The funeral and after

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"... I still can not believe she isn't here anymore, just thinking about that makes me feel ill.

I miss her so much and wish I could be by her side right now.

She was my everything and i regret not spending much time with her. I love you so much mom, let's meet soon.

Until then watch over me from afar. I'll look for you in the sunsets you loved so much."


"Was that alright? Did I sound nervous?" Sooji whispered to her best friend as she sat down.

"You sounded like you were going to start crying."

"I did feel like crying but..."

"She's exaggerating," Sunghoon assured her, "Your voice cracked only twice in your five minute speech. You were fine."

"Thanks," Sooji smiled gratefully, before glaring at her friend. The latter smiled sheepishly, and handed her a bottle of water, "You did sound like you were going to cry..."

"That's because you know her well." Jay remarked, "To others, it would be fine."

Hana shrugged, "She asked for my opinion."

"Do you have training today evening?" Sooji interrupted, quickly changing the topic. Hana shook her head, "Bora graciously gave me a holiday! I get to spend today with you!"

"I think you should go train," Sooji mumbled, turning away.

"Are you that eager to get me away from you?"

"I'll start crying if I stay around you too much, I'm afraid."

Hana pulled her best friend to her, "it's alright. Cry if you feel like it."

"There are so many people here."

"It's not important. We'll cover you."

The girl didn't respond, but Hana felt her body shake and tightened her hold on her as the other started to sob silently. The Enhypen members surrounded the two of them, shielding them from the view of the others. Hana thanked them mentally.

Sooji held her back just as tightly as she began to wheeze from the multitude of tears cascading down her face. Hana rubbed her back, whispering gently to her. She wasn't the best at comforting a person. But this was her best friend. She had to do her best.

Sure enough, it worked. Sooji's breathing eased as she relaxed in Hana's arms.

At that moment, Hana realized exactly how hurt her best friend must have been to be allowing others to see her this vulnerable.

Guilt washed over her as she remembered Bora telling her that Mrs. Kim was killed by vampires. It was obviously her fault. Hana had planned to tell Sooji that night. But now, she just couldn't.

Sooji, I'm sorry. I can't tell you the truth yet.

The girl pulled away, bringing Hana out of her thoughts, "Better?"

"A bit," Sooji admitted, "But I do have a feeling there's more to come..."

"Sooji, I think your father is calling you." Niki remarked, drawing the girls' attention to Mr. Kim.

"Thanks Niki," Sooji quickly wiping her face before walked away. Hana watched her go.

"What training was she talking about?" Jungwon asked.

"Well I met this werewolf day before yesterday who is also a water user. She agreed to train me. I trained yesterday for the first time."

"How did it go?"

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