The past

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"I've got us food!!"

Hana looked up, "Did you nick it from the kitchen?"

The boy pouted, "I didn't nick, I took it out of the kitchen under their noses."

"Where's the difference?"

"It's their fault for not noticing."

Hana laughed, "Alright! Whatever you say!"

The boy sat next to her, "I wish you would stay the night."

Hana patted his head, "Don't worry, we'll come back again."

"I know, but-"

The door flew open, interrupting their conversation. "Hana, we have to go!", her mother called her. Hana frowned, "Now, but we haven't eaten yet!" Her mother turned away, "Something came up, I'll explain on the way, but we have to hurry."

Hana stood up quickly, a bad feeling coming to her. The younger boy tugged at her shirt, "Hana?" Hana smiled, gently patting his head, "Hey, don't worry, I'll see you next time!" She turned and followed her mother down the stairs into the living room.

"Go out through the back door.", Sungjae ushered all of them towards the back before the front door flung open. What's happening?

"Kill them all.", Hana heard a voice speak and a deafening sound exploded around the house. Gunfires! "Hana, come on!", her mother called her desperately, already outside the door.


Hana turned as a uniformed man entered into her side, and aimed at her head. Hana flinched as a gunshot was fired, but it didn't reach her.

Hana's head hit the ground as she landed just outside the door and she looked up to see the same man fire a shot at a small figure on the ground.

"No! Michizo!"

Hana jumped, moving towards the little boy's fallen figure, but her mother pulled her back, "Hana, we cant!". But, Hana wasn't listening. Her eyes were focused on the blood gushing out of the boy's wound. He looked up, meeting Hana's eyes. And smiled.

Hana let out a sob as she was pulled away, it's all my fault.

Her mother piled her into their car, but Hana couldn't think straight. All she could hear was a voice in her head, telling her that she would never see the little boy again, never hear him laugh or see him steal food again.

The rear window of the car exploded, as gunshots rang out behind them. Hana vaguely heard screaming and the pain in her throat made her realize that she was the one screaming.

The car tilted sideways.

And fell.


Hana sat up with a gasp, immediately feeling dizzy from the sharp movement. Sooji's face floated into her view, "Hana? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I.... I'm..." It took Hana a minute to realise that there were tears streaming down her face. Sooji didn't speak, just held her tightly, letting her wrap her head around all the memories she had remembered.

"I'm alright.", she assured Sooji, who removed her arms from her, allowing the others to approach her. Jake was the first to reach her, "Are you sure you're alright?"

Hana flinched, and the boy's movements faltered. She kicked herself mentally, What was that about? You know they won't hurt you.. But she couldn't bring herself to reach out to the boy across her.

"I'm okay.", she told Jake, looking him in the eye, hoping he would understand what she was thinking. His gaze softened, and he smiled, "That's good then."

Hana still had questions so she turned her attention towards Sungjae.

"What happened after the car fell? How come my parents are dead but I'm alive?"

"Your parents didn't die from the accident.", the man replied, "They were hit by some silver bullets while they were trying to escape from the house. I guess they realized that they wouldn't survive, but they wanted to save you."

"Isn't silver supposed to hurt vampires?", Sooji asked, confused.

"It hurts both vampires and werewolves. However, depending on your physical strength, werewolves are said to be able to stop the silver from spreading throughout the body, hence keeping it localized to a specific place."

"Why didn't I get hit by any bullets?", Hana mused, "They were firing at the car too."

"You were hit. You have a scar on your right forearm right?"

"How do you know that?"

"That's where you were hit. I came by the wreckage nearly two hours later. Your parents had already passed, but you were barely alive. I brought you to one of my friends who had healing abilities. He healed you."

Hana touched the mark on her arm, "I often used to wonder where the mark came from. I thought that maybe I was born with it because I've had it for as long as I remembered."

"Do you know why your house was attacked?", Hana questioned, and Sungjae's gaze darkened, "Some werewolf killed an important vampire, so the vampire government went on a rampage to kill all the werewolves they knew. Unfortunately, I was known for having werewolf friends."

"There's a vampire government?!"

Sungjae grinned at her surprise, "Both the werewolves and the vampires had a committee to hide and take care of their respective people. Thats why the fight between the Wolves and vampires took a heavy toll on both sides. The vampires took to converting more humans into vampires to increase their population." He turned towards the Enhypen boys, "I'll guess that's when you guys were changed."

"What happened to other werewolves?"

"They went into hiding as far as I know. Not one has been found since that day. They've been hiding themselves well."

Sungjae hesitated, then said, "You figuring out your identity will put your life in danger. This was what your mother was trying to save you from."

"What do you mean?"

"Your mother told me that if anything happened to her, I should separate you from the werewolf world, keep you safe. So when she died, I removed your memories and put you with Yuri."

"How do you know my mother's name?", Sooji asked, surprised.

A smile came on his face, "Your mothers were childhood friends. Yuri was the only human who knew about Ara being a werewolf.", he looked at Hana, "Your mother trusted her with her life."

"So... Mrs Kim, knew about me being a werewolf?", Hana asked. She was having a hard time believing it.

Sungjae nodded, "She knows the existence of both vampires and werewolves."

"Why didn't she say anything?", Sooji asked, more to herself than to others.

"Humans knowing our existence is dangerous for them. In most cases, it affects their sanity. In rare cases, they blurt it out to others and that causes us problems."

"So what do you do when humans learn about us?"

"Well, most of the times, they're killed."

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