A coincidence?

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It had been nearly a week since the funeral, more specifically, since that conversation which Hana counted as her and Sooji's first argument (she really hoped it was the last!).

But the days went on even though the two of them had just suffered an irreparable loss.

It always did.

"Do you get the feeling the restaurant has been more crowded recently?" Hana asked, as she and Sooji worked together.

"U don't say." Sooji said sarcastically.

"Four pizzas please." A familiar voice sang. Hana looked up, "Sunoo!"

The male smiled, replying enthusiastically, "Hana!"

"You're ordering takeout?" Hana asked him.

"We've become rather busy practicing for our comeback," Sunoo admitted.

"Right, we saw on weverse!" Hana nodded.

Sunoo snickered, "Of course you did!"

"Oh shut up!" Hana rolled her eyes before saying, "Your hair is really pretty!"

"Of course it is." The boy grinned, pretending to move fake hair off his shoulders, "I have excellent taste!"

"Don't get high and mighty. I like Jungwon's the most!"

Sunoo blinked, "Jungwon's? I thought it would be Jake?"


"He is your bias."

"True. Jake's is second. But Jungwon's is just... so good."

"Here you go again." Sunoo rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up! You asked!"

"Yall keep talking and make me do all the work," Sooji complained, annoyed as she handed Sunoo his food packet. "Sorry," Hana said, grinning sheepishly.

"It would be more believable if you said it without smiling."

"Riiiight," Hana held in a laugh, "Well, see you Sunoo."

"Bye ladies."

"Just this once, never again," Sooji warned her. Hana smirked, "I love you!"

"Good for you!"

She snickered, turned away and bumped into a hard chest, "Oof-!"

"Are you alright?!" A male voice asked, worried.

"I'm alright," Hana said quickly, "Sorry about that!"

"It's you!" Hana said, as she looked up and recognised the person, "Didn't we meet at that grocery?"

The male grinned, "Right! You're Hana!"

His name came to Hana, "You're Wonhoo."

"That's me!"

"Did you start working here recently?"

"Today's actually my 1st day," He smiled shyly.

"Oh, I see!" Hana remarked, "Well, if you need help, you can call me!"

"Thank you," He waved her off, "See you soon!"

Yule spoke up in her mind as soon as the other was out of sight, Hana, what is he doing here?

Working, probably.

I don't believe in coincidences. I'm sure he wants to hurt you!

Yule, you're suspicious of every new person we meet. Besides, there's no way to prove what you're saying.

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