A Secret Revealed

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That night, Hana told Jake about her earlier encounter. "I feel bad," She admitted, "It feels a bit wrong to bring home a weapon which has clearly hurt a lot of people..."

Jake patted her head, "Its not the knife's fault it has hurt people. The best thing you can do for it is find it an owner who you know will not misuse it. That's why it was given to you in the first place. Besides, with you and Sooji, I know the knife won't hurt anyone innocent."

It occurred to Hana that was exactly what she had told Bora.

Jake pushed her shoulder gently, "Don't look so glum. Where's that girl who smiles like an idiot when she's with the seven of us?"

"What do you mean, like an idiot?"

"Oh you know, like she's totally simping in her head and she thinks nobody understands but actually everyone does."

Lol, he's caught you on 4K.

Hana gaped at the boy sitting opposite to her, who was currently wearing a shit-eating grin on his face.

The audacity...


Said boy let out a loud laugh before scrambling away from Hana, "Hold on- no tickles-"

The latter wasn't listening as she tackled the male down, pinning him to her bed.

"Oh, you've become strong-! Hana- wait- ow, that tickles-!"

Jake's shirt rode up with all the struggle, something he didn't notice for he was too busy recovering from the attack.

Hana blushed, not daring to look at the boy, should I say something?

And that was when she noticed.

The huge scar on the skin of his stomach.

Jake, on the other hand, immediately got up and straightened his shirt as he realised what the girl had just seen.

"How did you get that?"

Jake didn't reply, resolutely avoiding looking into her eyes.


The male swallowed, before turning towards her, "I was stabbed by a knife..."


"Shortly after we were turned into vampires. The.. um.. vampire community doesn't take nicely to newbies."

"I... Sorry."

Jake blinked, "What for?"

"I mean... You clearly didn't want to tell me, so sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

The other's expression softened, "Don't say that. It wasn't purposeful. But yeah, it would have been nice if you didn't find out this way."

"Right..." Hana wasn't sure what to say. She was afraid if she opened her mouth, the only thing that would come out would be if she could look at it again.

That wouldn't be good.

"You wanna see it again?"

Hana looked at Jake so quickly her neck cracked, how does he do that. Ow that hurt.

"Um, can I?"

He shrugged, "I don't see why not."

Hana eyed the male, who seemed almost relaxed at the moment. Hana wasn't falling for it though.

Jake lifted up his shirt again, drawing the girl's attention to the topic of the conversation.

Hana scanned it carefully. It was by far the largest scar she had ever seen.

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