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"You're here!" Sunoo was the first to reach Hana, crushing her in a hug and nearly sending her tumbling to the ground.

"Sunoo-yah, the least you can do is wait for the girls to come in!" Heeseung, who had opened the door, scolded, although he was grinning too, clearly happy to see her and Sooji.

Sunoo didn't respond, too busy smothering Hana and her best friend. Sooji patted his arm, "I can't breathe."

Sunoo let them go, "Oops. Well, I'm not sorry. But you guys may come in." He moved aside, causing Heeseung to roll his eyes, "thank you for allowing them to enter, your royal highness."

Sunoo grinned, "Of course, it's always a pleasure!"

"Hana!" Jake greeted her loudly, causing her to smile subconsciously as he hugged her.

Hana flushed, realising with a start that she had missed the boy more than she had thought. She pulled away, and her stomach flipped as she realised that the man must have taken a bath, as his hair was still wet.

He looked gorgeous as ever.

Hana's stomach somersaulted a lot in Jake's presence.

The male grinned, "Do I look good with wet hair?"

You look good no matter what you do. Hana thought, but didn't say that.

Jay swung an arm around her shoulders, effectively shielding her from embarrassment, "Let's go into the living room. Jake, don't tease her!"

Hana let Jay steer her away, thanking her stars for his existence, but not noticing the pout on Jake's face.

"Sooji! Sooji!" Jungwon had swung himself into the said girl's arms and the Hana watched in amusement as the girl stumbled backwards and bumped into Sunghoon's chest *cough* future bf *cough*.

"It's good to see you too." Sooji patted him, her face red. Jungwon turned, caught Hana's eye and smirked, effectively informing Hana that the performance had been, oh-so-carefully planned. Hana giggled, before turning to Sunoo.

"We ordered pizza." Niki told them, "Are you guys staying for dinner??"

"Should we?"

Sooji nodded vigorously, "Pizza. Always."


"I think I stuffed myself too much."

Hana rolled her eyes, annoyed with her best friend, "Idiot. Don't you dare throw up on me."

Sooji pouted, "Where's the bff I love so much?"


"Uh, hi?"

"We have to talk," Jake said as he invited himself in and sat down on the bed.

"We do? I just returned from your dorm."

"I, um... Couldn't have told you there." Jake was avoiding her gaze, playing with his fingers; two habits he had for when he was nervous.

Hana sat down next to him.

For a while, he didn't say anything, nor did Hana. She figured he was trying to arrange his thoughts before speaking and didn't want to rush him.

She took the opportunity to memorize his side profile.

There had been something magical about him that night. Everything about him was so breathtakingly beautiful, it was insane.

Hana vaguely wondered whether she sounded like a love-sick nineteen year old.

You do.

But she was, very much, in love with Jake Shim.

But contrary to his beautiful features, he had a grim expression on his face.

"I...well there's a lot I want to say but I don't think I can manage to say it all without stuttering. So long story short, I've had feelings for you for a while now and um, i figured you shud know.


"It's fine if you don't reciprocate my feelings, I just couldn't hold back anymore after seeing you with Jay today...I- I realized I have to say something before it's too late, so I just said it...I don't need an answer", Jake blurted out noticing her quietness.
"Haha...that's awkward I'll be leaving now I guess", he continued as he got up from the bed to leave.

Hana was still in shock but his sudden announcement brought her back to her senses.

"Wait, Jake, don't leave! I- I also have feelings for you!", she shouted getting up from her bed and taking a step towards him.

Jake froze and then turned, "What...? But I thought..."

"It's only you! It's always only been you!"

The next thing Hana knew, Jake was hugging her so tightly, she felt he was never gonna let her go. Hana melted into his touch, still surprised at the unexpected turn of events but returning the hug gladly.

"Can I kiss you?" Jake's voice was quiet, hesitant.

"Yea, I'd like that." Hana breathed as the other closed the distance between them.

Then Jake Sim was kissing Choi Hana.

Hana tried to describe the kiss later on. But at that moment, her brain stopped functioning altogether. She fisted his shirt, trying to get her head in place which was chanting Jake's name in fervour. But she didn't succeed until the boy pulled away, a pink tinge on his cheeks.

A silence reigned for a while before Jake spoke again, "So... Let's go on a date?"

Hana blinked, "Huh? Oh ok!"

"Tomorrow at the amusement park at 6??"

Hana nodded, "Sounds good."

The amusement park, indeed sounded like the best place for a first date to her.

"Then... See you tomorrow!" Jake blew her a kiss, before leaving the room, leaving Hana a blushing mess, "Well ok..."

"Oh my goddddd!!!"


I can't believe I wrote thissss 😭😭

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