Closer to the truth

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"Why do you think she isn't awake yet??" Sooji mused, as she and Hana crashed at the Enhypen dorms next afternoon, "You'd think with Jungwon's healing skills she'd be okay by now."

Jungwon shrugged, "She's not physically injured anymore, but she seems to have been quite worn out. It would be best to let her sleep it off."

Jake plopped down next to Hana and wrapped her arms around her, "Charming end to yesterday's date, don't you think?"

Hana rolled her eyes but smiled slightly, "Don't be so bitter. We had fun yesterday."

"But... Nevermind"

"that's what I thought."

A loud scream shook the house, causing everyone to jump out of their seats, "Omo, was that Jieun?!" Hana asked bewildered, before following the others up to the room.

Sure enough, said girl was sitting up on the bed with a panicked look on her face. Jieun frowned as her eyes fell on Hana, "Hey, you..."

Hana walked up to her, "Are you alright? Why did you shout?"

Jieun's eyes flitted between her and the boys in the room and finally she whispered to her, "They're vampires."

Hana blinked, glancing back at the boys before she replied, "Oh yea they are, but they're friends so it's ok!"

Jieun frowned, eyeing them suspiciously, "Well since my aunt seems to trust you so much I suppose it's alright."

Sooji tilted her head, "Oh wait, you don't know them, do you?"

Jieun turned to her, "Am I supposed to?"

Sooji flushed, "They're kinda famous- nevermind."

"Anyhow, that's besides the point." Jay interrupted, "Since you're awake now, can you tell us what happened to you yesterday?"

The girl frowned, "Uh, I kinda discovered something I probably shouldn't have..." She broke off, coughing.

Niki was quick to hand her a glass of water, which she drank immediately, "So discovered what?"

"Right well, I overheard some vampires talking about kidnapping elementals for some kind of sacrifice."

Hana blinked, "What's an elemental?"

Jieun shook her head, "Wish I knew."

"An elemental is a werewolf who's supposed to be able to manipulate all the four main elements of nature." Sunghoon volunteered, ever the Werewolf Wikipedia, "Apparently there are 4 of them, one corresponding to each element. It is said that these 4 are chosen once every 100 years."

"Is there something special about 100 years? I hear that all the time in stories-" Sooji complained.

Jieun glanced at Hana with a how-does-he-know-so-much look. The latter shook her head with a grin.

"Wait so if they are sacrificed..." Sunoo shivered, clearly not liking the implications.

"Did you hear anything else??" Heeseung asked, to which Jieun just shook her head, "No, they realised my presence sometime then I guess."

"So why do they need such a powerful sacrifice?" Jay wondered aloud.

"I was actually gonna go ask my aunt." Jieun said, turning to Hana, "I'm not sure whether you know or not, but there's a library in the house. We might find some stuff there."

Hana blinked, "Really? I didn't know that. I can come with you! If that's okay I mean."

Jieun hesitated, "You did just save my life, so I guess its fine."

"Should one of us come along?" Jake asked, "In case something... happens?"

"Well-" Hana stopped, catching the pleading look in Jieun's eyes, clearly telling her not to let him, "On second thoughts, it's okay. We'll be alright."

The man frowned, "But what if-?"

Hana squeezed his arm, reassuringly, "Don't worry, we're decently trained werewolves after all."

Jake nodded, although he didn't look too happy. "We should leave soon then."Jieun said, "My aunt would also probably be worried about me..."

"Do you wanna eat something before you leave?" Heeseung asked her, "You've been out for a long time after all."

Jieun shook her head, "It's fine. I'm not..." Her stomach growled before she could finish her sentence, taking her by surprise and causing a fierce blush to rise up her cheeks, "...hungry."

Hana clapped her hands, holding in her grin, "That's a yes then!"


"I had a younger brother." Jieun told Hana as they walked down to the former's house an hour later. "After my parents died, we were separated and I was set up with aunt Bora. I have no clue what's happened to him."

Hana blinked, "Have you ever searched for him?"

Jieun threw her a look, "I mean- obviously-"

"Heh sorry."

Jieun suddenly stopped and Hana turned towards her, "What's wrong?"

"I thought I heard something..."

Hana frowned, attempting to turn around before Jieun grabbed her arm, "How do you feel about running?"

Hana blinked but didn't question her, "Sure, I guess running works-"

A flash of movement caught her eye before she could even finish her sentence.  She tried to call out a warning, before something heavy and hard slammed into her head, causing her vision to go blurry.


Happy Sunoo day peeps <3 (hi guys, I'm finally back!)

Happy Sunoo day peeps <3 (hi guys, I'm finally back!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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