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"What do you want from me?" Hana's voice came out quieter than she expected, surprising both her and her wolf.

You're calm.

I'm surprised too.

The girl put up her hand with a grin, "You sound like you will kill me. Take it easy! I saw you at the hospital and wanted to talk to you."

"You... want to talk to me...?" Hana could sense that she was scared, but she hoped she did okay in hiding it.

The girl nodded, "As I said, I'm Bora. I'm sure you've already realised I'm also a werewolf?"

Hana nodded, and the girl continued, "Well, I saw you at the hospital and you were stinking so I-"

"Excuse me?"

She waved a dismissive arm, "I don't mean it rudely. I meant your scent. All werewolves have a decent by which they can be identified by other werewolves. And vampires too, we'll be coming to that, so when we went into hiding we learnt to hide our scents."

"Is that possible?"

Bora'e eyes twinkled, "Anything's possible with enough practice!"

"Well, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well you don't seem trained and your smell is quite strong so you'll end up dying eventually if you don't learn to fight."

".... And that concerns you.. because?"

The girl frowned, "Our population has been reduced significantly since the last attack. I didn't expect there would be inexperienced wolves but here you are. How old are you right now?"


"Then you should have been trained one year ago. How did you survive?"

Hana didn't respond. She wasn't going to tell this woman about her past just yet.

The girl seemed to understand that. She shrugged, "Fair enough. But once you're ready to be trained, call me here." She handed Hana a card with her number.

"You seem sure I'll be willing." Hana said, taking the card. The twinkle came into the girl's eyes again, "Well, I'm sure you want to not die. Besides I'm sure you're wolf will persuade you too."

Damn, she's good.

Drop it.

"Goodbye!", The girl waved, walking away, "See you later."

"Wait!" A thought suddenly occurred to Hana, "Why... Why were you at the hospital?"

"I work there."

"Then... Mrs Kim..."

"Right. The person you visited was killed by some vampire. We had to cover up some bites."

"You covered it up?!"

"We can't let humans know our existence."

"Why not?"

"Because what just happened to that lady would happen to each and every one of them eventually."

A cold feeling settled in Hana's stomach. "Associating with humans is dangerous." Bora continued, "More for them and less for us. So, once you're prepared to protect the ones you care about, call me."


Hana stop thinking such dark thoughts, i feel like I'm dealing with a 90 year old woman.


Why aren't you telling Sooji about this?

Someone knocked on her door and it opened shortly. Sooji walked in, "Can't sleep?"

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