Chapter 96

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    The speed of white01's research accelerated, and the Bai's Research Institute followed suit. Situ hadn't left the research institute for more than half a month, and even Bai Li slept in the research institute for two nights.

It wasn't until Lao Zheng sent a message to the research institute, even persuading and scolding, that Bai Li was sent to the military hospital for reexamination of his left leg.

More than half a year after the operation, Baili's legs recovered well, and he still felt a little uncomfortable when walking fast, but there was basically no abnormality when walking slowly.

"How does the newly opened repair fluid feel? Has the massage continued?" Lao Zheng nodded in satisfaction after reading the inspection report at hand, and asked, "Did you increase the amount of exercise privately?

" Increase the amount of exercise when you have time," Bai Li rubbed his face. He hasn't had much rest in the past few days. Although he is not allowed to go to the simulation cabin, he can still cooperate with watching the battle video and feedback problems with other drivers. "Fix The liquid is not bad, the taste is average."

Lao Zheng was about to tell him that drinking a repairing liquid pays attention to the taste, when he glanced at Bai Li's face, he saw the faint black under the eyes of the other party, and he couldn't help saying: "Have you not slept well recently? "

"It's okay." Bai Li moved his lips and squeezed out two words.

It doesn't matter whether he slept well or not, he just couldn't sleep.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Bai Li's state has also undergone a change, from nightmares to insomnia and light sleep.

Woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep, staring at the ceiling in a daze. At this time, I didn't have the mood to do other things to pass the time. I felt anxious just looking at the star network, so I decided to devote myself to research and development with Situ.

The sooner white01 is put into use, the earlier the pressure on the manpower will be relieved, and it will give the soldiers who have been standing in front for more than half a year some room to breathe.

"Not getting enough rest will affect your recovery. You have to relax." Lao Zheng didn't take Bai Li's perfunctory seriously, and sighed, "It's really about you ask the military? You can do it if you feel at ease." Get a good night's sleep."

As elites, the First and Second Army Corps have been transferred to places with the most intense artillery fire for a long time, which also means that Bai Li's connection with Lu Zhao has been cut off for several months.

"This kind of thing can't be revealed casually," Bai Li said helplessly, "at this juncture, let the people in the military circle not worry about anything else." There were noisy voices outside the door,

Bai Li looked back, A few nurses hurried past the door.

"I guess they were transferred to help," Lao Zheng explained, with a slightly sad expression. "Recently, a group of injured patients have been withdrawn from the front. In addition to injuries, infections and diseases, a considerable part of them are the weakness caused by over-driving mechas. Apart from the treatment, I can only hope that they can take a good rest in the past few days by adjusting in the back."

After finishing speaking, I realized that it is not appropriate to say this in front of Bai Li, so I hurriedly comforted him: "But there are also excellent doctors in front, who often check and rest in time It shouldn't be a big problem to adjust."

"I know," Bai Li smiled, "I've been to the front line."

Lao Zheng wanted to say something else but felt that talking too much would affect his mood, so he had to ask a few more words, The medicine was re-prescribed to Bai Li.

The atmosphere in the military hospital was very tense, and the stronger smell of disinfectant than usual irritated Bai Li's nerves. On the way to pick up the suspension car, he could occasionally see people in legion uniforms hurrying past, and he couldn't help but take a second look.

Just like this, he got on the suspension car and drove out of the military hospital. He remembered that Situ and others had forced him to take a vacation, so he had to turn back to the apartment on the way to the research institute.

As soon as the door of the apartment was opened, the butler of the machine gathered around and changed shoes and clothes. Bai Li turned on all the lights in the room, took a shower and changed into home clothes, and then unscrewed a bottle of drink and sat on the sofa to knead his own left leg.

The personal terminal is connected to the apartment system and is broadcasting the latest news.

"As far as I know, the fringe subsidiary star has entered the cold winter season, and the bad weather is affecting..." The personal terminal broadcast the heavy content in a gentle voice.

The bad weather means that it is inconvenient to move, and many soldiers who have just retreated from the front and recuperated are unable to adapt to the local environment and fall ill.

In addition to the main star, the affiliated star hospitals with good medical conditions are also accepting the sick and wounded who have retired for temporary recuperation, as well as a large number of residents of the marginal affiliated stars.

Bai Li hasn't seen Jiang Hao for a while, and he is probably busy with these things, not to mention Chen Nan from the logistics department, who is very busy.

But at this time, it is better to be busy than to be idle. When you are busy, at least you still feel that you are contributing, and you have no time to think too much, and you don't have time to fall into anxiety, unlike Bai Li who is restless.

After taking the medicine, he finally felt a little drowsy, but his mind was clear. Bai Li grabbed the blanket and pillow and closed his eyes.

During this period of time, he basically slept on the sofa when he went home, and the narrow place made him feel a little more at ease.

He said he was asleep, but he just closed his eyes and was in a daze. Thoughts were wandering, thinking about white01's research and development progress for a while, and drifting back to the military hospital for a while.

In his shallow sleep, Bai Li dreamed of people running back and forth in the military hospital. The corridor was long and twisted. Several people in white coats shouted eagerly, pushing a bloody man towards him.

In the dream, he couldn't hear the shouts of the people around him, he could only see the bloody man being pushed in front of him, and he wiped his face with his hand.

The dirt and blood stains on his face were wiped off, revealing Lu Zhao's half-closed eyes and slightly parted lips.

Bai Li heard a "click" sound, which was the sound of his bones breaking. He felt that his left leg was broken inch by inch, spreading to his whole body, like a building block castle that collapsed after the center piece was removed. Without Lu Zhao, he collapsed in an instant.

It collapsed without a sound.

The feeling of weightlessness made Bai Li kick his legs in his dream, and woke up suddenly.

The lights in the room were turned off after the machine housekeeper sensed that the master had fallen asleep, and Bai Li was panting in the dark, breaking out in a cold sweat.

He covered his eyes for a while, then picked up his personal terminal to check the time.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, he had only slept for three hours. But the dream lingered in the memory, making those three hours seem like three hundred hours in an abyss of pain.

"I'm too embarrassed," Bai Li murmured wrapped in a blanket, "Am I a bit worthless?"

Of course the question didn't get an answer, he turned over on the sofa, closed his eyes and prepared to deceive his brain, pretending Act like you've rested all night.

There was a "didi" sound in the quiet darkness.

It took Bai Li's brain half a second to realize what the sound was. He closed his eyes and didn't move. Then he heard the door of the apartment being pulled open.

He thought he was still in a dream.

Immediately afterwards, the tip of his nose smelled a familiar scent, and almost at the instant he smelled it, Bai Li felt that his shriveled skin had been infused with oxygen, his body bounced off the sofa, and he sat up straight and looked towards the door.

The person bending over to change shoes at the entrance could only see a silhouette in the darkness, startled by Bai Li's movement, and the luggage in his hand fell to the ground.

The two looked at each other for a while in the dark, and the figure spoke first.

"Bai Li," the voice was a little hoarse, "how do you sleep on the sofa?"

The voice seemed to be a rope hanging from the abyss. He was not wearing Bai Li's shoes, and he walked on the floor in the dark, and the smell of grass followed him. closer and clearer.

The figure said again: "Your legs..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Li's hand touched his cheek, and then moved up, rubbing his thumb to the familiar and soft eyes, groping in the dark Create a warm silhouette.

When Lu Zhao heard Bai Li heaved a sigh of relief, he said in a low voice, "Lu Zhao."

This shout was more shocking than Lu Zhao imagined. When it rang every few days, even just two words were enough to make him fall into this lingering love.

"I dreamed about you just now," Bai Li said again, "I'm really afraid that when I turn on the light, you will be just like in the dream." I'm

also afraid that when I turn on the light, I will find that this is indeed another dream in light sleep.

Lu Zhao didn't quite understand what Bai Li was saying, but he was still overwhelmed by Bai Li's daze in the dark.

He wanted to say something. All the beginnings that he had thought about since he arrived at the main star melted into soft sand in this dark night. He frantically fished in the mud, thinking Finding a few pieced together from his poor vocabulary, he can occasionally comfort people like Bai Li.

But in the end, he would only clumsily stretch out his hand to Bai Li, put his arms around him and said, "I miss you."

Even though I saw you, I still miss you very much.

No matter what time it was, Bai Li felt that Lu Zhao's bluntness made people have nowhere to escape.

The emotions accumulated in his heart these days have already turned into a little burning alcohol. Lu Zhao's four words are like a spark, which explodes all the emotions in Baili's body and shatters his reason.

The next kiss couldn't hold back the strength, Bai Li demanded wantonly between the touch of lips and teeth, a little arrogant, and got the same strong response from Lu Zhao.

It was not so much a response as an announcement of his return, crowding out that false phantom in Bai Li's dream.

There was no scruple in the kiss in the dark, the two staggered back into the house, neither of them wanted to let go of their hands to turn on the light first, their hands were used to grope each other's waist and back, and their lips were used to confirm each other's thoughts.

The brain can't think, the breathing is short, and the trance seems to be a dream. The dream of reuniting in the warm night is also very good. If it is really a dream, let's stay in this dream together.

I don't know who tripped first, and fell down with the other one, and the two of them fell to the ground.

Bai Li was on the bottom, Lu Zhao pressed him to get up quickly, and reached out to touch his left leg.

"I didn't get it," Bai Li stretched out his hand to grab his collar, pulling him so hard that he could only press on him, and looked at him very closely, "Are you dead?" While speaking, the other hand was still groping for

him body, looking for places where there is no bandage.

The light from the main star outside the floor-to-ceiling windows seeped into the room and condensed into a small spot of light in Lu Zhao's eyes.

Lu Zhao shook his head, looking at Bai Li all the time, the ferocity brought from the battlefield in his eyes has not faded, and Bai Li is the target of his battle at the moment.

Bai Li was very satisfied with this look, and hooked his nerves.

The lips and teeth that had just been separated were entangled again, and the smell of grass became stronger and stronger. Bai Li's fingers couldn't help touching Lu Zhao's glands. The mark he left there had disappeared, but when Bai Li touched it, Lu Zhao His body would still tremble with excitement.

This has nothing to do with pheromones, it's simply an addiction to each other's touch.

The body asks for what it wants from each other, and the mind has long been messed up.

When Bai Li felt that his breathing began to resume, the chubby man's unbearable scream sounded beside his ears: "Why don't you take a shower when you go home!" The sharp voice pinching their throats made the two people on the ground tremble with fright

. They looked at the machine butler rolling over together.

"Change clothes!" The chubby man hit Lu Zhao's arm on the ground with his chubby body, "Take a bath!" His

tone was like "I've endured you for a long time".

Bai Li raised his head and shouted: "Let's play!"

The round fat man screamed angrily, and Lu Zhao could only send him away with the command to delay for a while.

The two of them maintained their posture for a long while, and Bai Li finally couldn't help laughing, and Lu Zhao also laughed. This smile lost its vigor, and he relaxed and lay on Bai Li's chest.

Turning on the light, Bai Li finally saw Lu Zhao's face clearly.

She's a little thinner, but her complexion is okay, but she's a little tired from the journey.

Without the bloody appearance in the dream, the big stone in Bai Li's heart fell to the ground, and he rubbed his hands on Lu Zhao's hair, which was cut short for convenience.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to come back this year," Bai Li touched Lu Zhao's arm again, "Are you also temporarily returning to the rear to rest? Are you injured? Or are you tired from driving?"

Lu Zhao let him touch his body, shook his head slightly, and said, "Winter is coming to the fringe satellites, which will have a greater impact on the Zerg. Han Miao and I will take turns to rest for a few days. I'll come back first..." He paused Pause, "Go through the estrus period."

Bai Li was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Lu Zhao's strong pheromone smell just now was not just because of excitement.

"Affects a lot?" Bai Li suddenly became nervous, "Uncomfortable?"

In fact, Lu Zhao's estrus period is usually very stable, and with inhibitors, there is basically no major impact except that some pheromones will be leaked after driving the mech for a long time. But he liked Bai Li's appearance very much.

"Just considering that the driving time is too long and it's catching up with the winter, the base wants me to slow down to avoid accidents." Major General Lu replied honestly, "Han Miao's susceptibility period is coming soon." Bai

Li I felt relieved for a little bit, and then felt bad again.

Lu Zhao's situation is special, and it is not suitable for large-scale injection of inhibitors. The base probably took this into consideration, fearing that something would happen to him when he was fatigued by excessive driving, so he was given a few days to rest, otherwise, Lu Zhao would not have been given this opportunity. An elite tune down.

"Tired?" Bai Li asked, "I'll get you something to eat, so you can eat after you take a shower?" "I

drank nutrient solution on the way here," Lu Zhao shook his head, sat up and touched Bai Li's left leg, "What's the matter, will it still hurt?"

Bai Li: "It's okay, you can walk, jump and run, but you can't turn on the armor yet. Old Zheng said wait."

Not being able to turn on means that it will still hurt under pressure , Lu Zhao pursed his lips and didn't say anything.

The shorts Bai Li wore exposed the scar on his left leg. In addition to the centipede scar that spread to his thigh at the beginning, there was also the scar that was scratched to pieces during the solicitation competition. Now there is another surgery The scars on the back, the color of the skin is different from the surrounding ones, and it looks a little hideous.

When Lu Zhao missed Bai Li countless times, he would always imagine what Bai Li's left leg would look like now. Even if he had prepared himself psychologically, he still couldn't bear to see it suddenly.

He moved his hands along the new scar, stroked his knees, and sank into the wide leg of his shorts, not reaching his head.

Bai Li pressed his hand, and said helplessly with red ears, "If you touch it again, something will happen."

Lu Zhao realized what it meant, and the unbearable feeling in his heart was immediately washed away, "Oh" There was a sound, but the hand didn't intend to stop.

And Bai Li pressed his strength as if he was playing, and it collapsed as soon as he fiddled, and it didn't matter if he continued to press, it seemed a little itchy to stop him.

I can only subconsciously post it closer to Lu Zhao, closer.

Suddenly, a furious shout sounded in the heated atmosphere: "Wash up! Change clothes!"

The two immediately bounced off the ground.

"Wash!" Bai Li was so angry that his heart ached, "Isn't it over?" The

round fat man squeaked and started arguing with Bai Li. Lu Zhao laughed and sighed, so he had to go to the bathroom first.

It was already one o'clock in the morning when Lu Zhao finished packing.

Bai Li was still uneasy, so he picked up Lu Zhao's clothes for inspection.

It is indeed a little thinner, and there are some bruises on the shoulders, arms and chest, which are left from the fight and have not faded.

"I ran into remnants of Zerg when I went out to search." Lu Zhao didn't care much, and wrote lightly.

Bai Li didn't know what to say, and rubbed his fingers on the bruise on his chest: "Check back later."

In fact, everything that should be checked has been checked, but Lu Zhao didn't refute, nodded and climbed onto the bed.

"How many days?" Bai Li pulled away the thin quilt to wrap his body, which was still steaming after the bath, "Why are you so thin? I remember that the base also has a special canteen besides the nutrient solution." "Five days

. Lu Zhao wanted to climb over Bai Li and enter the inner side, "It's not good."

Bai Li knew that this was saying that the food in the cafeteria didn't suit Lu Zhao's taste, so he wanted to laugh.

A night light was turned on in the bedroom. Under the warm orange light, Lu Zhao saw the dark blue eyes under his eyes. He stopped halfway across the bed, half-kneeling on the bed, and straddled Bai Li. He lowered his head and moved closer. His eyes: "Didn't sleep well?"

Then remembering how Bai Li was lying on the sofa when he first entered the house, Major General Lu immediately frowned.

"It's just a shallow sleep and easy to wake up." Bai Li leaned on the soft pillow and smiled, "But it doesn't affect my handsomeness at all."

Lu Zhao is still very clear about Bai Li's sleep quality. This person can't sleep well when he has too many things on his mind , It used to be because of nightmares, but now it is probably because of anxiety and worry.

He touched Bai Li's lower eye sockets, wanting him to relax, but he didn't know how to say it.

Bai Li smelled the familiar smell of green grass, half-closed his eyes and straightened up, rubbing his head against Lu Zhao's neck, feeling that his nerves had turned into noodles, and he couldn't relax.

"I miss you too," Bai Li said, "I miss you very much."

Lu Zhao didn't have any temper after being rubbed, and felt warm from head to toe, and smiled slightly: "Yeah." But the topic was not bypassed, "How do you sleep on the sofa?"

Bai Li raised his head helplessly, moved his lips to find an excuse, but was glanced at by Lu Zhao's "don't lie to me", and could only say: "Sleeping on the bed will make you want more." you."

Unlike Lu Zhao, Bai Li was really not good at hitting straight balls, and felt his ears burn after he finished speaking.

Major General Lu got an answer that softened his heart. After his heart softened, his nose felt a little sore, he pinched Bai Li's ears and said, "Li Li..."

Some didn't know what to say, so Bai Li interrupted him.

"When I can't sleep, I feel very anxious when I lie on the bed. It's been a long time." Bai Li leaned back on the pillow, took Lu Zhao's hand and said, "Later, I figured it out. It's not that I haven't been like this for a long time. We are together. It wasn't like this after that." It was

the first time Lu Zhao heard him say that, and he held Bai Li with both hands, holding it a little tight.

"You said I was great before, but in fact you are more powerful," Bai Li said with a smile, "I am at ease when you are here, and I can't do without you."

Lu Zhao's eyes flashed, his lips moved, but he couldn't utter a word. half tone.

"During this time, I have admitted one thing. I admit that I am a weak person," Bai Li said. He spread Lu Zhao's hand and pressed it on his chest. "You are protecting me." Forgiving him

, Accept him, allow Bai Li to be an ordinary person, and give everything to Bai Li who has nothing.

During this period, Bai Li once again realized that he was filled by Lu Zhao. Lu Zhao let him step on the ground and really began to live. Lu Zhao protected him.

Bai Li is the lucky one who received Lu Zhao's favor.

Lu Zhao's internal organs curled up little by little, and then stretched out. He couldn't tell what it was like, but he felt that Bai Li seemed to be digging into his soul every day.

Bai Li actually had something else to say later, but Lu Zhao didn't let him continue.

When the kiss fell, the pheromone spread quickly, and the heat of the estrus surged up very quickly, and Bai Li was also affected.

The contact after many days made people sink even more, his vision was blurred under the stimulation, Lu Zhao felt as if he was being pushed into a soft abyss, he felt Bai Li gently turning him over in the ups and downs, and the gland was pressed by the other party lips kissed.

Just as Bai Li controlled his strength to leave a mark, Lu Zhao grabbed his hair with his backhand, forcing him to press on the opponent's neck.

Lu Zhao's voice was hoarse: "Bai Li."

He didn't say anything, but Bai Li felt it. He tried hard to suppress the possessive desire in his veins: "You think about it... maybe you will no longer be free, Will it not belong to me."

Lu Zhao tilted his head buried in the pillow slightly, revealing his watery eyes, and nodded slightly.

"Come, mark me." He said the same as when the two temporarily marked for the first time, his voice was hoarse but unshakable, even with a little tenderness, "Forever." Bai Li felt that he could drown in Lu Zhao's

words Here, shed all blood and tears.

"The eagle is in the sky, and people run after the eagle," Bai Li said in a low voice, leaning against him, "So you have been guiding me." Lu Zhao couldn't see Bai Li's

expression clearly, so he could only touch Bai Li with his hands. hair strands.

He heard Bai Li's trembling voice.

"You have to know, Lu Zhao," Bai Li said, "I surrender to you."

The gland was bitten, and when the pheromone was injected, it brought dizziness and pain, but with the formation of knots in the body, it pushed people into an impossible situation. The peak of speech.

The five fingers of Lu Zhao's hand holding Bai Li's arm turned white. He couldn't hear what he said clearly, but could only vaguely feel that Bai Li held him tightly.

They seemed to be able to hear each other's heartbeats in their ears, almost fused together.

This permanent marker takes shape in the warm night, flat and without waves.

It's all right and safe.

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