The second meeting

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"Sooji, are you ready?" Hana called.
"Give me a minute, I'm trying to look better than you!" Sooji's voice rang back.
"Hey! You know that's impossible right? Come on, I'm so excited!"
"You're this excited every time we go to an amusement park. I don't even know what your excitement means anymore, Hana."
"It means I love to spend time with you."
"Aww I love you too! Lets go <3"

"Hana stop jumping, my ears hurt."
"Should I buy you earmuffs?"
"No you'll bump into someone if you-", Sooji hadn't even finished talking when Hana walked into something hard. Damn that must have been a rock.

As the person turned, Hana bowed 90 degrees, trying to not look/feel awkward, "Mianhaeyo! I wasn't seeing where I was going!" "It's quite alright!", a friendly voice responded, "I hope I didn't hurt you?" Why does that voice sound similar? Hana looked up at the face of a person she knew quite well, smiling down at her.

Jungwon... I think I'm gonna scream...

Before Hana could do or say something weird and embarrass both herself and Jungwon, the latter spoke up, "Hey, I know you! You were at today's fanmeet! You are... Hana?".

The girl nodded, "Yes that's me."

The boy smiled, "I'm surprised. It's good to see you again!" Hana matched his smile subconsciously, "It's nice to see you too."

"Jungwon!" A voice called from behind. "Oh, Jake hyung!", The younger boy turned towards the older, "you're back!"
"I got us our ice-creams."
"Thanks hyung!"
Jake's attention turned to Hana. "Oh hello! You're the girl we met at the fanmeet today!"

Hana, on the other hand, was momentarily rendered speechless by the unexpected handsomeness of the man in casual clothes. However, before she could embarrass herself, Sooji walked to her, swinging her arm around hers. Lifesaver. "Hana, are you alright? Sorry about her. She gets excited at amusement parks and then acts like a child."

...I take it back.

Jungwon laughed. "It's alright, it's quite cute. You were there at the fanmeet today too. I didn't realise you two were friends!"

"What are you guys doing here?", Sooji asked, when Hana yet again, failed to get sound out of her mouth. "Taking a break," this time Jake replied. "We had nothing to do after returning today and Jungwon insisted that I come with him. What about you?"

"It's Hana's birthday.", Sooji said and Hana felt her cheeks warm in embarrassment, "I promised her I'd pay for everything we do today." "I told you not to pay for the fanmeet." Hana mumbled. "Stop complaining Hana, we've been through this."

Both boys chuckled. "Happy birthday Hana!" They chorused, causing the girl to blush deeper. "Well, let's hang out together!" Jungwon suggested, "it'll be fun." Jake nodded, "Sure, why not!" "But-" "We'd love too!" Sooji interrupted Hana's words, throwing her a warning look against rejecting the boys'invitation. Hana swallowed, "Yes, that would be great."

"Great!", Jake smiled. "Would you guys like ice-cream too?", He pointed at a nearby vending machine. "Oh good idea!" Soojin grabbed her purse, "Hana, I'll get-" "I'll go get it!" The other girl grabbed her purse, sprinting away from them.

I met my idols twice in the same day and now they want to spend time with me. What kdrama am I living in?

To no-one's astonishment, both boys were very nice and as time passed, Hana found herself getting more comfortable around them.

"Hana, it's quite late, we should be getting home." "Can't we stay a little longer?", Hana pouted, trying to persuade her friend. "If my mom kicks us out, it'll be your fault.", Sooji returned. "Sheesh, rude."

"You really should return.", Jake told them, "we should be getting back too." "I don't wanna.", Jungwon whined. "Let's exchange numbers.", Jake suggested, "Then Jungwon won't be so sad about returning home." "Alright, let's do that." Hana and Sooji laughed together.

"Oh Hana, you were so awkward lol. I thought I'd be more awkward than u." Having returned, Sooji had started to tease Hana, who was fuming from embarrassment and annoyance. "You weren't as awkward as me because Sunghoon wasn't there! If he had been, then you'd be more awkward than me!"

"Then you'll have your chance to tease me. Now let me tease you in peace."

" Please go to sleep, Sooji!"

" Please go to sleep, Sooji!"

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* ???'s pov *

"Hyung, are you sure giving your numbers to them was the best idea? They're still our fans."
"I'm not really sure but something about her was... different."
"He's right. I felt it at the fanmeet too. She's not normal."
"Do you think she's like us?"
"We'll probably be finding out soon."

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