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„Again!" Y/n shouted as she looked at Shoto that now was lying on the floor, soaked in sweat and was breathing heavily

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„Again!" Y/n shouted as she looked at Shoto that now was lying on the floor, soaked in sweat and was breathing heavily. It was already his third day of training but it didn't seem to go well as of now.

He tried his best to stand up and after failed attempts he took the water battle from Y/n. He took a big sip of the drink and asked as he looked up at her. „It's twentieth time today already... what am I doing wrong?"

Y/n sighed at how pitiful he looked and stated. „You're relying too much on your right side, not only in quirk but in hand-to-hand combat as well. I'm not sure if it has something to do with you using only your icy side for so long but it seems that it froze your left side's movements completely."

He glanced at her dumbfounded so she added. „Anyway, if you won't unlearn to just use your right side, then you can forget about using both sides of your quirk evenly. I still don't know how to teach you anything about your quirk, but when it comes to combat skills then I'm the perfect person to prepare you before you'll seriously begin to learn about your quirk use."

„I know..." He agreed as he finally stood up to his feet and stood back in proper stance, prepared for a fight. „Let's continue just like you're saying."

Y/n smirked and after a moment she rushed at him with all her natural body speed. She needed him to be a little more swift with his body since he was nothing more than stiff, that was why it was so easy to overwhelm and read him during their fight at the sports festival, and the only reason why he reached so far was because of the raw power that his quirk was, but something like that could someday turn against him.

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