Chapter 50

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  Jiang Hao came back with a few bottles of nutrient solution, and bought two sets of clothes near the military hospital along the way.

"I changed the military uniform with the suit, and the isolation room has a washroom," Jiang Hao handed the clothes to Lu Zhao, "Where's Bai Li? What does Old Zheng say?" Lu Zhao thanked and took the clothes, two sets of ordinary

pullovers , baggy.

"I bought it in a big store, the style only worn by this old man." Situ took a sip of the nutrient solution and teased a few words about the clothes, and then said, "Old Zheng prescribed some painkillers for Bai Li, so as to save the susceptibility period from the beginning." After this effort, my legs hurt again."

The style of the clothes is indeed very ordinary, but Lu Zhao took a look and felt that Bai Li probably didn't mind.

The short-sleeved shirt that the grandson was wearing at home, with a very confusing face on it, made the clothes in the hypermarket look a little different.

Jiang Hao asked again: "Where are the Baili people?"

"Isolation room," Situ said, "I'm being trained."

After speaking, he saw Lao Zheng coming out of the room at the end of the corridor, with a calm expression, like a veteran cadre Walking at a steady pace, he said, "Take some analgesics, and you will feel drowsy later. Observe all night, and leave the hospital tomorrow if you have nothing to do." "Where's

his leg?" Jiang Hao asked, "Is it serious? ?"

Lao Zheng's tone was calm and calm, cultivated through many years of medical practice: "Do you think his leg is serious or not?"

Jiang Hao fell silent, his expression revealing a trace of guilt. He still couldn't get out of the psychological shadow brought to him by that rescue mission back then.

"Actually, Bai Li still pays attention to maintenance," Situ reassured, "Today is a special situation."

Old Zheng Bobo calmly complained: "It's the greatest maintenance for you to let him go to the simulated warehouse twice."

Situ didn't say a word, and choked.

After working as a doctor in a military hospital for so many years, Lao Zheng has already mastered precisely how to swear with a kind expression. He asked the sick patient Mr. Bai about his recent life activities, and he began to swear. Doctors are not easy to do. It is even more difficult to do nothing if you don't listen to people's advice.

Lu Zhao walked to the door of the isolation room, opened the door a crack and looked inside. Ruouowu pheromone squeezed out from the crack of the door, Lu Zhao didn't care, and looked around. The entire room of the high-level isolation room was treated, and no hard objects were left. A large mattress was placed in the middle of the room. Bai Li was lying with his back to the door, covering his head with a quilt as if he was fast asleep.

"Powerful analgesics are just like this. They have side effects. Drowsiness is a normal reaction." Lao Zheng also stood up and spoke to Lu Zhao in a low voice, "Bai Li's leg, I drank too much nutrient solution with analgesic ingredients a few years ago. I can only use strong ones, otherwise I am afraid that he will be stimulated by leg pain during the susceptible period and go crazy."

On the mattress, Bai Li was wrapped in a quilt into a big bulge, Lu Zhao watched from a distance, he knew that Bai Li would not What a dream.

When he was on the Beatles, Bai Li said that he didn't want to be hospitalized, because he would sleep badly when he was hospitalized.

Lu Zhao moved his lips, looked at the bulge and said in a low voice, "Does he have to sleep like that all the time?" "

For the sake of emotions and leg injuries, it's better to fall asleep, the mood is stable, and it's easy to recover," Old Zheng explained. "However, it would be best if there is pheromone comfort from your partner."

Lu Zhao's face softened a little, and he said "hmm".

After being silent for a few seconds, Old Zheng hesitated and said, "Major General Lu, from the perspective of a doctor, I still have to tell you something." Seeing Lu Zhao looking sideways at him, Old Zheng continued, "Alphas in the susceptible period are all like bastards. Same, no self-control, it is easy to forcibly mark things..."

What he said was very cryptic, but Lu Zhao figured out what it meant without much effort.

Although they are friends, Lu Zhao and Bai Li only had a temporary mark once. Old Zheng probably learned about this from Bai Li, thinking that Lu Zhao didn't want to be marked, and Bai Li also acquiesced in not marking . This matter was originally considered a private matter, but Lao Zheng was afraid that if something unexpected happened, the two people would have some misunderstanding.

"I know," Lu Zhao turned around and said calmly, "It's okay."

Lao Zheng heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Major General Lu's young side face that had appeared in news reports many times, and felt that the Imperial Eagle was really kind. As in the rumors, there are few words. But for some reason, these few words made Old Zheng happy.

When he was happy, he didn't hold back, and said a few more words: "That's fine. After marking, A and O's emotions can affect each other, so they won't have to take painkillers like this. Bai Ligang was injured and hospitalized for half a year. Sleeping half awake, and caught up with a susceptibility period in the middle, it's too difficult..."

Lu Zhao recalled Bai Li's words, he said that he was hospitalized hundreds of times in his dream, and died countless times on the hospital bed .

He fell asleep on the hospital bed, and woke up on the hospital bed. When Bai Li got off the beetle, he muttered in his mouth: "I was reincarnated and my feet were sprained and I didn't choose a good posture. Fuck." I didn't quite understand it at the time, but now

Lu Zhao feels that Bai Li is very unlucky and doesn't take analgesics. After taking the medicine, my legs hurt, and after taking it, I feel sleepy. When I fell asleep, I had nightmares, and when I woke up, my legs still hurt. It was even more painful when I was in a susceptible period.

Sometimes Lu Zhao feels that there are countless roads before Bai Li, but no matter which one he chooses, he will not have a good time.

Situ's personal terminal rang, Lu Zhao came to his senses, and heard Situ take a few steps outside to answer the communication, it seemed to be something from the research institute.

"Marking will affect the emotions between AOs." Lu Zhao didn't continue the topic that made him unbearable, but asked Lao Zheng, "Both temporary and permanent marks?" Lao Zheng didn't understand why he said this suddenly, but he still

said "It's almost the same, the time limit is different."

"The permanent mark has a deeper impact," Jiang Hao interjected, "I have rescued several omegas that were repeatedly permanently marked in missions before, and when I rescued them, I was deeply addicted. Turning on alpha, the spirit is not normal."

Lu Zhao thumped in his heart, thinking of Mrs. Tang.

He had a temporary mark with Bai Li, and within a few days after that, the two could basically feel each other's mood swings. Subtle, but not obnoxious, the sensation fades away as the mark fades.

This kind of emotional impact is very natural when both parties are voluntary, and it is completely different from the impact of Tang Kaiyuan's handshake on the cruise ship.

"Is there any special situation?" Lu Zhao frowned slightly, and tried to ask, "Even if it is not marked, the pheromone of alpha will control the emotions of omega or..." He paused, "or memory. "

Old Zheng showed doubts, thought for a moment and said: "Theoretically, it is impossible. It is normal for A's pheromone to affect O, but it is a bit exaggerated to affect memory. How did Major General Lu ask this?" Lu Zhao shook his head

, I didn't say anything.

The more things went wrong with Tang Kaiyuan, the more startled Lu Zhao was about what Bai Li said.

I heard Jiang Hao also ask: "I also consulted the doctor, and the mental power of alpha will improve slightly with age, I know that. Is it possible for a guy to be promoted to a senior level, and he will be a different person from before? "

"It's nothing wrong with this," Lao Zheng scratched his head, and explained, "It's also unlikely. Although there are always some nutritional supplements on the market that improve mental strength, they are actually useless. "

Situ hung up the communication and walked back. Hearing this, he said: "Not necessarily. The Imperial Research Institute had a special project several years ago, which was to study the improvement of the mental strength of adult alphas. It is said that it has indeed achieved some results.

" As soon as the words came out, the other three were quite surprised.

Situ Dao: "Why are you asking this? Lieutenant General Jiang, you are a beta, and you still care about the improvement of alpha's mental power?

" Can you grow again at this age?"

When Tang Kaiyuan was mentioned, the three people who got off the cruise ship were not in a good mood. Situ frowned: "The Imperial Research Institute really wants to improve the mental power of adult alphas. I heard that this project has made great progress when I was still in the research institute, and it has indeed improved the mental power.

" Zheng was surprised: "This

won't work, why does it sound so mysterious?" The means of stabilizing mental power," Situ explained, this is a secret, and he whispered like a thief, "but then the project leader died accidentally on the way of a business trip, and the project has not made much progress since then, so it was terminated." No wonder there was

no Hearing a little movement, it turned out that the research was not successful at all.

Lu Zhao frowned a little bit, and it took him a long time to let out a breath. It's not suitable to ask more about Bai Li's situation now, we have to wait until he is in a better mood.

Another communication request came from the research institute, which interrupted the discussion of several people. Situ replied a few text messages, raised his head and said to Lu Zhao: "Major General, the research institute originally said that they would interview applicants tomorrow. I don't think so." Li's situation is unacceptable, and it has been postponed for two days, could you please tell him?"

At this moment, Bai Li probably fell asleep and entered the isolation room, so it was difficult for others to call him.

Lu Zhao nodded in agreement, and Situ gave a few more instructions, telling him how the little white ball had to leave in a hurry after connecting to the personal terminal to deal with the affairs of the research institute.

The sudden incident in the morning was finally over, Jiang Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, said hello to Lu Zhao, said that he would call him again if there was something to do, and then went back a little tired.

"Bai Li is in a bad mood, so I can't say more," Old Zheng sighed after explaining a few precautions to Lu Zhao, "If Major General Lu is free, tell Bai Li that his legs still need to be checked on time." Lu

Zhao Zhao didn't expect that Bai Li didn't even check on time, so he felt upset and nodded in response.

The isolation room provided for the alpha of the susceptible period is a separate floor. After Lao Zheng and others left, only Lu Zhao was left standing in the corridor. He pushed open the door of the isolation room and walked in. He stood at the door and watched for a while. white calendar.

The bulge was motionless and tightly wrapped, leaving only a few locks of hair sticking out on the top of the head.

Lu Zhao closed the door of the isolation room, feeling like he had stepped into Baili's pheromone, and the door locked automatically, isolating them from the outside world.

He walked over and gently pulled the quilt covered by Bai Li on his head: "Bai Li?"

The quilt was easily torn off, and Bai Li's face was exposed, and he seemed to be sleeping deeply with his eyes closed.

Lu Zhao stretched out his hand to stroke Bai Li's messy bangs. As soon as his hand touched it, he saw Bai Li opened his eyes and rubbed against his hand half asleep.

Rubbing made Lu Zhao feel itchy, but his voice was quite steady: "Not asleep ?


This feeling of being forced to fall asleep is a bizarre dream when you close your eyes.

Lu Zhao said "Yes", "Leg hurts?"

Bai Li turned over, smiled with half-opened eyes, "I didn't hit the iron board, and I took an analgesic, so it didn't hurt that much." Seeing Lu Zhao With a noncommittal expression, he said again, "You heard Lao Zheng say it will hurt, right? Don't talk to him, he just likes to exaggerate, it's okay, Lili is stronger." Lu Zhao wanted to laugh, but saw Baili's drowsy

appearance Feeling blocked again, he straightened up and wanted to put the clothes and nutrient solution aside.

As soon as he moved, Bai Li subconsciously pulled Lu Zhao's hand.

After pulling Bai Li, he was also stunned. Alpha could easily do something without using his brain during the susceptible period. His body betrayed his reason, and his hands were more assertive than his master, so he couldn't let go of Lu Zhao.

Lu Zhao was stunned, looked at Bai Li's hand, then at Bai Li: "Stronger?"

That's it?

I saw Bai Li was stunned by himself for a second or two, the tips of his ears slowly turned red, and he said dryly: "Ah, didn't I shake hands angrily. I'm really strong, physically disabled What Zhijian was talking about is Lao Tzu."

Lu Zhao was almost laughed at by his nonsense, he didn't like Bai Li's use of such words in a joking tone, so he twitched his hand back tentatively, and Feeling a strong force, Bai Li's hand pulled him so hard that he couldn't move.

Both of them didn't say anything, Bai Li was still lying down, and after a while, he whispered: "I'm pretending."

Lu Zhao's heart ached, he threw the miscellaneous things aside, sat on the mattress, and said in a soft voice, "I know." No matter how soft the

three words were, they were still Major General Lu That look of not being very consoling.

As soon as he sat down, Bai Li walked over and put Lu Zhao's arm in his arms. He smelled the smell of green grass, and the uneasiness and panic brought about by the susceptible period weakened a bit. His upper and lower eyelids were fighting, and his voice was muffled due to sleepiness: "Damn, I don't want to dream."

Lu Zhao half-tilted his body, allowing Bai Li to hold his arm. He wanted to say something, but he had never learned to speak softly in his life.

After waiting for half a minute, Lu Zhao looked at Bai Li again, and he was already asleep.

This time he slept soundly, Lu Zhao's hand moved in his arms but did not respond, and when he wanted to pull it out, Bai Li frowned and muttered a few words.

Lu Zhao leaned over to listen, and Bai Li said, "Lu Zhao."

There was no outside sound in the isolation room, so Lu Zhao bent down and buried his face in Bai Li's neck.

The alpha pheromone in the susceptible period made people feel anxious, but he smelled the chocolate smell and felt that he was soaked in Baili's sugar bowl.

The deeper you sink, the less you want to get out.

Bai Li felt that he slept for a long time, deep and long.

Occasionally, there are dreams flashing in the darkness, but there is always a vague smell of green grass. Bai Li experienced another life in the dream, and finally died in the dark ward.

But this time, Bai Li didn't feel too scared. He was looking forward to death for the first time in his dream. After all this darkness was over, he would be able to find the source of the smell of grass.

Bai Li opened his eyes, and a rustling sound came from his ears. He turned his head, and Lu Zhao was changing clothes with his back facing him. He didn't know who bought the clothes. The loose casual shorts hung loosely on his crotch, and Lu Zhao was pulling a short-sleeved shirt and putting it on his head.

The high-level isolation rooms all use soft bags to avoid stimulating the alpha, and only a small light was turned on. Bai Li saw Lu Zhao's back through the light.

Lu Zhao's skin is not fair, and he has trained every year, and every muscle shows his strength. But Bai Li didn't appreciate Lu Zhao's figure much, he saw the scars scattered on Lu Zhao's back under the light.

Some are big and some are small, most of them are old wounds, some still have traces of sutures, and some are the size of a half-drawn palm. It is estimated that the treatment was not in place at that time, the healing was not good, and the skin was wrinkled. There are also fine and small wounds, scrapes, scratches, knife wounds, and a few shallow bruises, which are probably left during training and have almost faded away.

This looks like the back of an omega, which is more scarred than many alphas.

Bai Li's hand involuntarily covered it, touching a scald-like scar, and gently stroked it.

Lu Zhao's body paused, and he turned his head to look at Bai Li: "Are you awake? I've only slept for more than half an hour." "

Well," Bai Li's voice was very hoarse, and he just woke up, still a little dull "How did you do this?"

Lu Zhao turned his back and touched his hand: "When I was a child, I worked part-time in the slums of the affiliated star. When I was using the machine, I made a mistake and burned it."

Omega's body is not as tough as Alpha, and it is easy It can leave scars, and it is difficult to recover. There are also many medicines that can lighten scars, but they are expensive, and Lu Zhao at that time could not afford them.

Bai Li changed another place and asked, "What about this one?"

"..." Lu Zhao looked at him sideways, Bai Li lowered his eyes halfway, unable to see any emotion, so he could only say, "When I went to Desolate Star, I met an aborigine of the planet, and I was cut off during the fight." Bai

Li Li's hands trembled, and he realized that he actually knew very little about Lu Zhao.

All he saw was his handsome side, thinking that having a copy of Lu Zhao's medical examination report meant he understood him, but he never thought about what the body wrapped in the military uniform looked like.

Every scar is proof that Lu Zhao has struggled.

Lu Zhao also hugged him with such a body.

If it was before, Bai Li might not continue to ask. But the susceptible period is when emotion easily overcomes reason. Bai Li turned sideways, stroked every scar on Lu Zhao's back with his hands, and asked how Lu Zhao got here.

Lu Zhao answered one by one, some of them were from affiliated star alleys when they were young, some suffered from fighting with others in the Imperial Citizenship School, some bumped into them while doing odd jobs in the lower-level legion, and some fell on the battlefield. He couldn't remember the other ones. He didn't know there was a scar until Bai Li touched it.

Bai Li's hand finally returned to the scalded scar. Just looking at the scar, one can imagine how badly the area was hurt at that time. Lu Zhao was still young at that time, how could such a young child bear this kind of pain.

But he can't help it, it's wrong to be poor, and it's wrong to be born an omega, there's no reason for it. Lu Zhao didn't have the time to reason. After living for so many years, all he could do was to live as a person who didn't need to reason with others.

Bai Li felt uncomfortable, and the susceptibility period magnified the discomfort countless times, making him unable to say anything to relieve the atmosphere.

Lu Zhao put on his clothes in silence, did not wait for Bai Li to speak, and said after a while: "I can't see my back, is it scary?"

Some alphas don't like omegas with too many scars. To be honest, you can't find a few omega with injuries on the main star. This is the heart of the empire, and there will be no ugly things in the heart.

"Fart," Bai Li said, "very seductive."

Lu Zhao was stunned, with the corners of his mouth curled up: "I didn't think it was very pretty."

"Very beautiful, really." Bai Li's hand was sticking to the scar, and his expression was in a trance Said, "I just didn't expect...the book didn't say this, I didn't know you had so many scars on your body."

Lu Zhao already knew what Bai Li meant by "book", and he let Bai Li's finger draw Passed his scar, and said lightly: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, and there will be no sequelae, it's just ugly." After finishing speaking, he

felt that he was being grabbed on the waist. Bai Li glanced at him, as if he was very unhappy : "It's not ugly, it's pretty."

"Yeah." Lu Zhao wanted to laugh. He doesn't really mind the scars on his body, but he likes to see Bai Li like this.

Bai Li looked at his back and said lightly, "These are medals, more beautiful than Kalihua."

These large and small scars overlapped and fell on Lu Zhao's body. Bai Li propped himself up, kissed Lu Zhao's back, then hugged him from behind, and put his chin on Lu Zhao's neck.

The smell of green grass woke Bai Li up from his dream, and he felt Lu Zhao's hand touching his hair.

"Brother Major General," Bai Li whispered, "Why do I always feel so small in front of you."

Lu Zhao didn't know how to answer.

Bai Li can reflect on himself very well: "It's still hypocritical."

Lu Zhao laughed, he was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly said: "Bai Li, the research and development of mechas is a very long process. Even if the second set of plans you developed is formed, it will take a long time before it is actually produced and put into use. It takes a lot of time, you know."

The topic suddenly turned here, Bai Li was not surprised, and he followed up with what Lu Zhao said: "Yeah."

Lu Zhao said: "It may not be adopted by the Imperial Academy. , then all the work will be in vain."

Bai Li said: "Yes."

"You all know," Lu Zhao turned his head and asked softly, "Why do you still have to do it?"

Bai Li felt Lu Zhao's breath caressing him On his own face, he was very relaxed, allowing his thoughts to follow Lu Zhao's topic up and down, and thought for a moment: "Actually, even if it is done, it can't be done."

Lu Zhao was stunned.

"Even if it is put into use, the situation that the mecha can change is very small," Bai Li said lightly, "Omega can't change the physical disadvantages, and beta can't catch up with alpha in mental strength, even if the military allows omega to fight because of this mecha. I have been exposed to front-line mech warfare, but in fact, for a long time, the whole society will still not be optimistic about this situation. The general environment is like this, the military world, mechs, these are small corners." Lu Zhao said nothing

. , he silently agreed.

This is a rule that has been in place for years and cannot be changed overnight.

Bai Li was silent for a while, and then said: "How many years did it take for the omega protection law to be perfected to this extent, and how many years did it take for the gap between nobles and commoners to be narrowed to where it is today, and the royal family's dictatorship can be weakened to the present In this way, how many people's efforts have been wasted... Lu Zhao, I am a small person, I never thought that a mecha can change anything. It is of course good that it can be made, but it is a pity that it cannot be made. ."

Bai Li said: "The most indispensable thing in this world is regret."

In fact, Lu Zhao didn't quite understand these things.

He was born as a commoner, and the lecture content of the Imperial Citizenship School generally never involved these things. Lu Zhao listened silently, feeling a little dazed in his heart.

He was at a loss for the way ahead, and suddenly he didn't know what the future would look like.

"There is very little I can do. I can only do this step well." Bai Li's voice could not hear any regrets, and he said calmly, "The frame is there to frame us, but if I hit it, it will make us It wobbles even a millimeter, and I want to try it." When

one person bumps into the frame, another person bumps into it.

Sitting there and swearing at the existence of the frame is not okay, you have to hit it. Even knowing it's like ants shaking a tree, you still have to hit it.

Because a tree can never be shaken by one ant, but by thousands of ants, generation after generation.

The omega protection law added a line of words lightly, but no one cared about how many people's blood and tears were used for this line of words.

The gap between nobles and commoners narrowed, and how many nameless dead bones and sorrows of the predecessors were buried under the bridge erected.

Since the establishment of the empire, how many people have died in the vast universe.

When the ancient earth was shattered, countless people shed tears of despair, but it was still the generation after generation of people who pursued that glimmer of hope and went on to establish the bright star in the universe today.

Bai Li was very small, the Bai family was in decline, and he was forced to leave the army. He was doomed not to be able to enter the core of the empire. He is an ant.

But he was going to shake the tree.

"Bai Li," Lu Zhao heard his slightly hoarse voice, "When I entered the military, I just wanted to get out of the quagmire at first."

Bai Li was stunned: "I know, the major general brother is awesome when he was young..."

"You don't know," Lu Zhao turned around and pressed Bai Li on the mattress with a little force. His hands rested on the sides of Bai Li's head, and he lowered his head to look at him, "You don't know, I just The little one."

His life was simple.

Mech, universe.

Gender prevents him from getting these, so he will fight against gender. His strength comes from his enthusiasm for mechs and the universe, and he only stops occasionally to realize that he has come so far.

Only then did I realize that I had blazed a trail, and someone was following me behind me.

Occasionally, he would feel the difference between himself and Bai Li, which shocked him and almost brought tears to his eyes.

He saw the light, a small mass, but bright.

Bai Li stroked Lu Zhao's cheek with both hands. He thought for a while and said, "What I said just now was so soul-stirring, but I actually wanted to pretend to be aggressive."

Lu Zhao laughed.

"No matter what the original intention is, we are actually the same," Bai Li also laughed, "We are two ants."

Once you decide to shake the tree, you have to go all the way to the dark.

Not long after Bai Li woke up, his eyes were still a little damp. Lu Zhao liked it the most when he laughed.

Lu Zhao lowered his head and kissed Bai Li. The susceptible period made Bai Li a little bit uncontrollable, and the pheromones were transpiring and spreading.

"You said before that if one day I don't want to use inhibitors, I will tell you," Lu Zhao looked into Bai Li's eyes, "does it still count?"

Bai Li was already dizzy from Lu Zhao's smell of green grass Dazed, his heart jumped wildly following this sentence, and he choked out a sentence after a while: "The susceptibility period is like this, will it appear that I am taking advantage of you?" "

Fuck," Lu Zhao couldn't help laughing, The smiling Bai Li was so shy that he pressed his lips against him. Lu Zhao smiled and said vaguely, "It's not necessarily who takes advantage of who, Lili." The

isolation room couldn't hear the sound of the outside world, and there seemed to be only two people in the whole world under the dim light.

Bai Li's body temperature was very high, and when he was dazzled, his warm hands would gently caress the scars on Lu Zhao's body.

Lu Zhao's vision was a bit blurred, and he could only smell Bai Li's strong pheromone smell in his breath. The pheromone frenzy caused by the susceptible period made Bai Li look a little arrogant. He sat there astride and was pulled down by Bai Li kiss.

The scar on his back was touched by Bai Li again and again.

Lu Zhao heard Bai Li say, "Hush, let me take a closer look, they are all your medals, your Kalihua."

The voice was more deceptive than ever.

Bai Li said again: "It's the Kali flower that I can touch."

This night the world fell asleep, and only they were awake.

Sober and addicted to each other.

This alpha is physically and mentally strong [Interstellar]Where stories live. Discover now