Chapter 80

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    No matter how loud the commotion outside is, Lin Sheng's surname is Lin after all, and no one can do anything to him for the time being.

Even so, Lin Sheng and the first heir are still in a state of desperation. Topics on the star network have to be suppressed, the military has to say hello, and the royal family has to hide it. They are too busy for a while.

Unlike Shengshi Institute's stepping into the quicksand pit, Bai's Institute successfully waited for the finals in the main star area.

If he wins this match, Bai Li will be able to participate in the final round.

On the day of the competition, the virtual projections of the white01 model and the opponent CL-17 model hovered over the main arena, and there was a lot of noise in the auditorium.

"There are quite a lot of people here today. I bumped into several legions at the door." Han Miao stepped up to the seat with a few bottles of drinks, "Catching up with the vacation, they all came to watch the game. Hey, where is Jiang Hao? Isn't he also on vacation today?" Is it?"

"I heard that the higher-ups have something to do with him." Chen Nan smoked two bottles of drinks and handed one to Lu Zhao, "They said they will be back soon, right?


He didn't sleep well at night, Bai Li couldn't sleep well and woke him up in the middle of the night, and then he closed his eyes again, and started to have messy dreams.

With the previous match accident that was so coincidental that it was unacceptable, he was always a little worried about Bai Li's next match.

He began to understand Bai Li's previous cautiousness. Knowing that there is a sword hanging over your head, which will fall at any time, and you have to walk forward in the dark, this feeling really makes people lose sleep.

On the contrary, Eldest Young Master Bai himself had already crossed that hurdle, woke up in high spirits in the morning, read all the jokes scolding Lin Sheng on, and came to the competition in good spirits.

The enemy's misfortune is the greatest comfort to our army.

Bai Li was refreshed after being comforted, and even listened to Situ's nagging with a little more patience.

"I'm talking to you, you have to be careful," Situ said again, "The CL-17 model is quite special, and the driver on the opposite side is a retired veteran of the Second Army. ..."

Bai Li was not happy: "Can I be the same as other people?"

"Okay, you are amazing," Situ said, "Your seniority, beating you is the same as beating your son, right?"

No wonder Situ repeatedly explained, Today's game is too critical.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, none of the two mechas that entered the finals in the main star area's trials was heavy armor.

White01 Needless to say, CL-17 is not a typical mainstream mech of the empire. It focuses on defense, and can even withstand some heavy armor attacks, but it requires too much physical and mental strength of the driver, so those who can drive CL-17 are not low in strength.

The driver on the other side was a ferocious-looking veteran who had left the military early for personal reasons. I heard that he was also a ruthless character before.

It was the first time for White01 to face a machine that was as slanted as himself, and Bai Li was going to fight against an opponent with outstanding strength.

Putting on the helmet, Bai Li patted Situ on the shoulder.

"Get ready," Bai Li said, "when I step off the stage, the cheers will be louder."

Situ pushed him and pushed him to the main stage.

On the main stage, the starlight flowed, and the projection of white01 fell on the ground, splashing scattered light spots.

The driver of CL-17 also walked onto the main stage under the lights, holding the helmet in his hand, and kept his gaze on Bai Li.

This man had a ferocious face, but Young Master Bai was always arrogant and gave him a provocative thumbs up.

The pilot of CL-17 was stunned for a moment, then pulled the corner of his mouth, showing a half-smile expression.

It was the first time for Bai Li to see someone who could laugh so murderously, as if he had some deep hatred with him.

The drivers of both sides are in place, and the final trial in the main competition area begins.

"One of the two contestants will qualify for the finals, and the two non-heavy mechas finally meet today—" the commentator's excited voice sounded, "—let's wait and see! The competition begins!" Holographic

projection Above, ruins appeared after a brief darkness.

As soon as Bai Li's sight was restored, he heard the roar of the detector desperately.

His refresh point fell on the top floor of a ruined building, and his left foot got stuck in the gap.

If it weren't for the white01 model's decompression to a certain extent for the driver, and the use of Zhou's composite material so it was hard enough, Bai Li estimated that he would have to die here for half his life at the beginning.

And the refresh point of CL-17 was only two meters away from him.

The other party landed on the ruins with incomparable precision. The landing point was not much different from Bai Li's, except that he was unscathed.

This opening was no longer as simple as memorizing. There was a lot of scolding in the audience, and the commentator simply forgot the words.

After the failure of the main system, after careful investigation, there was nothing wrong with it, but I don't know why Bai Li was caught alone, and even the competition team was a little bit murmured, did the fallen leader really do something.

Bai Li's heart fell into the ice cave, and he had no time to swear more than a few words about the dog's world consciousness. He concentrated his energy and tried to pull his left leg out of the gap.

The driver of CL-17 stood there for two seconds, then suddenly took a step forward.

The muzzle of the ion cannon mounted on White01's shoulder opened quickly, but before Baili could fire, the CL-17 model reached out to him.

Bai Li didn't understand what was going on.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the driver of CL-17 pointed to Bai Li's stuck left leg and gestured upwards.

During the competition, the two mechas could not communicate with each other, they could only rely on comparison and drawing. After the gesture, CL-17 stretched out his hand again.

This time, Bai Li understood what he meant, raised his hand to catch CL-17's hand and stood firm, turned his head and shot at the metal wall near his left foot, freed his left leg, CL-17 When the -17 model was picked up, the lighter body of the white01 was moved out of the area where there was a risk of collapse.

The people on the main field were dumbfounded.

It took a while for the commentator to recover his voice: "The spawn position of white01 is not ideal, but the CL-17 model did not take the opportunity to attack! He," Chen Nan also said

: "Wow."

On the holographic projection, the CL-17 model waited for white01 to stand firmly, then let go of his hand and took two steps back, pulling out the light saber.

White01 obviously hasn't recovered yet, and was stunned for several seconds.

Lu Zhao heaved a sigh of relief.

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he realized that his heart was in his throat just now.

This kind of deadly refresh point can only be encountered a few times in the highest difficulty of legion training, but it is generally based on the fact that both sides' refresh points are very wicked. Lu Zhao knows that the fate of Bai Li is not very good. I want him to go too smoothly.

But I didn't expect the driver of CL-17 to take such an unusual path.

Bai Li watched as the mecha on the opposite side pulled out its light saber and jumped back, landing on the ruins of another building ten meters away.

This person wants to have a match with him without external factors.

Bai Li slowly showed a smile. He still remembered clearly the ferocious faces of the CL-17 driver before the race. Just now, he thought that he might really be doomed. He didn't expect that the big brother with a swollen face was this type of person.

white01 gave the opponent a thumbs up, and then drew out the light saber.

"Neither side is in a hurry to launch an attack! What does this mean... white01 made a gesture!" The commentator shouted, "Does it mean 'five'?! CL-17 seems to agree!" "Five seconds

. "Looking at the virtual projection, Lu Zhao said, "The game has just begun."

Before Chen Nan and Han Miao asked, the commentator suddenly realized: "——four, three, two——"

When "one" spit out from the mouth of the commentator In an instant, the two mechas jumped up at the same time, and the light sabers met in midair.

The light blade hit, and bright chips splashed everywhere.

This is the first time that two non-heavy mechas have competed on the same stage since the competition began.

Different from the pure and violent bombardment between the heavy armors, the two mechas, which both pay more attention to the driver's own strength, fought in a very wild way.

"Obviously the two pilots' control over the mecha has reached an astonishing level, the mecha is a part of the body!" The narrator said excitedly, "The CL-17 model was hit in the cockpit ——He opened the distance, but white01's ion cannon followed closely! Powerful! CL-17 pilot Song Tai had predicted the attack, and responded with artillery while retreating. The two attacks were in the air Offset——"

Bai Li could feel the strength of the CL-17 pilot, this competition without any scruples and the strength of both the mech and the pilot made him feel more comfortable than ever.

Without stopping, he sped up after a missed attack, killing his prey.

As for CL-17, he is also a prey. While CL-17 counterattacked, he also wanted to gain the upper hand.

The two mechas showed super high close-range combat capabilities. The importance of the driver in the battle is highlighted when losing heavy weapons. The empire has focused on the destructive power of the mechas for several years, and the combat capabilities of the pilots themselves are slightly weaker. Stagnation, the reliance on mechas has surpassed the desire to improve one's own acquired abilities.

But in this game, unlike the flames brought by the bombing, white01 and CL-17 were mobilized to the extreme by powerful drivers.

The wonderful melee combat, supplemented by the light cannon ion cannon to make up for the lack of long-distance, the two sides' prediction of each other and several wonderful thrilling evasions, made the audience burst into exclamations and applause.

"Awesome," Han Miao sighed, "If these two are in the military, any kind of mecha can be used." It's a

pity that the two pilots left the military for their own reasons, and they can only be simulated in this simulation. On the map of the world, each is high and low, and each shows its glory.

Amidst the narrator's applause and the audience's shouts, Bai Li seized the opportunity to use a feint attack in exchange for a small opening in CL-17, stabbed back with a light knife, and crossed the cockpit.

On the holographic projection, the names of white01 and Bai Li flashed in blue light.

"The winner in the end—" the commentator shouted, "white01, Bai Li! Bai's Research Institute has won the ticket to enter the final round!" The

two simulation cabins on the main stage opened, Bai Li walked out first, and he took off his helmet Go to another simulation cabin.

There is no problem with the walking posture, Lu Zhao feels relieved.

Immediately after hearing Chen Nan and Han Miao's cheers, the audience had already burst into applause, and the supporters shouted "Major General Bai" and cheered towards the main stage where the stardust was flying.

Baili really won the promotion competition, and the white01 model won the only ticket to the final competition in the main star area.

"What is he doing?" someone asked, pointing to Bai Li who was walking towards another simulation cabin on the main stage.

It wasn't until Bai Li got off the simulation cabin that he felt a little bit of fear. The moment the CL-17 model approached, Bai Li had already decided to give up his left leg and break free forcefully.

He couldn't judge how much damage to the body would be caused by breaking free forcefully, but he knew that he absolutely could not accept falling down in the final match of the promotion match.

It was CL-17 that gave him a chance, Bai Li felt a little guilty and apologetic, and wanted to thank the CL-17 pilot eagerly.

The other driver, Song Tai, came down from the simulation cabin, his helmet had been taken off and put aside, revealing that fierce expression on his face.

Bai Li stretched out his hand, and said with apology and respect: "Thank you for—"

Before he finished speaking, the CL-17 pilot with a fierce face walked up to him in two or three steps, stretched his thick arm, She gave Bai Li a hug that almost took his breath away.

"It seems that the two pilots appreciate each other very much," the commentator said with a smile, "thank you both for bringing us a wonderful game, and showing us the charm and power of the mecha from another perspective—

" After finishing speaking, I saw Song Tai's mouth opening and closing, speaking to Bai Li.

The levitating voice robot the size of half a fist followed the contestant because it sensed the player's voice, and Song Tai's words came out along with it.

"... During the rescue mission in 2010, there was a boy named Song, that was my son."

Bai Li took a breath, he actually couldn't remember the face of the comrade who died in that mission, but he still remembered the name clearly .

"... Oh," Bai Li's mind was a little blank, and he said dumbly, "I'm sorry, sorry." "

I've wanted to see you and Mr. Jiang Hao for a long time," the CL-17 driver shook his head. He showed a smile, but because of his fierce facial features, this smile looked quite scary. He said, "Thank you for your support in the past few years. You paid for all the money except the pension, I know.

" I found an idea in my blank brain: It turned out that this person's smile before the game was not to scare him, this person simply didn't know how to laugh.

His thinking was short-circuited, and he wanted to say something vaguely. As soon as he uttered a few syllables, Song Tai gave him another strangling hug.

Mr. Song Tai is obviously not good at expressing emotions. He instinctively chose the expression method of "the greater the strength, the deeper the sincerity": "My youngest son finished his studies with this money, so you don't need to spend money in the future." Bai Li

: "Oh, it's all right."

After finishing speaking, I felt that Song Taisha's big fist was hammering my back, and Alpha, who was like a hill, said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you for these few years, I know, Major General Bai has had a hard time, and it will definitely be better in the future Yes." He paused, and then said, "May the golden Kali bloom forever."

The voice of the main arena, Bai Li, could not be heard clearly.

The shooting light of the stardust and the hovering live broadcast robot dazzled him.

Fate gave him a hard time at the beginning of today's game, but no one thought that the son of Song Tai, the driver sitting in the CL-17, was one of the victims of the rescue mission that year.

In order to fill in the loopholes in the original plot, little characters are constructed. These characters that can even be mentioned as "some people" in the original work are not without flesh and blood.

It is impossible for a person to live completely alone in this world. To establish a connection is to establish a thread.

This silk thread that has spanned countless years finally pulled Bai Li today.

Bai Li has never felt a fact like today: they are people, living people, people of flesh and blood, people with emotions and unpredictable people.

The voice of the conversation was small, but it was transmitted through the voice system of the main arena.

The cheers of the crowd faded away, and only the universe and stars were seen on the main stage.

Lu Zhao looked at Bai Li standing on the stage, and the always arrogant Young Master Bai patted Song Tai's back awkwardly.

No one spoke, and after a long time, the commentator said: "Thank you for your hard work."

There was applause.

Bai Li couldn't remember how he got off the main stage, Situ's eyes were watery, and he patted Bai Li's shoulder.

"Isn't that great," Situ said, "other than us, there are people who remember you."

Bai Li came back to his senses and shook his head: "I don't want this kind of 'remembering'."

This kind of "remembering" Too heavy, with pain, bloody lives, and his leg, and Jiang Hao's guilt for a lifetime.

Situ was speechless.

"I'm not unhappy," Bai Li said, "I'm just..."

All kinds of complicated emotions made Bai Li unable to find an accurate position, and even couldn't show an accurate expression. In the end, he was left blank .

The assistant handed the personal terminal to Bai Li, and there were two text messages from Lu Zhao on it.

Lu Zhao: Let's go.

Lu Zhao: Calendar.

For some reason, Bai Li felt Lu Zhao's clumsy comfort from the second text message.

This blunt, boring consolation didn't mention anything, but made Bai Li feel comfortable.

Hey, let's go, let's go home.

After packing up their things, the people of Bai's Research Institute walked out through the dedicated backstage passage.

Walking out of the dedicated passage, the reporters standing outside the door have been waiting for a long time. There was supposed to be an interview with the winner after the game, but when Bai Li came out, the reporters didn't rush forward.

They looked at Bai Li in silence, and someone said cautiously: "Mr. Bai Li, do you have time for our interview?"

Lu Zhao leaned on the suspension car, and when he saw Bai Li coming out, he stood up straight.

Bai Li's condition seemed to be okay, much better than what Lu Zhao imagined. He waved to Lu Zhao before going to deal with the reporter.

Before the reporters asked their first question, Lu Zhao received a communication from Jiang Hao.

"Where is it?" Jiang Hao asked with a strange expression while driving, "Bai Li doesn't answer the communication, is he with you?" Lu Zhao

glanced at Bai Li, who was surrounded by reporters: "It's at the back door of the main stadium. , accept the interview."

Just after speaking, the communication was hung up, and within a few minutes, a suspension vehicle equipped with the Legion rushed over and stopped near the back door.

Jiang Hao jumped out of the car, and before Lu Zhao could say hello, he ran towards Baili like the wind.

"Bai Li!" Jiang Hao began to shout from a long distance away, "Major General!"

Bai Li turned his head and saw Jiang Hao pushing the reporter away with a strange expression, probably because he was too anxious, he shouted out all the previous titles.

"There's news," Jiang Hao squeezed through the crowd, almost jumping in front of Bai Li, "There... there's news, just now, they... Lin Sheng..." "

Slow down," Bai Li hurriedly said When he stabilized himself, Jiang Hao's eyes froze, Jiang Hao's eyes were very red, Bai Li winked at Situ, "My former comrade-in-arms has something to do with me, you should talk to Situ first. "

The reporters quickly stepped aside, Bai Li held Jiang Hao's shoulders and walked out, Lu Zhao thought it was something else, so he took two steps up.

Before Bai Li could ask again, he felt that Jiang Hao's body began to tremble.

"What's going on?" Bai Li was startled, "What's the matter?"

He had never seen Jiang Hao like this before. It was like losing his soul, and it was like a soul that had been separated for many years had finally returned.

Jiang Hao shook his head, and two tears fell to the ground.

Bai Li froze in place as if he had been burned.

The two of them stood a little far away. Lu Zhao didn't quite hear what Jiang Hao said, but saw Jiang Hao leaning into Bai Li's ear and saying a few words. Bai Li stared blankly at the two drops of water stains on the ground like a wooden man. .

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he pushed Bai Li, but Bai Li was still a little dazed, his lips moved, but he didn't make a sound, Jiang Hao pushed him again: "Really." "Really!" Jiang Hao said

again again.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly put his arms around Bai Li's shoulders and let out a hoarse cry: "What's the use? After so many years, I don't know whether I should be happy or not." Lu Zhao never thought that Jiang Haowen would be

polite A person who cried so loudly.

Crying so suddenly.

Jiang Hao pinched his shoulder so hard that Bai Li almost felt his fingers sink into his shoulder.

He recovered from the pain, only to realize that Jiang Hao was crying with snot and tears, and what he said just now didn't have such a big impact.

The reporters and Situ's group not far away were stunned, Bai Li cleared his throat, and patted Jiang Hao: "Don't cry, the boss is not young, it's embarrassing."

Jiang Hao moaned while wiping his tears.

"It's almost done!" Bai Li punched him, "Isn't it endless?!"

Jiang Hao was hit, and his crying became quieter.

"What's going on?" Lu Zhao walked over.

"Something happened to the Legion." Bai Li felt a little funny when Jiang Hao wiped his tears, and sighed, "Don't cry, Lieutenant General Jiang, go back and sleep, don't think so much." Jiang Hao

shook He shook his head, nodded again, rubbed his eyes hard, put his arm on Bai Li's shoulder and patted again and again.

Bai Li's shoulder was squeezed and patted repeatedly by him, causing his scalp to tighten from the pain.

What kind of day is today, and the two of them are hanging on him and crying.

Lu Zhao saw a trace of tiredness on Bai Li's face, but he didn't ask carefully. Jiang Hao's sudden loss of control attracted the attention of the people around him, so it's not suitable to talk about it now.

After Bai Li sent Jiang Hao to his own suspension car and watched the car drive out of the main arena, he turned and walked back to Lu Zhao.

Lu Zhao's eyes kept falling on Bai Li's face, which was even more tense than Bai Li's.

"Let's talk later," Bai Li smiled, "Can you help me?"

Lu Zhao nodded.

"Go and tell Situ that the reporter will let him deal with it. I want to go home and rest first." Bai Li opened the passenger door of Lu Zhao's suspension car, stepped in with one foot, turned around and said, "What is he going to ask?" Okay, let me just say that my legs are uncomfortable. I will explain to him later."

Lu Zhao looked at him, didn't ask any further questions, turned and walked towards Situ, who was surrounded by reporters and was sweating profusely.

Bai Li got in the car and saw Lu Zhao walking into the crowd from the rearview mirror. The reporters probably knew him and made way for him spontaneously. Lu Zhao said a few words to Situ, and Situ suddenly became nervous and nodded repeatedly.

It's embarrassing to make Teacher Si worry. In fact, Bai Li's legs were fine, but he really didn't have the energy to deal with the reporter today, so he had to hand over this arduous task to the teacher of the technical house secretary.

Very tired.

Bai Li's shoulders seemed to still have the strength from when Jiang Hao pinched him.

This strength made Bai Li realize that the guilt of so many years is like engraved on Jiang Hao's nerves, and Jiang Hao will never forget it in this life.

He didn't even know whether he should be happy or not, so he couldn't talk about forgetting.

What Jiang Hao said just now still echoed in Bai Li's ears, but it wasn't until he got into the car and there was no one else around that he slowly digested and understood the meaning of every word.

He felt as if he had been fished out of the corrosive liquid, and he was still breathing, but he was already extremely tired and didn't want to move.

It felt strange, the end of a nightmare, but he wasn't feeling lighthearted or happy. Today, he discovered that the mission that year not only caused him to lame a leg, but also affected the lives of many people.

And these are only for the fulfillment of a person, they have lived so seriously for so many years, it seems that they are only for the time when they can perfect this person.

Lu Zhao opened the car door and saw Bai Li sitting in the passenger seat, bent deeply, buried his face in his knees, curled his arms in his lower abdomen, his whole body seemed to be folded and curled up into a ball.

"Bai Li," Lu Zhao quickly closed the car door, frantically groping Bai Li's back, "Where does it hurt?" Then he reacted, and hurriedly started the hover car, "Go to the military hospital." "It's okay," Bai Li lay on his

stomach On his knee, "I'll take it easy, I'll do it in a while. It's not uncomfortable."

Lu Zhao heard something was wrong, he frowned, and stroked Bai Li's back hesitantly.

After a while, Bai Li's voice was heard.

"Jiang Hao received the news from above." Bai Li did not straighten up, but still said on his stomach, "The military, the police department, the noble council and other parties have joined forces to request the royal family to investigate Lin Sheng." Lu Zhao was stunned

: "The royal family..."

"The second heir also joined the request. His Majesty allowed the investigation. The relatively neutral police department will lead the investigation, and the senior military officials will coordinate the investigation." Bai Li said, "The marshal...he asked Jiang Hao Send me a message, saying that after the matter is over and the game is over, I will go to his house with you for dinner."

Ever since Bai Li returned to the public eye, the marshal has not had much communication with him. The marshal's words sounded very homely, but it also revealed a message, there will be an explanation for this matter, and he will meet with Bai Li again when all the dust settles.

It is self-evident what this sentence means to Bai Li, and Lu Zhao immediately understood why Jiang Hao cried bitterly.

The police department is impartial and neutral, and the military circles under the leadership of the marshal will not allow this matter to continue to sink to the bottom of the sand. The outside world has also begun to ask the royal family and military circles to give a reasonable explanation again, and the case back then can no longer be suppressed.

After many years, Bai Li and Jiang Hao finally saw the dawn of justice.

But some dawns come too late, and those who see the light are almost exhausted on the road, and have no strength to smile.

"It's a good thing." Lu Zhao patted Bai Li's back. He couldn't find any other words, so he could only repeat over and over again, "Bai Li, it's all right. It's a good thing." "I know," Bai Li said, although he was in the

way For the sake of the royal family, this matter will be carried out in a low-key manner, but as long as the marshal and the second heir are on the same side, Lin Sheng can't run away, "I know, I am..."

Lu Zhao didn't know how to speak.

"Jiang Hao has felt guilty all his life after so many people died, and so many families have suffered accordingly," Bai Li said, "For one person, our life, our life, mine for so many years, I How many years can he have in a lifetime?"

"Even if all these bastards are finished and the fate of the shit collapses, that's okay," Bai Li groped for his shoulder with one hand, and Jiang Hao was so hard that he almost fell His shoulder was broken, "Dead people can't live, and the pain left behind has to be borne. My legs will be like this until they die. Jiang Hao knows, so he will feel that he owes me until he dies." Lu

Zhao It felt like Bai Li's body was shaking.

"But I'm still very happy. I'm different from Jiang Hao's grandson. I still know whether I should be happy or not. After all, I've walked the night road for so many years without seeing my fingers," Bai Li said, "I finally saw something People live."

Lu Zhao opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But a low, low sob was heard.

Bai Li didn't know why he was like this, he hadn't done this for many years.

It may be because today he acted as the object of two people's crying, Bai Li felt that there was an element of infection in it.

Lu Zhao's hand stroking his back froze, and Bai Li wanted to say "don't stop and continue", but his throat seemed to be stuffed with cotton, and he couldn't say anything.

The back was covered with warmth, Lu Zhao leaned over and pulled Bai Li closer to him, and hugged him.

Bai Li felt a kiss land on his hair, and then down on the back of his neck, glands, and collar.

"Take a break," Lu Zhao said, "Take a rest and be happy again."

Bai Li felt that Lu Zhao was covering him, wrapping him tightly.

Like a quilt enchantment.

In the enchantment, he may not be the one who comforts people.

A quilt enchantment can hide a lot of choking.

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