Chapter 22

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  The breakfast was very simple, fried egg sandwiches, and poured a glass of juice bought from the supermarket from the refrigerator.

Baili is actually quite dissatisfied with the current fruit juices in the empire. There are not many types of fruits that existed in the ancient earth period, and most of them are fruits produced by the subsidiary planets or the main planet. They are strangely shaped and have a lot of taste. Not much.

After taking a sip of the overly sweet drink, Bai Li opened his personal terminal to reply to work news, and said, "I have to go to the research institute, Huahua, what are your plans today?"

Lu Zhao was chewing a sandwich, fried The smell of eggs lifted his spirits a little. He was still thinking about the news headlines he saw just now, but his expression was the same as before, and he said calmly, "rest at home." After a pause, he added, "I won't go to the army for the time being." Bai

Li He moved his eyes away from the virtual screen of the personal terminal, glanced at Lu Zhao, said nothing, and nodded: "Success, the car that the Legion is equipped with you is still under maintenance, right? If you want to go out, you can transfer the car from the garage, then You have authority over several cars."

According to Lu Zhao's work-oriented habit, it should be rare for him not to go to the legion for several days. Bai Li didn't ask any more questions, stuffed his breakfast into his stomach, and hurriedly changed his clothes and went out.

Before leaving, I thought of something else, and while changing my shoes, I said: "There is a fitness room on the 87th floor of the apartment building, flowers, if you want to exercise, you can go there." No matter how spacious Bai Li's

apartment is, there are no exercise equipment , I usually go to the 87th floor for exercise and run a few times a week. Before that, because Lu Zhao went to the legion training every day and didn't need this kind of fitness thing, Bai Li forgot about it, and I just remembered it today.

Hearing Bai Li's voice, Lu Zhao nodded and said "Yes".

"However, there are quite a few people on the eighty-seventh floor." Bai Li straightened up after changing his shoes, brushed his well-groomed bangs, and gave Lu Zhao a wink, "Brother Major General, why don't you? "

Most people don't have the mental power of Lu Zhao and Bai Li, and their pheromones will overflow to some extent. In addition to emotional fluctuations, strenuous exercise is also one of the reasons that cause a large amount of pheromone to spill out. Just like the training ground of the Legion, the gym basically needs to eliminate pheromone every half a month.

Normally, this smell can't arouse the omega's reaction, but it's not necessarily the case during the estrus period. A sturdy omega like Lu Zhao won't be affected, but it will feel uncomfortable to some extent, and the nerves are in a state of unconscious tension. .

Bai Li said it was a joke, but he really didn't want to be a hooligan, it was all for the sake of the revolutionary friendship of the friendly army.

After reacting briefly for a second or two, Lu Zhao understood what Bai Li meant, stood up from the dining table, and opened his arms without thinking too much.

As soon as the two arms were stretched out, Lu Zhao and Bai Li were stunned.

Bai Li stretched out his hand, ready to shake hands with Lu Zhao to save some pheromone.

There are many ways for an Alpha to leave a scent on an omega with its own mark. In theory, as long as there is skin-to-skin contact, kissing and hugging are just one of the ways of contact. A handshake is also enough to leave behind pheromones that are threatening to other alphas. Stabilize Lu Zhao's spirit.

In the last hug, Bai Li had to admit that he was selfish. He knew that Lu Zhao was going to the hospital for an examination that day, and both he and Lu Zhao understood that the hug meant a little comfort.

Bai Li didn't cross the line again this time, and was about to shake hands to express his full support for the friendly army. Unexpectedly, Lu Zhao didn't think about crossing the line at all, and was directly ready to hug again.

Young Master Bai realized that he hadn't considered that Lu Zhao's love life was poorer than his. No one had taught these small details between AO and AO since he was a child.

All Lu Zhao could do was imitate Bai Li.

The closest emotion he can touch is Bai Li.

"Cough." Bai Li coughed dryly, "Mistake, mistake!" He

quickly retracted his hands and opened his arms instead.

Lu Zhao also retracted his arms at the same time, and stretched out his hands to shake hands.

The two kept a new round of bull-headed and horse-mouthed postures, and were silent for several seconds.

Bai Li murmured: "This short two minutes can be ranked in the top three of my most embarrassing moments this year."

Lu Zhao stretched out his hand and froze in mid-air. Hearing Bai Li's muttering, he couldn't help laughing: " Fuck." Who the hell isn't?

The two laughed wildly, Lu Zhao's hand was about to retract, but Bai Li grabbed it.

It was as dry and warm as in memory, without giving Lu Zhao time to react, he pulled Lu Zhao forward two steps and fell into Bai Li's embrace.

"Adults have to choose." Young Master Bai is quite able to find a way for himself.

Lu Zhao was wrapped in the familiar smell of pheromones again, and Bai Li's body temperature made the smell a bit more mellow. He thought of the box of chocolates that Bai Li had selectively ignored, probably because Bai Li was here, so Lu Zhao always forgot to open the box to taste what it tasted like.

It doesn't matter if you taste it or not, Baili's piece of chocolate is probably unmatched by anyone.

Lu Zhao felt that Bai Li's hand patted his back habitually. This action was a bit childish to coax a child. Before Lu Zhao could speak, Bai Li seemed to sigh.

very light.

It is unbearable.

Bai Li walked out of the lobby of the apartment building, and the car that was transferred from the garage through the personal terminal in advance had already parked outside the building.

Today's weather is not very good, the rainy season on the main star of the empire is coming soon, lead gray clouds are already pressing down on the sky, Bai Li stepped out of the apartment building, and sneezed twice in a row.

At this moment, he came back to his senses, sniffed, and could still smell a faint smell of green grass.

It is estimated that Lu Zhao himself does not know that after the establishment of the marking relationship, no matter how careful the omega is in front of the alpha that has marked itself, it will not be able to completely suppress the pheromone.

This is the inherent dependence and temptation, and it is also the surrender after being marked. Although the word "surrender" seems out of place in Lu Zhao, at least from the perspective of gender, this is an invitation from Omega to Alpha.

Every time Lu Zhao approached was a temptation to Bai Li, tempting Bai Li to go one step further, one step further.

"Damn." Eldest Young Master Bai rubbed his nose and said to himself, "I don't know who is marking whom."

Living under the same roof as Lu Zhao these days is simply a huge test of his ability to manage his lower body. Fang Baili feels that his biggest improvement during this period is learning how to take deep breaths quickly.

The ceiling of Baili's room has been in the night sky mode for the past few days, and he has to rely on the vast universe to calm his petty human desires.

He felt that it was not so much that he gave Lu Zhao a temporary mark, but rather that Lu Zhao directly tied a rope around his neck. Wherever Lu Zhao went, Bai Li's attention would follow.

It is said that he is a son from the aristocratic circle, but in fact, this is the first time Bai Li has been marked by someone. Before that, most of his understanding of this aspect came from books, or from the dirty jokes that the comrades of the former legion gathered together in their spare time. Bai Li finally understood why those alphas were so impulsive about the omega with their own mark.

There is someone who unconditionally opens his body to you, exudes a smell that invites you to taste, and will soften his waist when you approach, even an A can't refuse.

Bai Li started to put the brakes on his thoughts again.

Just as he was stepping on it, he heard a little noise not far away. He looked back and was facing the lens of a small camera robot.

The camera robot made a "click" sound and took a photo of Bai Li's face.

Next to him came a person, with a tape recorder in his hand, running towards Bai Li, shouting at the top of his voice, "Mr. Bai Li! Mr. Bai Li! May I ask that your legal partner is an Omega? What do you think about taking up an important position in the Legion?"

"Mr. Bai Li! Did Major General Lu Zhao cause riots in the Legion due to the estrus? What do you think about your partner entering the estrus in a public place where many alphas are present?" "I

heard Your legs are no longer able to do physical work, is this the reason why you allowed Major General Lu Zhao to work in the military?" I don't know

what was in his mind, but Lu Zhao's instinctive choice did not let Bai Li know the message he saw in the morning news.

In fact, according to the frequency of Baili's surfing on the Internet, he will probably see all these news in a short time, so Lu Zhao doesn't need to talk about it.

Although the results were the same, Lu Zhao found that he didn't want these things to come out of his mouth.

He is not dissatisfied with his own life. The fear and anxiety of his childhood and the struggle of his youth will be gradually forgotten as time goes by. seem no longer important.

There is no need to talk about unimportant things, and it is useless to talk about important things. Lu Zhao has lived like this for so many years, and it has become a habit.

It's not that he doesn't want to show his softness, but Lu Zhao can't tell where his softness is.

Lu Zhao is no longer used to talking about this kind of thing with others.

The butler robot recharged its energy, started the cleaning mode with two beeps, and started cleaning the whole house today. Lu Zhao was overwhelmed.

This apartment is extraordinarily spacious, and Bai Li's pheromone remains on the pillows of the sofa, on the coffee table that has been touched, and on Lu Zhao's body.

There is a familiar smell in the nostrils, but without Bai Li himself, no matter how familiar the smell is, it still feels a little bit worse.

Lu Zhao opened his personal terminal to browse the news sent by Huo Cun, and subconsciously touched the back of his neck. The teeth marks had long since disappeared, Bai Li's bite was not deep, and the temporary marks could only last for a while, but every time Lu Zhao stroked that piece of skin, he could recall the feeling of Bai Li's lips and teeth sticking to it.

The first few pieces of news sent by Huo Cun were similar, and they were basically guessing about Lu Zhao's situation. Lu Zhao browsed quickly, and then opened a link, and what popped up was a post on the entertainment section of the Empire Forum.

This post has been built up for a long time, which shows that the popularity is not low.

The title of the post reads: "I heard that Major General Lu Zhao caused riots in the Legion? What do Lu Zhao's brainless fans have to say this time?"

#1 Host: A few years ago, someone said that omega is not suitable for the front-line combat troops. This time you know how powerful it is, right? You have to wait for Omega to do something during the battle before you know how to regret it? Hehe, I hope that Lu Zhao will quickly quit the military and bring his baby back home~

#2 Three o'clock and one write-off: The landlord warrior, hold on, the brainless fan is about to arrive on the battlefield

#3 Zhizhiberry: CNM?

#4 Zhizhi Berry Berry: Your mother gave birth to you just to make you a good person and stop barking like a dog?

#5 Landlord: I am anxious, I am anxious, I am anxious~ Is it useful for you to scold me, why not share some parenting scriptures with your major general Lu Zhao earlier, teach him how to be a virtuous O, so that he can capture the heart of alpha, otherwise When he retires from the military, I'll see what he can use to hold Bai Li~

#6 Xiaopang decided to lose weight: Uh, there is no need to speak so harshly...Although I also think that it is better for Major General Lu Zhao to quit the frontline army while he is young... ...

#7 Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao: Sick? Does Major General Lu Zhao need Bai Li? I don't want to make it so clear, but if Bai Li has a little ability, his omega will suddenly enter the estrus period?

#8 User 9988566: No, Lu Zhao was fine before, why is there such a big commotion all of a sudden? #9Three points and one cast: Do you understand the hidden dangers? You shouldn't have let an omega into the frontline troops in the first place. What

has been promoted in the past few years?

: This matter has no beginning and no end, just say that Major General Lu Zhao caused the riot, don't say how it happened, don't say how it was solved, just pinch the head and go to the tail to talk about the middle, isn't this messing with Lu Zhao? Eat melons rationally, I choose to wait and see the follow-up!

#11 Little Whirlwind 101: Let's fight!


After reading a few pages, Lu Zhao felt a dull pain in his temple.

It's okay to just look at the news webpage, and at most scold unscrupulous reporters, but the forum is really a mess, and there are all kinds of things to say.

Lu Zhao himself was used to being sprayed, and he hadn't listened to bad words in the past few years, so he didn't feel anything, but now that he was married to Bai Li, others would scold Bai Li along with him.

Turning a few pages later, the users on the forum were all arguing about whether Lu Zhao, an omega, should be an important position in the first-line army. Those who had disliked Lu Zhao for a long time finally caught a hole. Now tearing blood, scolding non-stop. Those who defended Lu Zhao were outraged by what they said, and fought back vigorously. Two groups of people sprayed the post as a hot post and hung it on the first page of the forum.

From time to time, some people would mention a few words about Baili. They all thought that it was Baili's incompetence to let his omega take up important positions. Some people sympathized with Baili. Get married and end up stinking like falling into a cesspit.

After turning over ten pages, I even saw the replies from soldiers within the First Legion.

#866 大头大头: Stop arguing, what is there to be arguing about, I am a recruit of the First Corps this year, and I was in the locker room when the incident happened, Major General Lu Zhao is not the cause of the incident at all, okay? It was a recruit of the legion who suddenly entered the differentiation period, and it caused the commotion when he caught up with the estrus period. Major General Lu Zhao was only affected, and he hasn't said anything yet. What are you guys climaxing here?

#867 Precarious: Reply to 866L: You're so ridiculous. To wash the floor, all the idiots poured dirty water on other people's heads?

#868主故事: Reply to 866L: It's really funny to see fans jumping up and down.

#869 One knife and one stupid: Is there any evidence for the one who said he was a recruit?

#870 大头大头: Although I may be scolded by the Legion for doing this, I can't understand the faces of villains like you. If you have the ability to confront Major General Lu Zhao face to face, do you dare? I'm not a fan of the major general, but the recruit who had the accident this time is my good buddy, if it weren't for Major General Lu Zhao's timely help, I don't know what it would be like now... I support Major General Lu Zhao!

Evidence: The picture attached to the [picture] is a screenshot of the temporary access permission of the First Legion, which is specially used for recruits, and it is loaded on the personal terminal of the recruits so that recruits can enter and exit the First Legion.

A few replies from this recruit named "Big Head Big Head" caused a commotion in the post. The side that originally supported Lu Zhao seemed to have confidence now, while the side that didn't like Lu Zhao took it for granted. "Big head and big head" is washing the ground.

If it is said that the serious news is discussing whether Omega's holding an important position may cause riots, then the forum has become a battle of cursing at the moment.

The entire entertainment sector was smashed into a pot of porridge.

Lu Zhao felt that he was tired of reading these words. These discussions about him had never stopped since he entered the First Army, and it was boring to say that it was not painful or itchy.

It was another dozens of pages of scolding.

When Lu Zhao turned to the last few pages, a reply suddenly jumped into his eyes.

#2818Three-year-old sick e-sports: Brothers, did you see that post? ! Bai Li was photographed!

Followed by a link.

#2819Three-year-old sick e-sports: Damn, I have to be objective, at least I can handle Bai Li's face!

Lu Zhao's heart was squeezed suddenly.

He didn't expect Bai Li to be affected to this extent.

Lu Zhao pursed his lips, clicked on the link with his finger, and a new post popped up.

Within minutes of posting the post, there were already hundreds of replies. There is no other reason, just this topic has already attracted a lot of attention at this time point. Post: "After the Legion riots, Bai Li went out alone without the company of Major General Lu Zhao. It seems

that the relationship has broken down?" The shooting location was just downstairs of the apartment building. Bai Li was about to open the door to get in the car. Maybe he sensed someone. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the camera, with a trace of surprise and confusion on his face. Lu Zhao's eyes paused on Bai Li's face for several seconds. Confused, Bai Li must have been quite confused at the time, he didn't know what happened, so he was slapped on the face. This expression made Lu Zhao feel for a moment that his mouth and nose were covered and he couldn't breathe. If Bai Li knew the situation, he might not go out at all. Lu Zhao closed his eyes and continued to slide down the page. Several consecutive shots showed Bai Li being photographed at close range, probably because he was totally unprepared, Bai Li subconsciously squinted his eyes. Before Lu Zhao could react, the last photo slid in front of his eyes. Bai Li flicked his bangs, showing an arrogant and domineering smile on his beckoning face, and made a scissors hand to the camera. Lu Zhao: "..." There was a paragraph at the end of the first floor of the post.

#1 Landlord: Today, the poster of this post finally saw Bai Li himself after squatting downstairs in Bai Li's apartment for a long time. According to observations, Bai Li went out alone without Lu Zhao's company, and his figure looked very lonely, as if his relationship was broken. When asked "what do you think of the Legion riots caused by Major General Lu Zhao", Bai Li said: "Make me look handsome", and then drove away with an arrogant attitude and bad behavior.

#2 Three-year-old sick e-sports: Is he better than V when he is blocked?

#3 Zhizhi Berry Berry: Is he better than V when he is blocked?

#4 Jiji eats chicks: Is he better than V when he gets blocked?

#5 Wind Crossing: Is he better than V when he is blocked?


Lu Zhao received a text message from Bai Li.

Bai Li: Flowers, I was blocked just now! So scared, cry!

A string of crying emoji packs with dog heads.

Lu Zhao replied after a long time: You are really good.

No one is better than Young Master Bai.

Not only does he compare to V and give him a spotlight, he can also dance disco on the spot.

Lu Zhao returned to that post and looked at the last photo of Bai Li for a long time.

Unable to hold back, he laughed: "Fuck."

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