Chapter 65

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  The last day of the year in the empire is still shrouded in rain and fog.

There were bursts of thunder and bangs, and Tang's old house looked a bit dilapidated under the thunderstorm.

Mrs. Tang wiped the sweat from her son Tang Kaiyuan's forehead. The latter was lying on the bed with his eyes tightly closed, his cheeks flushed sickly due to the high fever.

"It's a good speech, make it like this!" Tang Xiao sat on the small sofa next to him, his face turned blue, "It's all right now, the cooperation between Mrs. Gao and Lin Sheng is gone, and the reputation and face of the young master are gone. Mrs. Tang

said softly: "Keep your voice down, and have a good rest."

"Nothing!" Tang Xiao said impatiently, "If you say that you are angry and anxious before getting sick, I think it's not worth it."

Mrs. Tang didn't Saying nothing, An Lun, who had been sitting next to the bed, bit his lip: "It's not to blame Kai Yuan, it's Bai—" "

Stop mentioning that bastard in the Tang family!" Tang Xiao stood up abruptly, the lines of his shoulders tense, " What kind of thing is he, he's lame and useless, he doesn't deserve to be a mecha, what kind of competition!" The

voice was very loud, and he yelled something, "The future of the empire cannot be entrusted to this kind of person" "The academy competition He should be banned from participating in such a disabled person." An Lun was taken aback, Tang Xiao's current appearance was far from the gentle and elegant old nobleman he was when he first came to the old mansion.

"Don't be afraid," Mrs. Tang said softly, "he's not in good health recently, he has a headache and has a bad temper."

An Lun also whispered: "I really can't blame Kaiyuan, if it wasn't for Bai Li's last sarcasm, with The other audience members also applauded, Kaiyuan won't be out of breath when he gets off the stage, and it's raining when he goes out to breathe..."

Hearing the word "Bai Li", Mrs. Tang held the paper towel for wiping sweat His fingers were clenched tightly, but he didn't speak.

"I used to hear Kaiyuan say that the guy from the Bai family had trouble with him and bullied him when he was a child." An Lun complained, "I've seen it today, and I'm really arrogant and domineering. I dare to do this on the main star and the speech of the first heir. Sooner or later Someone clean him up."

After a moment of silence, Mrs. Tang said, "Don't talk about Bai Li like that." After a pause, she added, "When Kaiyuan wakes up, I will persuade him. If he likes mechs and games, Then focus on the competition itself, don't waste your time and experience on competing with anyone, and don't expect any shortcuts."

An Lun glanced at her in surprise: "Madam, why are you talking to the Bai family? Open source is you My son."

Mrs. Tang said: "Bai Li is also my son."

An Lun choked, it was true. It's just that no one mentioned this in the Tang family, so he would subconsciously ignore it. An Lun said: "But Kaiyuan grew up around you, and it's different from Baili."

The tissue in her hand was thrown into the trash can. Mrs. Tang clasped her fingers, sat on the chair, looked at Tang Kaiyuan's face, and repeated softly. Repeatedly: "Bai Li is also my son."

An Lun was a little angry, and was about to say something, when the family doctor knocked on the door with a medical examination form.

"Master Tang's high fever should subside soon, but..." the family doctor hesitated, "I checked again just now, and I feel that the condition of the young master is not quite right." Tang Xiao impatiently said: "Say it straight, what's the cost?

" Talk."

"It seems that the body has been in an unstable state," the family doctor explained, "the mental strength is very unstable, and it will affect the young master's spirit and emotions after a long time. I personally think that the young master's body does not seem to match this high level." A level of mental power, long-term exposure to mental pressure that exceeds the limit of ability will cause the body to be damaged and weakened."

An Lun's face turned pale in an instant.

"What do you mean," Tang Xiao said, "You mean my son doesn't have high-level mental power?!

" Mental strength is not at this level, I would like to ask how he has improved to this level in such a short period of time? If we know the reason, maybe we can cooperate with medicine or something..." The Tang couple couldn't answer this question, and they looked at each other

. Vote for An Lun.

"Mr. An Lun, Kai Kaiyuan has been with you for the past few years since he left the main star," Mrs. Tang asked, "Do you know anything about this?"

An Lun bit his lip, his face turned pale.

"Speak!" Tang Xiao saw something was wrong, "Kai Kai said that he was rescued by your father as soon as he woke up, and broke through the limit of mental power in his sleep. Is this the case?" An Lun scratched his hands,

no Know how to speak.

"If it is acquired, we need to know the specific situation," said the family doctor, "Master's body is showing signs of weakness, and this may be the reason for the high fever." Tang Xiao's headache was dying, and he was impatient to

follow An Lun took time, and the frequent headaches during this time made him lose his self-control, and he kicked on the edge of the bed: "Say!"

An Lun shook his body, and then he said like a mosquito: "It's my father... with the new research and development The instrument stimulated the open source body..."

"Research and development?" Tang Xiao said in surprise, "How can your family have the qualifications for research and development!" "

If it stimulates the body and brain to improve mental power, it belongs to the field of mental power assisted development Yes," the family doctor was also surprised, "The empire has given up research and development in this area for many years, how do you have this technology?"

"My father has friendship with some black-faced friends. Together with his friends, he obtained research materials on this from a spaceship that was hijacked by interstellar pirates and sank into a deserted star due to failed rescue efforts," said An Lun. He whispered, "The person who died seems to be a person in charge of the Imperial Research Institute. There are detailed records about this project on the personal terminal..." The

basically completed project fell into the hands of An Lun's father. The little aristocrats in the city have long had the ambition to enter the main star, but they lack connections and funds, so they decided to follow the trend of research and development, sell finished products, and make a lot of money.

It's just that the research and development of the finished product is very difficult, and many experiments have been done after it is made, but the results are not satisfactory.

"Kaiyuan is the only one who succeeded." An Lun didn't dare to look into the eyes of the Tang couple. "At that time, he was already very weak, and normal medical methods could not save him. ...But he survived! It was my father who saved him!"

After speaking, he gained confidence again, raised his head and said loudly: "If my father hadn't saved him, he wouldn't have survived! Success proves that he has the capital to support high-intensity mental power, you don't know, he is the only one! We have never succeeded before and after him, he is a miracle! He is very powerful!" Mrs. Tang sat in

shock Sitting on the chair, my mind went blank.

It's not that she doesn't know anything about these things. The research and development fields abandoned by the empire are either unsatisfactory or too risky. Tang Kaiyuan encountered the second type obviously.

She stroked her son's hot forehead, tears filled her eyes.

It took Tang Xiao and the family doctor a long time to digest this fact, and the family doctor said anxiously: "The empire also had research and development in this area before, but because the experimenters suffered from excessive weakness, mental breakdown and even death after the experiment, the research and development was rejected. Stop it! How... how can you..."

Amway refused to accept it and said: "That's because they are not good enough, open source is no problem!"

"Shut up!" Tang Xiao scolded, and turned to look at the doctor, "Is there any way to treat it? I only have this son, he can't have an accident!"

Mrs. Tang glanced at Tang Xiao, and the words she blurted out were the truth. Tang Xiao really believed that there was only one son.

"It's... I can't say, I don't know much about it..." The doctor sighed, "In short, go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, and then don't use your mental power for the time being. With medication, your mental power should be reduced after a long time. It will gradually decline and return to the acceptable range of body and spirit."

Tang Xiao's complexion was very bad, and he knew what it meant.

This meant that the high-level alpha that Tang Corporation had just obtained disappeared.

"Yes!" Madam Tang's voice sounded, "Yes! As long as Kai Kai can restore health, anything is fine!"

Tang Xiao glared at her, but Madam Tang pretended not to see.

A burst of anger accompanied by a sharp headache made Tang Xiao clenched his fists.

Just as he was hesitating where the punch would land, Tang Kaiyuan who was lying on the bed opened his eyes suddenly, and said weakly, "No." "

Kaiyuan!" An Lun pounced on him, "You're awake, you're awake Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on me!"

Tang Kaiyuan was still sick, and almost passed out after being hit by An Lun. He pushed An Lun away, sat up slowly, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was panting.

He had a dream in his illness.

In the dream, he returned to the main planet, entered the coveted First Legion, severely slapped those who looked down on him in the face, and became a new star recognized by the entire empire. He has attracted a lot of attention, been sought after by the media, accepted various interviews, and called the first heir a brother, and the last half of his ass has already sat on the position of marshal.

In the dream, he has several lovers, he loves them, and they regard him as the only one.

Among these lovers was Lu Zhao.

In the dream, Lu Zhao not only broke with Bai Li, but also washed away his lifelong marks. He pushed Bai Li away for the last time, causing the young master who was once aloof and glorious to hit the shelf, and was hit by a heavy object on his leg again. A cripple died in the hospital.

He showed great kindness, buried Bai Li, and took Lu Zhao to his cemetery once. At the funeral, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional, telling the media and the public that he actually loves his brother very much, but his brother has been too stubborn for so many years, and the two could not reconcile.

In the dream he was doing well, with his own golden Kali, with glory, power, and status, a hero, a light.

This dream was so real that Tang Kaiyuan couldn't forget everything in the dream until he woke up. He even couldn't distinguish reality from dream for a moment.

He only knew that if his mental power fell back to the original point, then this dream would be completely broken.

"No," Tang Kaiyuan said again, "I will not fail."

The hand of his mother who was stroking his back stopped.

Tang Xiao's laughter sounded next to his ears: "Okay, as expected of my son, he has ambition!"

The rain splashed on the floor-to-ceiling windows, and there was a crackling sound.

Waste of time is the basic respect for holidays. When Bai Li said this, Lu Zhao actually felt that there was some bullshit.

Bai Li put on short-sleeved shorts, pointed at the messages on the virtual screen and said to Lu Zhao, "The location of this house is okay, but it is relatively small. Next time, you can live for a few days. Over there in the suburbs... You haven't been to the old house, and there's nothing left, I'll take you to visit later, there are medals on the whole wall..."

Lu Zhao listened with his head propped up, Bai Li I have confessed all the property of the Bai family, and now I am confessing the real estate.

"There are quite a lot of suites." Lu Zhao said.

"There are quite a few. Some of them were bought by the old man. I haven't been to the earlier ones a few times." Bai Li flipped through a few pictures to show Lu Zhao, "I live in this apartment, and I lived in the old house before."

The photo was taken when the old man was still there, and Bai Li was still a child, with his arms around the old man's waist with a grim expression on his face.

"This expression." Lu Zhao wanted to laugh.

"He said that as long as I can drag him, he will take me to the simulated warehouse." Bai Li also laughed.

"It's too small to go to the simulation warehouse, right?" Lu Zhao was surprised.

Bai Li said: "So I didn't drag it."

Jiang is still old and spicy, but Mr. Bai is still stronger.

"I'll show you the house." Bai Li enlarged the picture to show him what the old house looks like. "Resist the urge to admire me." Lu Zhao swipe the screen and swipe to

the place where Xiao Baili said: "When you were young, you It's very pretty."

"I've seen it all the way," Bai Li was very proud, "Sometimes when the old man beats me up, the butler will say when he stops him: 'It won't look so good if it's swollen.'" Lu Zhao couldn't help

laughing .

"Do you have any photos from your childhood?" Bai Li drew two more photos for Lu Zhao to see, "Let Young Master Bai see if I look good." Lu Zhao thought for a while,

called up his own files from his personal terminal, and then dug out A photo was enlarged for Bai Li to see.

"Picture taken at Imperial Citizen Primary School." Bai Li read out a line of words on it.

There were twenty or thirty people on the graduation photo. Bai Li walked around and quickly recognized who was Lu Zhao.

I don't know if it's the gray weather of this subsidiary star where interstellar refugees and wanted criminals gather, or for some other reason. The faces of the other children are all pale, with cautious and bewildered eyes, only Lu Zhao There is light in his eyes.

"Well," Bai Li pointed to little Lu Zhao, "Yes, I can barely admit that you and I are equally good-looking." For

a while, Lu Zhao didn't know whether to say thank you or give Bai Li a punch.

A text message box popped up on the virtual screen, the sender was Huo Cun, and what came was a form.

Bai Li returned Lu Zhao's personal terminal to him, and took a set of washed home clothes from the closet for him when Lu Zhao sat up to check the text messages. "My rotation for next year has been arranged." Lu Zhao took the clothes, closed his personal terminal and put it aside, and said with his clothes on, " It was

originally scheduled for the first half of the year."

The missions will be dispatched in the first half or the second half of the year, and there is no exact time when they are released. It is not bad to go back to the main star in ten days and a half months.

"Originally?" Bai Li suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, and asked, "Is there any change now?"

Lu Zhao put on his coat, and said "Yes", "I applied for an extension, and I took it off for a while."

"Is there something to deal with?" Bai Li sat back on the bed, "You can tell me, I'll see if I can help you."

Lu Zhao glanced at Bai Li.

"Really," Bai Li said with a smile, "I can still have a hand in the affairs of the main star." "I'm

fine," Lu Zhao looked at him, "The solicitation competition will start after the New Year's Eve." He paused, and then said, "I'll accompany you."

Sitting on the bed, Bai Li felt a lump of lemon stuck in his chest. It was sour at first, and then it began to turn sweet after the strength passed.

"You don't have to do this," Bai Li's voice was a little soft, "I didn't want to affect your work."

He really didn't think about what would happen to Lu Zhao, Bai Li knew that Lu Zhao loved this position, he didn't expect Lu Zhao to do this.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a postponement." Lu Zhao said, "I want to watch your match." Before he could

finish speaking, Bai Li rushed over and hugged Lu Zhao's waist, and buried his face in his abdomen.

Almost lay back on the bed by this pounce, Lu Zhao's figure stabilized, Bai Li's arm strangled him tightly, he could feel Bai Li's mood swings, which made Lu Zhao feel a little indescribable Son.

After being in the military for so many years, Lu Zhao admitted that this was the first time he affected his work due to personal reasons.

He couldn't help it.

"Thank you." Bai Li said in a muffled voice, "but don't worry about this kind of thing in the future..." "

I can do very little, Bai Li," Lu Zhao rubbed Bai Li's head, "accompany you It's the best thing I can do."

Bai Li buried his face in Lu Zhao's arms, with the smell of grass and laundry detergent in his nostrils.

In fact, he lacked companionship in his life. Mr. Bai was destined to only accompany him for a short distance. Situ Jianghao also had his own family and life. The absence of his family made it difficult for Bai Li to experience this sense of stable companionship.

He once felt that he didn't need to feel this way, but today he found that it was not the case.

With Lu Zhao to accompany him, he feels good.

Very down-to-earth, he is alive, and someone lives with him.

I can go a long way with him.

After being stroked by Lu Zhao on the back a few times, Bai Li bit Lu Zhao's lower abdomen through his clothes, and Lu Zhao gave a soft "hmm".

When Bai Li's nibble went up and landed on his chest, the butler robot shouted from outside the house, "It's here! The one for the flowers is here!" "

Shut up!" Bai Li shouted angrily outside. One sound.

The butler of the machine: "My friend, how could you be so cruel!"

Lu Zhao couldn't help laughing, he straightened the clothes that had been messed up by Bai Li, and rubbed Bai Li's head: "I'm hungry." "I'm hungry

too "" Bai Li said, "I almost ate it just now."

"I'm so hungry," Lu Zhao couldn't laugh or cry, "Cooking?"

Bai Li sighed, and followed Lu Zhao out of the bedroom.

The express robot has completed the handover with the machine butler, and a small box was placed on the head of the machine butler and sent to Lu Zhao: "Flowers' express!" "The

name you entered for it is 'flowers'?" Lu Zhao bent down and picked it up.

"It's not entered, it recognizes it by itself," Bai Li said with a smile, "What is it, can I see it?"

Lu Zhao nodded: "For you."

"For me again," Bai Li was a little surprised, "I thought you gave me all your belongings, which is already a big gift."

Lu Zhao smiled: " That one is 'expensive', this one is 'heavy'."

"Reasonable." Bai Li gave a thumbs up, "It's the first time I've seen a gift split into two."

He took the box and opened it on the dining table.

Seeing what was inside, Bai Li was stunned for a few seconds before reaching out and taking out the stone-like thing from a pile of anti-pressure foam.

A transparent stone, resembling amber, enclosing a pale golden kali flower.

"This Kali..." Bai Li held up the transparent stone in his hand, his voice was a little hoarse.

"The one that was pinned on your clothes before fell on the cruise ship," Lu Zhao said, "This is another one."

At that time, there were two Kali flowers in the pot that Zhou Yue gave, and one was left by Lu Zhao On Bai Li's suit, a flower was sent to the legion by the cruise ship and returned to Lu Zhao.

"Last time I told you how much this one is worth," Bai Li rubbed the transparent stone, "Why do you..." "

You said you wanted to keep it forever, but even if you find that one, it will be destroyed." Lu Zhao explained, "I just made this one like this, you can always have it." I have

always had a blooming light golden Kali flower.

There were only two flowers in one pot, and they all fell on Bai Li.

I don't know what expression Zhou Yue would have if he knew.

Bai Li didn't know Zhou Yue's expression, just like he didn't know his own expression now.

Lu Zhao remembered Bai Li's glory and every word he said. Bai Li himself couldn't remember the words.

"You are so fucking..." Bai Li turned around and hugged Lu Zhao fiercely, "You gave me two awards."

Lu Zhao reacted to this statement for a few seconds, and then smiled: "Yeah "

"This one alone is 'expensive' and 'heavy'," Bai Li's voice was trembling with emotion, "It's too heavy, Kalihua is for me—" "It's quite heavy,"

Lu Zhao said frankly, "I specially weighed it, and it's a bit worse than the one I've been looking at before, but it's okay." "...Huh

?" The weight?"

"The weight," Lu Zhao also said in a daze, "There are spiritual considerations, but there is also the weight." Bai Li

stood holding the stone for several seconds, thinking about what was under the big black stone. In the comment area, there is a photo of the man holding a rock and looking desperate.

"Okay!" Bai Li yelled, "Brother Major General is very thoughtful!"

Maybe it was because his action of holding the stone was too funny, Lu Zhao was laughed at by this voice, Bai Li's moved and funny mixed together, took Bending over the stone with a smile.

"Hey," Bai Li sighed after laughing enough, "You look like I can't get my gift."

Lu Zhao said unexpectedly, "Is there a gift?"

Bai Li glanced at him, turned back to the bedroom, took a small The mecha model came out.

"I made it." Bai Li was a little embarrassed. "It's a bit ugly, but you should be able to see it."

The small mecha model is placed with the transparent stone on the table, and it looks quite majestic.

Lu Zhao bent down and looked at it for a long time, then raised his head and said in surprise: "I have driven this model before." "

Yes," Bai Li was amused by his expression, "it was the first mecha you drove."

" Very handsome," Lu Zhao carefully touched it with his fingers, "When I was a child... I always wanted to have a model armor."

But I never got it. Later, when I grew up, when I actually started the armor, I never thought about my childhood. desire.

"I'll make the second one next year." Seeing that he wanted to touch it but was afraid of breaking it, Bai Li felt sore and handed the model directly to Lu Zhao. "It's very strong and won't break." Lu Zhao flipped through it

repeatedly After doing it several times, I realized later: "There will be more next year?"

"Yes, there will be more in the year after next, and there will be many years." Bai Li looked at him and smiled, "If you drive a few more, I can keep doing it. This The machine is not very good-looking, but the next one will look better."

"This one is very good." Lu Zhao touched the cockpit position on the chest of the mech, where there was a small word "Zhao" engraved, "What is this? Did you do it?"

Probably because he really likes it, Lu Zhaocai kept asking so proactively. Bai Li had some indescribable feelings in his heart. He looked at the corner of Lu Zhao's mouth that was always smiling. He was so happy because of a small gift.

"I made it with the equipment in the workshop of the research institute," Bai Li said. "The welding is a bit troublesome and I'm not very skilled, but the effect is good." Lu Zhao asked: "Which hand did the welding?" Bai Li was stunned,


out out his right hand.

Lu Zhao grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles: "Thank you."

"...You fucking..." Bai Li's ears turned red, "I'll blush if you talk about it again, this little thing is not as expensive as this stone, and it's not as heavy as a stone!" Lu Zhao smiled

. : "Thank you for telling me that there are still many years to go."

The heavy rain in the Empire completely drenched the main star on the last day of this year, and thunder roared outside the window.

It didn't take long for the apartment to be filled with the smell of food and the screams of the housekeeping robot complaining about the bad air.

The small mecha model is placed with the Kali flower sealed in a transparent stone.

Thunder cannot pass here.

On the same day, Huo Cun received an express delivery.

Major General Lu Zhao sent Huo Cun a New Year's gift with great interest, and Huo Cun opened it to have a look.

There are four big characters engraved on a big green ore: Friendship lasts forever.

Also comes with a card.

The front of the card is the slogan of the store: Let this bright green warm your friend's heart!

Turning to the back, it was Lu Zhao's message to him: I see that you like it very much, I will give you a piece.

Huo Cun cried and sent back a text message from Lu Zhao: Thank you Major General, I like it very much.

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