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Y/n was playing with a coin as she listened Keigo's explanation on where UA building was located so she could teleport there

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Y/n was playing with a coin as she listened Keigo's explanation on where UA building was located so she could teleport there. She wasn't spending too much time in Japan that wasn't Tokyo so she still had to learn more about the smaller cities, but thankfully Keigo was patient with her.

Meeting with principal of the school was about to start in the next five minutes, but Y/n wasn't in a rush since she wanted to focus on the understanding of the location to teleport there in a matter of seconds.

And so she did two minutes later. She now was standing in front of a huge building and noticed Aizawa that she suddenly recalled was a teacher there. She came closer to him and he said with his usual tired expression. „Couldn't you take any longer?"

Y/n smirked. „I definitely could."

She was grateful that Aizawa took her straight to the principal since if she would need to find it herself with her sense of directions, she would reach the meeting after its end. But what she saw when she reached the meeting surprised her quite a bit, yet of course she masked it well. She saw a white rat or was it a mouse... she had no idea.

Anyway, it wasn't like the looks mattered to her but the intelligence. She hoped she would get to the understanding with the principal about why exactly she decided to attend his school in the first place.

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