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„So how are you planning to handle this?" Todoroki questioned glancing back at the Hero Killer that was destroying shadows that were continuously arising

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„So how are you planning to handle this?" Todoroki questioned glancing back at the Hero Killer that was destroying shadows that were continuously arising. „When you fought with him before we couldn't even think of a way to help you nor even consider joining to the fight at all." His words were followed with awkward nods of agreement from Iida and Izuku who couldn't disagree with the statement.

„That's easy." Y/n started with nonchalant smile. „As the difference in speed is rather huge and only Iida would be able to match after using his best technique, I will be the one to create you openings to attack; stating simply, just do what you're feeling the most comfortable with and I'll cover for you in the need. I trust in your strength so you trust in me, that's the way to handle it that I'm proposing."

After talking out a few more details, overall that's how all four of teens came to agreement on how to continue the fight. And now in the result Todoroki send a huge wave of fire ahead, making it almost reach the Hero Killer that was able to somehow dodge the impact right after Y/n dismissed her shadow soldiers. But such a turn of events was already expected by Y/n who a moment before absorbed some of the fire energy into her sword.

Stain got lower on his legs missing the heating blade that melted through the wall of the building right above his head. Villain sneaked to the side trying to maintain the distance with the h/c haired girl, understanding that he made a mistake by starting the topic about her making her friends miserable. Yet he was under awe at how quickly she could change her strategy and adapt to it almost instantly.

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