Chapter 15

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   As if ups and downs in the suffocating darkness, Lu Zhao couldn't resist the omega's nature. The moment Bai Li touched his gland, he was guided by the other party's pheromone, and even his breathing fluctuated with Bai Li's heartbeat.

Lu Zhao didn't know if all omegas were like him, and occasionally felt that the estrus was like a huge monster that could swallow him alive. In the despairing dark abyss brought about by estrus, only the scent of alpha is the only perceivable existence.

In this short period of time, Bai Li is the spark in the darkness, as long as he wants to, he can ignite Lu Zhao together.

Alpha's pheromone wraps the omega in estrus and injects it from the gland. This feeling is very indescribable, the slight pain is accompanied by the excitement that makes Lu Zhao's legs go weak, and Bai Li's arms are tightly wrapped around his waist, forcing him to maintain a fixed posture and endure the continuous injection of pheromones.

The first to be soothed by alpha pheromones was the pain caused by overuse of inhibitors. It was like a body riddled with holes was quickly repaired, and the original pain gradually became numb. Lu Zhao was speechless. Feeling that he should have uttered a few vague syllables, Bai Li held his thumb and rubbed the back of his hand to comfort him.

What was then suppressed by Bai Li's pheromone was the heat of estrus, the heat wave that almost made Lu Zhao dizzy gradually calmed down, subsided, and disappeared into the depths of his body again.

Even so, the feeling of powerlessness all over his body could not be completely eliminated. Lu Zhao's consciousness slowly came to life, and sweat flowed down his bangs and dripped on his cheeks.

Bai Li's lips and teeth had moved away from his glands at some point, and his forehead touched Lu Zhao's shoulder from behind. The hot air he exhaled while panting made Lu Zhao slightly shudder.

Once tagged, omegas are extra sensitive to the pheromones that tag their own alpha.

No one spoke in the tightly sealed house for a while, only each other's heavy breathing could be heard. The heat of estrus has faded, but the close bodies can still feel each other's scorching body temperature.

Lu Zhao has completely woken up from the estrus period, but his body is still tired, and he has no strength to slap Bai Li away, so he can only say in a hoarse voice: "I'm fine." Bai Li behind him didn't say anything, and Lu Zhao felt that he was

tense The body is trying to calm down the pheromone that is still raging.

Marking not only affects omega, but also stimulates alpha's intense agitation. Young Master Bai has not recovered yet, and he is recalling the rules of his lower body control ability.

Of course, Bai Li had to admit that his current situation was a bit embarrassing, and he really didn't know how to speak.

After a long time, Lu Zhao suddenly laughed.

The sound is very soft, but very clear. Lu Zhao's voice was still a little hoarse, and he said, "So it smells like chocolate.


The head leaning on Lu Zhao's back was buried down again, and the arms around his waist tightened slightly.

After a pause for a few more seconds, Lu Zhao asked, "You still dislike other people's apple-flavored ones?" Isn't your smelling like apples in the middle of the night like poisoning?

"Can we not mention the flowers?" Bai Li finally raised his head, quite embarrassed, "It was my chocolate-flavored pheromone that made a great contribution to our harmonious marriage just now, yes, this smell is childish A little bit, then it is also a high-level childish, you go to other places to look for it, do you know if you can't find it?"

I can't find it, the main reason is that this kind of candy-like taste is generally not the main tendency of alpha pheromone. Generally speaking, the pheromone smell of omega is soft and sweet, which is more in line with the public aesthetics, and it is more flirtatious at that time.

Alpha's scent is stronger, more aggressive, overbearing, and domineering, matching their status as the controllers.

Bai Li was a sturdy alpha who was born in a noble family and had fought in the military. His pheromone actually tasted like chocolate. It's no wonder that he usually hides it secretly, and uses mental strength to suppress it very tightly.

Lu Zhao thought it was too funny to put this on Bai Li.

"Fuck, can you stop laughing?" Bai Li felt that Lu Zhao's body was shaking because he couldn't stop laughing, and said irritably, "What's so funny, huh? What's so funny?" Lu Zhao replied with a smile:

" It smells quite silky."

Bai Li was completely silent, dejected, and buried his head back on Lu Zhao's back.

After a few seconds, Bai Li said sullenly: "I can't choose the flavor by myself, damn it." It may be

because Lu Zhao was so sensitive to Bai Li's emotional fluctuations just now, and he heard a trace of pitifulness from this sentence I think it's interesting that Young Master Bai's face is not as thick as other people outside think.

Lu Zhao didn't shake him off his back, and he could still smell Baili's scent in his breath. After pausing for a while, Lu Zhao said, "It's quite like you." He said that the taste is very similar to Bai Li.

Young Master Bai behind him didn't understand and didn't raise his head: "Huh?"

Lu Zhao didn't answer.

With every breath, the smell of chocolate that reaches the lungs and nerves is sweet, mild and rich, but a little bitter at the end. It is clearly sweet when inhaled into the nasal cavity, but the residual taste after exhaling is mixed with bitterness, which is hard to let go.

Lu Zhao didn't tell Bai Li about his after hearing this, he still kept the posture of being pressed against the wall by Bai Li, and moved his body. I didn't feel anything when I was in estrus just now, but now I feel that Bai Li's presence is too strong: "Don't let go?" "

Slowly," Bai Li kept taking deep breaths, the last thing he wanted at the moment was Facing Lu Zhao's face directly, "Slowly."

Huan didn't need to explain anything, Lu Zhao already felt how hot the body next to him was, and there was still a place against him.

Okay, tacit understanding, take it easy.

After five or six seconds, Lu Zhao asked: "Is it all right?"

"Damn," Bai Li became annoyed, "Huahua, do you think this can be solved in five or six seconds?"

Lu Zhao was confused: "Your mental strength Isn't it very high?"

Bai Li was incompetent and furious: "Then my mental strength is not concentrated on the lower body now, is it okay in one episode?"

It seems to be the reason, Lu Zhao is not very clear about the structure of alpha, nor does he know the mark Afterwards, his pheromone became even more deadly to Bai Li, and he asked, "What should I do?"

Sometimes Bai Li was very angry with Lu Zhao's questioning about his studies, and it took him a long time before he said, "Don't mention this business. Flowers, talk about something else to distract me."

"Ah," Lu Zhao was taken aback, "Speak first, distract me first."

Bai Li: "..." Fuck!

Young Master Bai didn't know how to write the word "shame" at this moment: "No, how do you think I scattered you when the flag was raised?

" The kung fu of a fart will help you scatter.

Bai Li was stunned.

There was an eerie silence in the room for several minutes.

"Then I'll try harder." Bai Li didn't even need to give him the steps, he found a way down by himself.

Lu Zhao laughed out loud.

He didn't have any temper for laughing at Bai Li. He felt that this was not a normal post-event scene at all, and he couldn't even feel embarrassed.

"Go to the hospital later?" Bai Li could only find a topic for himself to disperse. "The people who heard the medical treatment just now said that you can make medicine for relief. You can go to the flowers to make bubbles." Lu Zhao shook his head: "No." It's really not necessary, he


now It is enough to smell Baili, which is more stable than the feeling brought by inhibitors.

Although it smells like chocolate, it feels like it will cause tooth decay after smelling it for a long time.

Bai Li mobilized his mental strength and took a deep breath, and finally used his fingernails to pinch his palms. Finally, he was almost relieved, and then turned around and sat down on the ground with his back against the wall.

It may be that the posture was too long, and the knees were kneeling on the ground for too long. After he suddenly relaxed, there was a slight pain in his left leg, like a filament penetrating the bone marrow, which made Bai Li's expression stiff for a moment.

Lu Zhao glanced at him, did not speak, and sat against the wall.

Marking is a wonderful feeling, creating a kind of vague connection between two completely independent people. Now none of them restrained their pheromones, and the satisfaction brought about by exchanging pheromones could not be described in words.

Bai Li gradually relaxed, he slowly stretched his left leg, and his eyes fell on the leg. After a long while, Bai Li said, "My left leg doesn't hurt all day long in the past few years. It only hurts when I maintain a posture for a long time, or when there are external stimuli. I just need to rest and rest." From Lu Zhao to Bai

Li So far, this should be the longest sentence he has ever said about his left leg.

Lu Zhao turned to look at him.

"Flowers, in the morning, I didn't mean anything else," Bai Li also looked at Lu Zhao, his bangs rubbed against Lu Zhao's back and turned up again, making him look a little fluffy, "I just don't I'm used to telling people about this, and I don't mean to guard against you, so don't be angry."

This sentence "Don't be angry" reminded Lu Zhao of Bai Li's sentence "I won't let you hurt too much" before marking it. Be careful.

Lu Zhao replied: "Not angry." Really not angry.

Bai Li smiled, and casually threw the empty inhibitor bottle that was thrown on the ground farther away.

The empty bottle rolled to a small corner, and Lu Zhao's gaze followed along.

Lu Zhao looked at the empty bottle, and suddenly said, "I lived in a bad environment when I was young."

This was the first time Lu Zhao mentioned his youth, and Bai Li didn't speak, waiting for Lu Zhao to continue.

After marking, it brought a comfortable sense of fatigue, and Lu Zhao's voice rarely seemed a little lazy. He continued: "There are refugees around, and there are people who can't stay on the main star and important subsidiary stars. It is very dangerous. In order to prevent us from emitting too strong smell, adults will inject us with a large amount of inhibitors."

Bai Li turned his head to look at him: "Excessive use of inhibitors, underage omega will be very painful." "

Pain is the proof that there is no despair." Lu Zhao said lightly, "It's nothing."

Maybe it's because of the establishment of a marker connection, alpha Bai Li felt very uncomfortable because of his possessiveness and protectiveness. He finally knew why Lu Zhao still used inhibitors excessively in this era.

Lu Zhao said: "So I'm really not angry. Bai Li, I know you don't want to mention it, and sometimes I don't want to." Either I'm

guarding against someone, or I have a lump in my heart, and it hurts every time I touch it.

Lu Zhao understood Bai Li, so he didn't want to touch Bai Li's pimple, and he didn't want to be the one who made Bai Li uncomfortable.

"Every time I finish talking about my legs, I don't like the expressions other people show." Bai Li put one hand on his well-curved leg, and subconsciously touched the knee of his left leg with the other, "It's better than looking down on me." , sympathizing with me makes me even more upset."

Lu Zhao said "Yes", he understood, the more he understood, the less he wanted to say more.

To put it too much is like pity, a person is obviously so big, but everyone only looks at the broken part of him.

On the white cloth, people can only see black spots. If the white cloth is stained, either regret it or throw it away.

Bai Li thought about it for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, he turned to Lu Zhao and said, "Huahua, what do you think is wrong with me except my legs can't work? My mental strength is high. If you fight for mental strength, you will be the first!" There are not many legions who are my opponents. I call it disabled and strong!"

"Fuck." Lu Zhao laughed, "Then have you slowed down? Physically disabled and strong."

Bai Li was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "This I can't make it through, can I?"

It's more than difficult to get through this. Lu Zhao thinks about it for a long time. When he smells Bai Li's scent now, he will think of Bai Li's body against his back. The scorching body temperature almost burns with him.

Over there, Bai Li got up and patted his wrinkled trousers: "Sure, I'll make way for the major general brother, let them drive my car to the gate of Building A first, and go back to the apartment directly today, I think both of us will be fine today." Don't even think about running outside."

The two of them are almost intoxicated by each other now, and anyone who smells it knows that it was just marked.

Bai Li plucked his hair twice. He always had to put on the image of Young Master Bai in front of outsiders. He had to wear high-end clothes, drive an expensive car, and had the most handsome image. Don't forget to organize yourself.

After several times of pawing, his hair was still sticking up. Lu Zhao looked impatiently: "Liu Hai."

Bai Li touched his bangs: "Ah?"

"Here," Lu Zhao gestured twice, "No, a little bit to the left, a little bit to the left Left and right."

Young Master Bai rubbed his head into a mess.

"Where exactly?" I was also very angry.

Lu Zhao was so annoyed that he lost his temper: "Come here."

While still pulling his hair, Bai Li walked over and squatted in front of Lu Zhao, asking Lu Zhao to fix his hair.

Lu Zhao raised his arms and pressed down the most upturned ones of Bai Li first: "Come closer." He was very tired with his arms raised.

"Success." Young Master Bai moved forward again.

The location was still a little far away, and Lu Zhao didn't bother to say anything, and grabbed Bai Li's collar, forcing him to lean forward. Bai Li was caught off guard, "Fuck", and quickly stretched out an arm to support the wall behind Lu Zhao: "Flowers, can you be gentle?!"

Lu Zhao ignored him, but the hand that was cutting Bai Li's hair was very gentle. Pass through Bai Li's hair, smooth out the messy hair, and suppress the raised bangs.

Bai Li's hair was very soft, just like the touch of Lu Zhao's skin a few times before. When combing his bangs with his fingertips, he touched his forehead, and the warm body temperature came from his fingertips for a short time.

"It feels good?" Bai Li's voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Zhao glanced at him.

Bai Li said again: "You can't stop touching."

Not only was he not angry, but he sounded quite proud.

Young Master Bai is very proud of any advantage in himself, no matter how big or small the advantage is.

Lu Zhao was quite frank, "Yeah" and said: "Kneading can relieve pressure." "

..." The complacency on Bai Li's face disappeared in an instant, and it took a long time before he said dryly, "Brother Major General, what are you doing?" Is it a compliment?"

Lu Zhao was amused: "Forget it." He patted Bai Li's shoulder again, "Okay." Young

Master Bai, who had his hair done up, looked like a peacock in the past, and walked to the door She didn't forget to turn her head and wink at Lu Zhao before she opened the locker room door and walked out.

Because there was no danger, the closed door was completely opened, and the fresh air dilutes some of the smells in the house.

Lu Zhao subconsciously sniffed his hands, and vaguely felt the smell of chocolate lingering between his fingers.

If you smell too much, you may develop tooth decay.

When Bai Li came back to the locker room, Lu Zhao had already stood up, packed his training clothes and put them back in the locker. He doesn't need to train today, and his body in estrus is indeed not suitable for strenuous exercise after being marked.

The sleepiness made Lu Zhao feel a little tired, but as soon as Bai Li approached, both of them still had a subtle reaction to the sense of connection brought by the pheromones on each other.

An alpha who has never been marked, an omega who has never been marked, feels the lack of his own physiological knowledge for the first time.

"I think I know quite a lot, but I didn't expect to gain true knowledge through practice." Young Master Bai was quite emotional.

Lu Zhao always felt that these words were not quite right to describe this matter, but he was quite used to the messy metaphors coming out of Bai Li's mouth, and walked out together listening to Bai Li's babbling.

Although the blockade has been lifted, there are still not many people around Building A of the training ground.

When the two walked out of Building A, apart from Huo Cun who was in charge of driving the car in, only Jiang Hao and Han Miao were left waiting outside the building.

"Zhou Linshan was sent to the hospital. I heard that he has just stabilized." When Han Miao saw Lu Zhao, he didn't hesitate, and explained the situation directly, "I've already gone to find out why he joined the army before he reached the age of majority. Now, you go back to rest first, and I'll let you know when this matter has a result."

In fact, Lu Zhao doesn't care much about other people's affairs, but this matter involves two omega, it is estimated that the military will have to give everyone an explanation . He nodded casually and greeted Jiang Hao again.

Jiang Hao's eyes turned back and forth on the faces of Bai Li and Lu Zhao, and finally fell on Lu Zhao, and smiled: "Take a good rest." On the way, he

contacted the logistics department from his personal terminal and adjusted some nutrient solution Call Lu.

There are many types of nutrient solution developed by the imperial military, not only the common repairing meal replacement type, but also the solid type developed for soldiers, which has always been called "health care product" by Bai Li.

Bai Li was about to go to his own car when Han Miao stopped him.

Han Miao stretched out his hand: "Mr. Bai, the situation was a bit awkward just now. I didn't have time to introduce myself. My name is Han Miao, and I'm a major general like Lu Zhao. When you got married, I was sent on a patrol mission and didn't participate."

"You're welcome," Bai Li recognized that this was one of the alphas gathered in front of the building just now, but he didn't care much, and shook hands with the smile of Young Master Bai, "Just call Bai Li." That attractive

face She smiled brilliantly, without the slightest slamming force to knock someone's head on the ground not long ago.

The two casually chatted a few gossips, and it seemed that Bai Li was still the son and brother that the outside world said, not the alpha who made Han Miao feel uncomfortable.

Just as Lu Zhao was about to lift his feet to move forward, he saw traces left on the ground from the corner of his eye.

Bits of blood fell on the ground, and there were long drag marks where heavy objects were dragged. Lu Zhao didn't realize it: "Is this blood?"

No one said anything, Huo Cun opened his mouth, glanced at Bai Li, and finally closed it again.

He didn't see Bai Li beating anyone, and when he came out of Building A, he only saw an alpha lying on the ground.

Other people around looked at A on the ground, no one stepped forward to help him up, and no one spoke. In the end, the two medical soldiers who came out later turned the man over to look at the injury. The bloody face has not disappeared from Huo Cun's memory until now.

Because the medical vehicle with the stretcher had already left, the two medical soldiers had no choice but to drag A to the shade of a tree for treatment. Fortunately, he was an alpha with a strong body, and it was common for him to be tortured like this Son, there is no need for any treatment, just make sure that you will not die or be disabled.

It was only when they were pulled away by the second car that came that Huo Cun realized that it was Bai Li who beat him.

It was that pair of noble hands that pressed the person's head and knocked it out on the ground.

"What blood?" Bai Li rubbed the blood stains on the ground with the sole of his shoe, and said lazily, "Do you know that the red carpet is for people to step on?" He smiled and

made a "please" gesture, signaling Lu Zhao to get on the car first.

Lu Zhao glanced at him, and after a few seconds, asked, "Have you enjoyed it?"

Bai Li said happily, "It's so cool."

The two of them understood each other, and sat in the car as usual.

Anyway, let's talk about it first.

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