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And here it was, the dark, never-ending void was facing Y/n who looked around at why she was there in the first place

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And here it was, the dark, never-ending void was facing Y/n who looked around at why she was there in the first place. She could say that it was a dream, but she couldn't wake up just like she usually could. And at the same time she couldn't remember why she was sleeping to begin with.

Deciding that simply standing in place won't give her any answers, she decided to walk towards the emptiness of the place in hope to find some answers to her questions that she seemed to get more of every next second.

She walked and walked as her steps made a specifically loud watery sound as the floor was made of liquid that out of all the darkness surrounding it seemed to look like a mirror. And as her gaze was kept low as she watched her feet and their reflection that wavered due to watery ground, she suddenly noticed a flower, it was nothing special but after something that felt like hours of walking made her happy to finally see something different than the empty void.

„You had fun almost dying to save that crybaby?" The familiar voice of no one else than Agana, that Y/n was in her fourth life, sounded through the void with echo.

Y/n picked up the flower and stood back up to now look into her past incarnation self's ruby-colored eyes. „Why am I here?" Y/n asked as she still had problems remembering anything.

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