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„THE FIRST MATCH OF THE SEMIFINALS! WITH BOTH OF THEM RELATED TO THE HERO FROM TOP FIVE, IT'S THE BATTLE OF THE ELITES! FROM THE HERO COURSE, L/N Y/N!" Present Mic exclaimed as h/c haired girl walked up the stage together with Todoroki in the oppo...

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„THE FIRST MATCH OF THE SEMIFINALS! WITH BOTH OF THEM RELATED TO THE HERO FROM TOP FIVE, IT'S THE BATTLE OF THE ELITES! FROM THE HERO COURSE, L/N Y/N!" Present Mic exclaimed as h/c haired girl walked up the stage together with Todoroki in the opposite side causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. „VERSUS... ALSO FROM THE HERO COURSE, TODOROKI SHOTO!"

Lucy's eyes were at Y/n while he felt the nerve wracking anticipation to how everything would turn out. He knew that something was wrong and even Y/n pointed at her body's energy circulation, but it wasn't enough to do anything about it, he needed to watch with complete concentration to somehow help her. At least he understood why she wanted him to stay with class A at the stands as now he had a good view to see any changes in her body.

But then Lucy's train of thought was interrupted by Present Mic that suddenly shouted. „START!!"

And so with that the fight began with Todoroki making an obvious move of creating a massive mountain of ice that with every second grown bigger almost reaching Y/n. But she just slightly touched it making its growth to stop with a huge burst of wind, yet she didn't wasted any more time as she accumulated external energy around her body and destroyed all the ice in just one punch making the parts of ice to scatter all over the area.

Then she teleported closely behind Todoroki and whispered. „You're being very predictable, Todoroki~ if you actually want to win then you'll need to try harder than that." She brushed her fingers on his left shoulder giving him a hint while at the same time making him turn around just for him to secondly send another mountain of ice towards the direction he thought that she was at.

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