A Gift (or not)

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"The fact that Jake is Australian really sells it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Jake is Australian, Australia is famous for kangaroo. He's a kangaroo."

Hana let out a laugh, "You're not serious."

"I mean it. You told me he jumped through the window."

"I just relayed his own words to you."

"Hence proved."


That evening, Hana told her mentor about her new vampire coworker.

"What's suspicious is that he hasn't mentioned it to you even once," Bora said thoughtfully, "You're sure he knows you're a werewolf?"

"Definitely. He met me before you hid my scent."

Bora sighed, her eyes had turned darker, indicating her worry, "In that case, be careful around him. And don't let your guard down. You don't assume a vampire is friendly until he proves it."

See, she agrees with me.

She said to be alert. Not to go to the police and complain about supposedly hostile vampires.


"Sorry, I'm here!" She said quickly. Bora smiled, although she looked unsettled, "Did you hear what I just said?"

"Um, no..."

"I told you to look out for your human friend. It won't be very good if anyone finds out that she knows you're a werewolf."

Hana nodded, "Alright."

Bora turned silent, "About her..."

"What is it?"

Bora didn't reply, apparently deep in thought. She seemed to come to a conclusion she didn't quite like and told Hana, "Wait here, I'll come back in a while."

Hana nodded, watching her go.

Is it just me or did it look like she was making a life-or-death decision?"

Not just you, Yule.

Hana turned and came face to face with a brown headed girl standing a few feet away from her.

"Where did you come from?"

Hana covered her mouth, realising she said it out loud, oops.

The girl smiled, and walked over to her, "I'm Jieun. You are Hana? the new wolf my aunt is training?"

"She's your aunt?" Hana asked, surprised.

The girl nodded, and held out her hand, "She's told me about you. Nice to finally put a face to the name."

Hana took her hand, "Nice to meet you too."

The two girls chatted for a while. Hana found the other surprisingly friendly; she especially seemed interested in Sooji.

"I've not had a lot of friends,"She explained, "Especially not a human one."

"Sooji would like you," Hana grinned, "You should definitely meet her one day ."

"I see you've finally met each other!" Bora walked over and Hana noticed a box in her arms.

"Is that the knife?!" Jieun spoke up before Hana had a chance to respond.

Bora threw the girl a warning look, "It's for a friend of hers."

"The one she just said was a human?!" She demanded, looking between Hana and Bora, "You're seriously giving a human a weapon with which she could like, oh I don't know, fatally wound us?"

"Sooji wouldn't hurt any of you!' Hana said quickly, rising to the defence of her best friend.

The brown haired girl glowered at her, "Am I supposed to believe you just because you say that? I've barely known you for five minutes!"

Hana was stunned to silence and Jieun turned to Bora again, "Would you even have told me if I hadn't been here?! Or would you have given away the knife without bothering to tell me?!" The girl stormed off.

Bora sighed but didn't stop her. She turned to Hana. "She's not had a good experience with that knife. But Hana, you must understand, being near a silver knife is very, very dangerous for you and me. For Sooji, it will hurt like any other knife, but for us, even the smallest of cuts can be fatal if not treated properly. You must not let the blade touch you."

Hana nodded, "I know, I understand."

"And remember, under no condition must Sooji use it for anything except self defence. Giving a human a silver knife is a sign of trust. If she betrays it...." Bora didn't finish the sentence, but Hana understood.

"The knife won't purposely hurt anyone," Hana promised, "We'll make sure of it."

Bora nodded, "Well, go home now," she sighed, "I should find Jieun..."


"I ain't touching that."

Hana rolled her eyes at the expected response from her best friend, "Then, should I return it?"

"yea, no... I like the idea of being able to protect myself," She eyed the knife, then pouted.

"What is it?"

"It's such a pretty thing. I feel bad thinking it has been hurting people."

"It's a weapon."

"But still, it should be kept in the drawing room only for display."

"What the-"

"Don't judge."





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