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Lucy as a faithful cat, watched Y/n's friends who fought Hero Killer and kept all his attention on the scene in case he needed to call for her help

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Lucy as a faithful cat, watched Y/n's friends who fought Hero Killer and kept all his attention on the scene in case he needed to call for her help. He would lie if he said that the fight itself wasn't entertaining, he found Iida in trouble from the beginning as teen hadn't listened to Y/n's advice which of course ended up badly, and firstly Izuku joined the fight yet got paralyzed rather quickly and secondly came Todoroki who attacked the villain with his fire.

Cat's careful eyes followed the sight as hero killer thrown a knife at Todoroki cutting his cheek but before villain could get closer to lick his blood Todoroki used his ice to shield himself. And then came another trick as Hero Killer glanced up making Todoroki to do the same as his katana was in the air since he thrown it up a moment earlier, and in that momentary distraction he came closer ready to lick the blood of Todoroki's that flowed from his cheek. But next came a small surprise to Lucy as he was sure that he needed to call for Y/n, but Todoroki reacted at a perfect time with bursting his fire from his left side making Hero Killer to back away.

,The training payed off, I see.' Lucy thought proudly as he needed to make sure to show it to Y/n later. He watched as Todoroki continued attacking the villains with both attacks of fire and ice while Iida was going through breakdown as he was on the floor paralyzed. Yet there wasn't anything else to focus on than Stain who cut through huge mountain of ice without much trouble, and after shooting small knives at Todoroki's left arm making him unable to use the long rage attack for a split of a second, villain followed with attempt to attack the hero who was on the floor all the time long.

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