to her just a second before, stretched and answered. „To support one of your childhood friends in probably the most important moments in his life."

She glanced at the cat. „And I have to be there personally...?"

Lucy blinked a few times at her. „Yes, you definitely do."

Letting out a sigh, she slowly started to move her body away from her warm, comfortable, and specifically welcoming bed especially at that hour. But she fought the temptation as her feet reached the cold floor.

She quickly put some clothes on and wasn't even thinking about eating anything so early in the morning, so she ended up immediately teleporting to the beach that Izuku's training was about to take a place at.

The moment her eyes focused again and the view in front of her stopped being just a blur, she saw a beautiful sight of her friend, Izuku, dragging—or at least attempting to drag—the refrigerator with hero number one sitting on it, as if Izuku could drag just the fridge itself in the first place.

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