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Hana stared at the wolf in awe, who stared right back at her, blue eyes baring into her own black ones

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Hana stared at the wolf in awe, who stared right back at her, blue eyes baring into her own black ones. She felt a warm familiarity as well as the raw power emanating from the animal.


The wolf in front of her vanished with a flash as her eyes snapped open.

She was on the ground on her legs and hands. She tried pushing herself up to her feet, before falling unceremoniously on her face, her arms and legs sprawled under her. She lifted her head up to see two white paws where her arms should have been.

Her first thought was that she had been turned into a ferret.

"Hana, don't freak out. You're in your wolf form."

Hana had barely thought in her mind, I want to turn back, and she was back on the beach, the same wolf away from her. "Yule!", Hana called out, but the wolf did not give any indication of having heard her.

The scenery began to swirl as the wolf turned away from her. Hana's eyes opened again.

Bora was holding her arms, probably to stop her from falling, "Are you alright?"

Hana nodded.

Bora handed her a bottle of water, "You've got surprisingly good control over your wolf for a newbie!"

"I do?"

"Now we're gonna do something. I need you to change into your wolf form and stay there till I tell you to turn back."

Hana did as Bora said until she was comfortable with her transformation. However the fact that she could not interact with the wolf on the beach was eating at her.


What is it?

Why aren't you responding to me on the beach?

Huh? What beach?

The beach I see when I transform everytime.

Hana, I don't see beach. I have no clue what you're talking about.

So... The wolf I saw wasn't you?

You saw a wolf? What did he look like?

He was kind of bluish.

"Hana, are you ready to go?" Bora asked her, walking in.

Hana stood up, "Alright. What do we do now?"

Hana followed the former over to a door at one end of the room. She wasn't exactly sure why she hadn't noticed it earlier, but she shrugged it off.

Bora pulled it open and beckoned her to follow.

Hana's mouth fell open as she walked into the most beautiful jungle she had ever seen. "Um... what...?"

Bora laughed. "Yeah, I know its quite surprising. This is the place where we train. Do not ask me how this works. Apparently, my great-grandfather refused to tell anyone. Hence, no one knows."

"But, this is so cool!" Hana said, taking a few random steps forward before Bora stopped her, "Let's not do that yet. We wouldn't want you getting lost, right?"

Hana pouted, "Fine. Where do we go?"

Bora led her a little distance into the forest and they finally came to a stop near a pond.

"That. Is. Wow."

Bora grinned, "Pretty, right? Let's see what you can do!"


"Can you feel the water near you?" Bora asked her, drawing Hana's attention to the water body.

Hana could feel it, the power of the water coursing through her; all she could think about, however, was how she would control the power, which, clearly, had no desire to be controlled whatsoever.

"Water is the hardest element to control," Bora told her, as though reading her mind, "Which is why the werewolves who can successfully control it end up being one of the strongest."

Hana nodded, "What should I do."

"Watch. "

Bora raised her hand and a sheet of water rose up, and sank down again.
"You can start with a column. Try to copy what I just did."

Hana raised her hand, and a column of water rose as she imagined. "Oh! It works!" She cried, her focus wavering, and at once, the water fell back into the pond, "Er, oops."

Behind her, Bora chuckled, "Yes, it works. Do it again. This time, do not lose focus."

"Lose focus?" Hana repeated, a picture of her best friend stuffing her mouth with chicken floating into her mind. She pushed it away, "Right, let's do it."

She turned again, willing the water to rise and held it in place. This time, she noticed some things.

There was a faint humming in her body, she could feel the water responding to her.

She also felt the power trying to get out of her control. She forced it down.

The column shook. Some of the water sprayed out of her control.

It's difficult.

The smallest thought was all it needed for the water to escape her control completely; it fell back into the pond.

"You made it look easy!"

"It's your first day, don't be impatient."


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