The fan meet

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"Hana, wake up!"
"5 more minutes!"
"We'll be late for Enhypen's fanmeet if you don't hurry."
"WHAT?!" Hana sat up with a start, banging her head with the other girl's forehead.
"Yah, Choi Hana, watch what you are doing!" "Apologies Sooji. but what's the time now?"
"It's 9 a.m."
"WHAAT! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"
"I've been trying for thirty minutes!"
Hana rushed to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Sooji shook her head, "What an idiot."

"Kids, you'll bring the house down with your screaming." Sooji's mother spoke from the kitchen.
"Sorry Mrs. Kim ."
"We're leaving mom! See you later."
"Be careful girls."

"Hana, I'm nervous...", Sooji tugged the other girl's shirt.
"I'm nervous too."
"Let's promise to save each other once we die!" Sooji declared, turning to her solemnly.
Hana smiled, "Alright then, let's do that."

A loud cheering drew the girls attention to the doorway, where the seven boys were entering. "Look at Sunghoon." Sooji's voice was hushed, "He's so handsome." Hana herself was stunned by the boys appearances. Gosh they're so handsome. They greeted everyone present there, before the fanmeet started.

"Hana, go! It's your turn." Sooji pushed the girl gently who quickly walked to the table.

The first person she greeted was Jay,

The first person she greeted was Jay,

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followed by Heeseung,

followed by Heeseung,

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and last and definitely not the least, Sunghoon

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and last and definitely not the least, Sunghoon.

Coming out, her heart hammering hard, Hana waited for Sooji for nearly five minutes, before the girl emerged, face visibly red

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Coming out, her heart hammering hard, Hana waited for Sooji for nearly five minutes, before the girl emerged, face visibly red.

"Are you alive?", Hana asked her.

"Not one bit. You?"


Sooji swung an arm around Hana's shoulder, "Let's have ice-cream. My treat."

"Why are you being so nice?"

"Birthday treat idiot."

"Oh right. It's my birthday. You didn't even wish me in the morning." Hana pouted cutely.

Sooji wasn't having any of it. "You didn't let me. You kicked me out of the room, screaming at me about not waking you up earlier and told me to get ready quickly, even though you got later than me. "

Hana let out a fake sob, "How rude. Is that how you treat your best friend?"
"Thats how I treat idiots, Hana. Anyway what ice-cream flavour?"
"You did buy me the fanmeet tickets. Maybe you shouldn't buy me ice-cream too."
"Will you pay for mine then?"
"Thats what I thought. So?"
"You know me, don't you? Chocolate ofcourse."

"Got it." Sooji returned in 5 minutes with two ice-cream cones in her hands, "Here, eat up."
"Well what do we do now Hana?"
"Eat more?"

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