Comeback season

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"Sunoo? Why are you here?"

Hana pulled the boy into her room, as a guest of cold wind made her shiver, "It's cold. Have you been outside for long?"

He shook his head, "I planned to go back home if you were asleep but since you were awake, I knocked."

Hana nodded, pulling him down on her bed next to her, "Well, why are you here?"

"I couldn't sleep."

Hana blinked, "Trouble with the comeback?"

"Not really. I mean, things are still pretty hectic, but the album is being released next week, so we're mostly done already."

"Then what is it?"

The male flopped down on her bed and looked up at Hana, "Honestly? I haven't got the faintest clue!"

Hana rolled her eyes, "So you just decide to show up on my balcony at midnight?"

"Well, yes. Do you mind?" He batted his eyes at her causing her to giggle, "Of course not. You have no clue how much I've missed you!"

Sunoo pretended to look surprised, "All of us? I thought you forgot about us with Jake coming to visit you almost every night!"

"How did you know he comes here? It was supposed to be a secret."

Sunoo froze and Hana smirked, "Did you say something you weren't supposed to?"

Sunoo blushed, "Well, I may or may not have followed him here one night."

Hana couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped her, "Tbh, that sounds like something you'd do!"

Sunoo pouted, "Don't be mean."

"I'm not being mean. My only question is why you didn't come earlier?! It's been some six days since Jake's been here!"

"I forgot."

"About me?" Hana put her hand on her chest, pretending to be shocked, "Well, that hurt."

Sunoo rolled his eyes, lying down on her bed and pulling her next to him, "You're a drama queen. I meant it didn't occur to me earlier that I could come here."

Hana giggled, "I am glad to see you!"

"We all miss you." Sunoo said, his eyes closed, "Once we're done with the comeback, you and Sooji should come over."

Hana smiled, "Cool! We've both missed you over the last weeks."

Not recieving a response, Hana turned to look at the male next to her, only to see him asleep, "That was quick. He must have been really tired."


When Hana woke up, she was facing Sunoo and the latter had his arms wrapped around her. Hana grinned, eyeing the boy who was sleeping with a little pout on his face, he's cute all the time.

(A/n: cutie <3)

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(A/n: cutie <3)

She tried to pull away without waking him, only to earn a groan, "Why are you moving so much?"

"I need to use the restroom..."

The boy let her go at once, "Don't wet the bed-"

Hana scoffed, "Am I a cannibal? Why would I do that?"

The boy didn't reply, having already fallen asleep and Hana rolled her eyes before slipping off the bed. When she returned however, Sunoo was sitting up on her bed, "Oh, you're awake?"

Sunoo turned to look at her with a grin, "Your bed is so soft. I slept so well!"

"And your bed isn't?"

Sunoo shrugged, "It is. Well I better return to the dorm."

"Alright then, see you!"


"Hana, help!"

Hana turned, "What is it, Wonhoo- yah! how did you manage to cut your hand-?!"

Her coworker flushed, "It was an accident, but-"

Hana shooed him away, "I'll handle the packaging, jeez, its like the fifth time you cut yourself in the last 3 days-"

Wonhoo threw her a cute grin, "Thanks!"

Hana shook her head, taking over his work quickly. Sooji, Wonhoo and she had gotten very close since he had joined the restaurant. Both girls had found the male quite fun to get along with. And Yule had stopped suspecting him of treason with every breath he took.


Said girl flinched, "I'm not dead-! Yes Sooji, what is it?"

"I had forgotten that Enhypen's new album came out today!"

Hana dropped the scissors she was holding, "ITS ALREADY BEEN A WEEK SINCE I LAST SAW SUNOO?! IMPOSSIBLE!"

Sooji patted her shoulder, "We've had a tough week. It ain't your fault baby."

Hana groaned, "If we don't listen to it today, the boys will kill us-"

Sooji rolled her eyes, "We'll kick their butts-! Anyway, let's watch it once we get home."

"Yes ma'am."


"I'm sleepy," Hana yawned, three hours later when she and her best friend had finished watching the Enhypen comeback.

"Go to bed then." Sooji said, "Yah- not here!" She protested, when Hana flopped down on her bed.

Hana pouted, "You're my best friend and I love you so much! Won't you let me stay here for tonight?"

"You move a lot..." Sooji mumbled, and Hana grinned, knowing she had won, "Thank you! I love you!"

"Night Hana."

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