Chapter 90

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The medical equipment made a slight "beep" sound, and the fruity aroma was mixed with the pungent smell of the disinfectant.

Mrs. Tang was concentrating on peeling the fruit in her hand. The bruises and abrasions on her face were still obvious, and one eye was swollen, which looked a little funny.

The peel was cut several times because of her trembling hands, and she took a deep breath to calm her mood and trembling body.

The slightly obese man on the hospital bed moved in a coma. She glanced at it and continued to move.

Thoughts were still stuck in Tang's old house yesterday evening.

On the evening of the 17th, Tang Xiao received news that Tang Kaiyuan attacked Bai Li after losing the game.

At that time Tang Xiao just beat her up.

It was revealed that Mrs. Tang had investigated the machine, and Tang Xiao was quite angry.

For Tang Xiao, Mrs. Tang is probably the character he can control the most. But now even this quiet and docile omega dares to do tricks behind his back, which makes Tang Xiao feel that his dignity has been challenged.

Coupled with the fact that life has been very unsatisfactory recently, the public opinion of the outside world and Lin Sheng's affairs have made him afraid to leave the house, and he was scolded severely by the first heir.

Not to mention that Tang Kaiyuan lost completely in the live broadcast match.

Mrs. Tang became a punching bag, because she didn't have to leave the house, so those bruises finally spread to her face.

When the communication came in, Tang Xiao had just calmed down some of his anger, but he was still panting heavily, with a face like a pig's liver, and took his personal terminal to the small lounge next door to answer the communication.

Mrs. Tang got up from the ground, the voice of the communication was a bit low, she moved forward cautiously.

The first thing I heard was Tang Xiao's roar: "I know! I know he lost!"

The person on the other end of the communication said a few more words, Tang Kaiyuan's anger was instantly suppressed, and he asked in surprise: "What?! Are you Said he...impossible!...Is he really?"

This tone made Madam Tang's heart skip a beat.

"What do you mean he's crazy!" Tang Xiao changed from being suspicious to panic, "...he just can't control the pheromones a little bit, is that okay? I'll spend money to settle this—" He seemed to be

caught He stopped abruptly as if choking his neck, and after a few seconds, Mrs. Tang heard his unbelievable voice.

"Did he stab someone?" Tang Xiao said, "Who did he stab? Bai Li?"

Mrs. Tang lost all strength in her hand and fell to the ground.

Her mind was blank, she just felt that she was thrown into the bottomless sea of ​​ice.

After the person on the other end of the communication made a brief answer, Tang Xiao was silent for a while, then asked with a little trembling, "Is Bai Li dead?"

Mrs. Tang didn't hear the rest of the words clearly.

She sat on the ground dumbly for a while, then stood up slowly.

In the small lounge, Tang Xiao was still asking which hospital Tang Kaiyuan had been taken to, and asked his contacts to do PR to suppress the news. While cursing inaudible words, he threw the things at hand on the ground to vent his anger.

Mrs. Tang took out the medicine box, prepared the medicine Tang Xiao was going to take, paused, and added another one. She knew that Tang Xiao never cared about the dosage of medicine.

He straightened his messy clothes again, and stood there calmly waiting for Tang Xiao to come out.

While waiting, I heard Bai Li's name again, followed intermittently by words such as "legs" and "hospitalization". Baili's leg injury recurred and he was rushed to the military hospital.

Mrs. Tang's fingers pricked her palms to bleed.

Ten minutes later, Tang Xiao walked out of the small lounge with red eyes and bloodshot eyes, and glanced at her: "Your son has done a good job!" "Are you going out?

" Madam Tang stared at the patterns on the blanket with her head down. , asked warmly.

"Kai Kai was asked to be admitted to the hospital. He said he had a nervous breakdown! I have to go to the hospital to see if he can turn his mind around!" Tang Xiao cursed, "The hospital only exaggerates the facts! But it's... well, it's just It's just a stroke of the white calendar, but I was dazzled by my mental strength, and I will be fine after a short rest!"

Mrs. Tang clearly felt that Tang Kaiyuan's problem was probably hopeless this time.

If he stopped using the machine in time, he might be able to return to his normal state with later recuperation, but he not only used it again before this game, but even increased the intensity.

A person's ability to bear is limited, he thinks too much of himself.

But Mrs. Tang didn't say anything, she handed the small dish containing the medicine to Tang Xiao: "Go after taking the medicine."

Tang Xiao impatiently said "Trouble", grabbed it and swallowed it. Then he picked up the coat hanging on the hanger, looked at Mrs. Tang's face again, frowned and said, "Don't go, look at you, people think I'm doing something to you." "I'll see you off.

" Go to the door." Madam Tang wiped her face.

This meekness pleased Tang Xiao, he didn't refuse, he opened the door and walked away cursing.

He scolded the machine for a while, and scolded Bai Li for a while. Mrs. Tang followed behind him with a calm expression, smiling and nodding only when he turned around to ask for her approval.

Tang Xiao, who was walking in front, gradually became less cursing, his steps began to stagger, his figure wobbled, his breathing became short of breath, and his walking speed had to be slowed down due to dizziness.

His intuition was wrong, and when he reached the stairs, he held on to the handrail to stop.

"What's going on?" He had difficulty even opening his mouth, "I'm dizzy..." His

vision was blurred, and the stairs under his feet seemed to be floating in the air.

Madam Tang, who was following behind, didn't seem to hear his shout, she walked on her own, overtook him, went down two steps before suddenly stopping, turned her head and looked up at him slightly.

"Get out of here and help me!" Tang Xiao panted and cursed, "Didn't you see that I'm not feeling well?"

Mrs. Tang still looked at him like that.

Tang Xiao couldn't see her expression clearly due to the blurred vision, but he only felt the frost in those eyes looking at him, which made him shudder.

"Don't you really want to know how the news about you splashing dirty water on Baili got out?" Mrs. Tang asked suddenly.

Tang Xiao leaned on the armrest and smelled the smell of pheromone on Mrs. Tang's body, making her dizzy even worse.

Alpha's pheromones can make Omega fall into an inextricable estrus period, and Omega's pheromones can also arouse the deepest desires in Alpha's heart, shaking their rationality accordingly.

Tang Xiao shook his head: "What do you mean?"

"I recovered the data from your personal terminal and social account, and transferred it to mine," Madam Tang said softly, "Then released it."

Her voice was like soft dough, but it rubbed against Tang Xiao's nerves.

"What did you say?!" A burst of anger rushed directly to Tianling Gai, Tang Xiao let go of the armrest he was holding on, and threw his fists at Mrs. Tang's head, "You bitch!" Accompanied by the intense

emotion With ups and downs, Tang Xiao only felt his heart constrict suddenly, he couldn't breathe for a moment, and his eyes went black as if his brain lacked oxygen.

Omega's sweet and delicate pheromone smell exploded | enveloping him, he reacted almost immediately, his body was slightly weak, and he couldn't help grabbing towards the source of the pheromone.

This slight feeling of weakness was originally not serious to Alpha, but because of Tang Xiao's physical condition and where he was now, it had a fatal effect.

He leaned forward, lost his sense of balance in dizziness, and rolled directly onto the landing at the bottom of the stairs.

Madam Tang lifted her skirt and ran down, without stopping for a moment, gritted her teeth and pushed Tang Xiao's fat body off the platform and down again until he completely rolled down the stairs, lying on the ground like a dead pig, unable to move.

Tang Xiao lying on the cold floor looked like a pile of rotten meat, except for a few "hehe" groans from his throat, all he could do was gasp for breath.

Mrs. Tang's body couldn't help shaking, and she couldn't tell whether she was afraid or excited.

"...Bitch..." Tang Xiao squeezed out vague words from his throat.

"You're dizzy," Madam Tang tried not to let her voice tremble, and slowly went down a few steps, standing at a higher place to look at him, "Heartbeat is rapid, I can't breathe, my spirit is a little lax, and I can't concentrate Psychic power releases pheromones, right?"

Tang Xiao was lying on the ground, his head hit hard when he was rolling down, he was no longer young, besides the diseases brought about by age, unhealthy obesity, bad eating habits and alcoholism had left his body with nothing but The skin on the outside can no longer withstand this level of collision.

"I changed your medicine, and replaced it with concentrated pills, one tablet is worth 2-3 tablets, but the ingredients are the same," Mrs. Tang said, "In this way, even if it is checked, it will only be determined that you have taken too much medicine. ——You do always overdose. I checked this medicine, and overdose can cause dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, low energy and other symptoms." The medicine has already been changed, and Tang

Xiao has already unknowingly overdose several days.

Originally, she planned to find another suitable time to do it, but today she couldn't bear it anymore.

After adding an extra slice, coupled with the pheromone temptation, Tang Xiao was caught off guard and fell down the stairs.

"Doctor... doctor, hospital..." Tang Xiao slurred his words, "'s over..."

"You have to miss the best time for treatment," Mrs. Tang said with a trembling voice, "wait a little longer. Today The housekeeper is not here, so you can lie on the ground for a while longer."

Tang Xiao only felt that he was going to be burned to ashes by anger, he hated it to the point of screaming, but his whole body was limp and he couldn't move, so he opened his mouth and screamed A few times, the saliva flowed out: "Why... why..."

Submissiveness has been engraved in your bones, you should have been scared and numb by the beating long ago.

If you had the backbone, you would have resisted a long time ago. After so many years, why can't you bear it.

Her hands and feet were still trembling, Madam Tang stood up straight, raised her hands to pull her hair behind her ears, and raised her face with blue eyes and swollen nose.

"My whole life has been ruined. It's my own life." She stepped on thin high heels and walked downstairs, standing a few steps away from Tang Xiao. "I can't blame anyone, I'm responsible for it."

Tang Xiao's eyes fixed on her.

In the next second, Mrs. Tang turned around abruptly, and hoarsely roared: "But you shouldn't touch my child!"

The hysterical roar caused her jade-like voice to be chopped off, and the bone-chilling hatred burst out from it.

There was rain and thunder outside the house, and Tang's old house was brightly lit. She looked like a beast in the light, and the fierceness in her eyes made Tang Xiao flinch for a moment.

He felt that if he gave her a knife now, Mrs. Tang would stab him in the chest the next moment.

"But I'm too weak, so I took a step back. If I knew I should have given you... I will pay for my mistake and be punished." Mrs. Tang regained her strength and looked down at Tang Xiao, "You Don't even try to escape."

Tang Xiao gasped, stared at her for a few seconds, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

A burst of alpha pheromone surged up suddenly, and the glands on the back of Mrs. Tang's neck were numb and itchy, her body reacted uncontrollably, and she fell to the ground with a sickly blush on her face, and her legs were clamped tightly.

Reason made her want to flee immediately, but her body spontaneously took a big breath, trying to suck more pheromone into her lungs.

She struggled to climb the stairs, the finely crafted skirt was hung with a hole, and the delicate skin ruthlessly passed over the edges and corners of the stairs, the pain made her consciousness clearer.

Fortunately, Tang Xiao's body was not able to support the release of pheromone for a long time. He twitched all over, lay on the ground and looked at Mrs. Tang and said, " can't leave me."

Mrs. Tang dug hard at her gland with one hand, her nails sank so deep that she almost tore off a piece of flesh. Hearing this, she turned her head and said with a sneer, "Stupid."

This vulgar and swear word that was completely inconsistent with her background image and education received successfully made Tang Xiao growl angrily, but after the roar, he Also completely fainted.

The pheromone that prevented her from moving freely dissipated, and Mrs. Tang finally regained control of her body. The back of her neck was a little numb because of the pain.

"Calm down," she wiped her bloodstained hands on her skirt, and muttered to herself, "Calm down, it's okay, I've already thought about what to do first, and then..."

Bai Li's face flashed across her mind, She let out a sob.

After this sob, she immediately got up and ran to the study.

Tang Xiao probably never thought that her background board had already remembered the password of the study safe.

After taking out the few pieces of memory and data files inside, and connecting to his personal terminal to confirm repeatedly, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Police staff and medical personnel arrived at Tang's old house at the same time in the early morning of the 18th.

When they walked through the gate, they saw Tang Xiao with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes and Mrs. Tang with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Mrs. Tang was sitting on the stairs in a daze, her skirt was torn, and the exposed skin was covered with traces of violence, but her hair was pulled up high, revealing her slender neck.

and a horrible nape.

In the midst of the chaos, the medical staff put a blanket on Mrs. Tang. Captain Tong, who was leading the team from the police department, was a little embarrassed: "Madam, what exactly happened, please talk to us in detail after you receive treatment..."

Before he could finish speaking, Madam Tang filled his arms with the memory and miscellaneous things that Mrs. Tang handed over.

"Here you are." Mrs. Tang said, "How about Baili?"

This fruit was peeled perfectly, so Mrs. Tang put it aside and picked up the next one to continue.

There are already several sliced ​​fruits on the small table, from the initial pits and holes to the present perfection.

Mrs. Tang's hands no longer trembled.

Tang Xiao on the hospital bed finally regained some consciousness. When he opened his eyes, he first saw himself sticking out of the ward, and then turned his head to meet Mrs. Tang's faint gaze.

"Sili... Puff..." He struggled to move, but found that his limbs couldn't coordinate, he couldn't support his whole body, and his crooked mouth would drool whenever he opened his mouth, so he couldn't speak clearly.

The nurse who happened to come in held him down: "Mr. Tang, you can't move now." "

The doctor said that you bumped your head and found out too late, and it will leave permanent sequelae." Madam Tang said softly, "Don't be afraid." , I will take care of you."

Tang Xiao's eyes were flawed.

"Don't worry about your son," Mrs. Tang lowered her head and pressed the corners of her eyes. "I will arrange Kaiyuan to receive the best treatment. His condition..." Speaking of this, Mrs. Tang still felt uncomfortable after all, and paused, "Need Rest, the B20 affiliated star has a nice view and a suitable hospital, I will arrange for him to go as soon as possible."

Tang Kaiyuan left the main star, and Tang Xiao was unable to move, which meant that Mrs. Tang was the only one who could move in the Tang family.

Tang Xiao struggled to sit up, but could only squirm on the bed like a maggot.

"Ma'am, don't be too sad. The wound on your face has just been medicated," the nurse hurriedly comforted, and glanced at Tang Xiao with disgust. The medicine is ready, if there is anything else, can you call me again?"

Mrs. Tang nodded gratefully: "Thank you."

The nurse hurriedly said no, explained a few words and walked out of the ward.

The door closed, the sound of footsteps went away, Mrs. Tang's gentle expression faded, she picked up the fruit and continued to peel: "You know, I let you find out that I went to investigate that machine." Tang Xiao showed confusion


"The more pressure you have, the harder you hit me and the more marks you leave behind." Mrs. Tang smiled, "This way people outside can see clearly." "Hey!"

Tang Xiao coughed.

"While you fell asleep, the photo of my face must have been uploaded on the star network." Mrs. Tang brushed her hair, and said gently, "And the police department, it should have been uploaded from the memory. I finished reading everything."

Tang Xiao was stunned for two seconds, then trembled in horror and anger: "Bu...bu..."

He wanted to say "bitch", but because he knocked his head when he rolled down the stairs, The nerves in the brain were damaged, and he could only utter the word "Bu" and spit out a lot of saliva.

Mrs. Tang nodded happily: "Yes, yes, it is the record of Lin Sheng and the first heir messing around with those young people in the clubhouse."

Her tone and innocent expression were the same as when they first met, at this moment Tang Xiao felt both shocked and angry.

"Actually, I originally wanted to kill you," Mrs. Tang said softly, "but you are still useful now, not because I can't do without you, but because the Tang Corporation collapses now and there will be a lot of trouble. There are still things I have to do There are a lot of them, and your name is pretty good."

These words made Tang Xiao's fear overwhelm his anger, and he glanced at the fruit knife in Mrs. Tang's hand.

"And then I thought about it, and sometimes I just need to live and suffer to relieve my anger," Mrs. Tang stood up. She had already changed into casual clothes sent by a kind nurse in the hospital, but she was still stepping on those high-heeled shoes. Standing beside the operating medical equipment, "Do you know what this is?"

Before Tang Xiao could answer, Mrs. Tang said, "This is a machine that adds repair solution to your injection at regular intervals. It's amazing, isn't it? It can also relieve pain, so you won't have too much headache." "

When I was young, I liked to tinker with these things. I just checked the structure of this machine, and I asked my old classmate who made medical instruments to learn about it. The operation principle, and then found that just a little movement can prevent the repair fluid from being injected." Mrs. Tang stroked a corner of the machine, looked at Tang Xiao, "but it looks like it is working normally on the outside. In this way, even if I replace the medicine, You won't be able to disperse the pheromone, and you won't be discovered."

Tang Xiao's heart sank to the bottom, swallowed by despair.

"A little later, I will transfer you to a private hospital, don't worry, my friend opened it," Madam Tang said softly, "I asked someone to find the nurse who will take care of you, but you usually only come into contact with robots, of course It's also the robot I've touched. You should rest well and try to stay in bed for the rest of your life."

Tang Xiao felt his head start to hurt again, his eyes turned black, and he lay motionless on the bed.

"Speaking of nurses, I really have no one to rely on," Mrs. Tang said with some annoyance, "so I can only contact Bai's former housekeeper. The old housekeeper is in good health, so he immediately introduced me to a suitable nurse." candidate."


This nightmare-like existence once again enveloped the rest of Tang Xiao's life.

There was a communication notification sound next to her ear, Madam Tang picked it up and looked at it, she said apologetically, "I have something to do, I have to go first. The nurse will be here soon, don't worry, I told you to rest, no one will Will come to see you—but they probably don't want to come now."

She put the peeled fruit on the table and let it oxidize and rot.

Mrs. Tang picked up her beautiful bag, stepped on stiletto high heels, and walked out the door gracefully.

The high ponytail that was tied up swayed slightly with her walking posture, revealing the back of her neck covered with gauze.

Bai Ying walked out the door, raised her bruised face in full view, and eagerly connected to the communication with a tense expression: "...Yes, I'm going now, just me!" The two almost cried into each other's arms

. By the time the grown-ups regained their strength, it was already dark, and the dampness brought by the night rain poured into the house along the open windows.

Lu Zhao closed the window. He had already calmed down completely, but his head became clearer after venting his emotions.

Bai Li on the hospital bed had already dozed off, and just now he had another dose of painkiller injection, the side effects and the exhaustion after the high fever made him drowsy.

He couldn't resist the drowsiness, put his arms over his eyes, and hummed vaguely: "My eyes are swollen, and I don't have a fierce A image anymore."

Lu Zhao really didn't understand Bai Li's obsession with the word "Meng A", But he still walked over and asked, "Uncomfortably swollen?"


He tapped on Bai Li's arm covering his face as if knocking on the door, and Lu Zhao said softly, "Let me see."

"Puffy eyeballs are ugly." Young Master Bai was not happy.

But when Lu Zhao tentatively tugged on his wrist, he found that he took Bai Li's arm away without much effort.

The ends of the exposed eyes were still moist and reddish, as if they had been thoroughly soaked in wine, and when they half-squinted to look at Lu Zhao, they brought a slightly drunken light.

Lu Zhao felt that Bai Li did what he said.

He only makes him more addicted.

"The upper eyelids are so heavy that I can't open them," Bai Li was so sleepy, "It's still hot, touch it."

Before the feeling of touching his fingers came, Bai Li felt that his eyelids touched first Lu Zhao's lips.

Warm and soft, covering his heavy pain.

Except for the initial period of mutual exploration and pondering, they have never had the slightest doubt or wavering in their feelings for each other, so there has never been a lot of close contact, and Bai Li is also very keen on crooked kisses and hugs, but today there is something different.

Probably because Bai Li hadn't recovered from the shock of Lu Zhao's three words.

Human language is amazing.

A kiss after an "I love you," even a touch that touches the heart more than ever before.

Young Master Bai immediately turned red from the tips of his ears to the base of his neck.

"I'll let you touch it with your hands!!" His drowsiness woke up a lot at this moment, and he covered his face and shouted, "Can you stop making surprise attacks?!" Lu Zhao was instantly exploded|exploded by

him The speed of blushing was startled, and it took several seconds before he said dully: "I can't hold back."

"...don't talk," Bai Li said, "give me a moment to breathe."

Lu Zhao pinched the tips of his red ears, knowing that he was shy again. Young Master Bai is very good at playing hooligans actively, but when he is passively beaten, his skin seems as thin as paper.

He was a little funny, and wanted to say "shy again", but suddenly remembered that he had said that to Bai Li in the main arena. It wasn't like this back then.

"Go to sleep." Lu Zhao's mood fell, but he didn't show it outside. He paused and said in a low voice, "She's here, I'll see her."

Bai Li's expression couldn't be seen clearly because he covered his face , he was silent for a few seconds, and then said "um".

"It's okay." Lu Zhao could only comfort dryly, "I'll be back soon."

"Oh," Bai Li said, "Don't worry, Li Li has reached the age where he can spend a few minutes in the ward by himself." The

tone was quite relaxed, The corner of Lu Zhao's mouth twitched, and he went to pull Bai Li's hand again.

This time Li Li refused to obey, and covered his flushed face tightly, Lu Zhao didn't pull hard any more, only then kissed the back of Bai Li's hand, picked up his personal terminal and walked out of the ward.

After the sound of closing the door, Bai Li slowly lowered his hands.

He rubbed the brows that were already numb from sleepiness, sighed when he thought of Lu Zhao, took out his personal terminal from under the pillow, and flipped through the address book.

The military hospital is also brightly lit at night. Compared with the noise of the lower floors, the high-end ward floor is barely quiet.

Lu Zhao turned a corner, and there was a person standing in the rest area of ​​the corridor, with his back to him, who seemed not in the mood to sit on the seat, and turned around hastily when he heard the movement.

"Major General Lu!" Bai Ying came up to him and asked eagerly, "How is Bai Li?" "He's

asleep." Lu Zhao said calmly, "Very tired and his legs hurt."

Lu Zhao and Bai Ying really had nothing to say Arguably, especially today.

Lu Zhao doesn't really want to see anyone who is on the sidelines with Tang.

But these short words are enough for Bai Ying to take two steps back with a pale face: "Then, what did the doctor say?

" Zhao replied, "He can't play the game anymore."

If the first few sentences brought Bai Ying a heart-pounding pain, then the second half of Lu Zhao's sentence was overwhelming pain.

She knew very well that physical pain was far less capable of destroying a person than mental torture. Bai Li was so close to the final victory, but now he was destroyed.

The despair after no hope is even more devastating.

"Do you want to see him?" Lu Zhao asked.

"Seeing him like this will only make him feel worse." Bai Ying touched her face, "Besides, the matter hasn't been completely resolved, how can I have the face to see him." Lu Zhao frowned

, He was a little puzzled that "the matter has not been completely resolved", but he felt something different about Bai Ying.

There is no crying, and the mind seems to be very clear.

This is good, a good time to talk.

It seems that Bai Ying didn't intend to disturb Bai Li from the beginning, and the message she wanted to meet to understand the situation was to call Lu Zhao, but Lu Zhao still informed Bai Li.

And Bai Li also didn't want to see Bai Ying. He couldn't get over his emotions when the communication came in, so he just asked Lu Zhao to meet him and deal with it. But Lu Zhao has his own affairs to solve.

"I have a recording in my hand," Lu Zhao said bluntly. "The content is very simple. Tang Xiao himself said that he wanted to take over the Bai family's property. I hope that Tang... a lunatic can finally replace Bai Li." Bai Ying

responded After waiting for two seconds, remembering the scene on the cruise ship, she nodded immediately: "Yes, he did. More than once, unfortunately I..." She bit her lip, secretly hating herself for being weak before, "I'm sorry." "I will record the recording.

" Hand it over to the police department," Lu Zhao said calmly, "but there are also contents related to you, I think I have to tell you." He didn't mention it clearly, but Bai Ying knew very well that it was saying that

Tang Xiao beat her matter.

Bai Ying's expression was a little dazed, and when Lu Zhao thought she would not speak again, he heard her firm answer.

"As soon as possible," Bai Ying said, "If necessary, I can cooperate with all investigations."

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