2. I will tie your hands, there's a rope right here.

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Chapter 2: I will tie your hands, there's a rope right here.

After a lot of contemplation, jotting down the pros and cons, speculating every foreseeable argument, and mulling over the consequences, I have come down to one simple conclusion – escaping Nimit is a tad bit easier than persuading my stern ass father.

And so here I am, sitting nervously and planning an escape route. I stare distractedly at the Disney movie playing on the large screen, I don't have the time or the mood to enjoy it. I glance to the side, Nimit sits on the armchair, both arms across the sides and his back upright and stiff.

He is typing something on his phone and I wonder if he is talking to a woman but it's his work phone – is he talking to my dad? Oh crap, no!

I lick my lips nervously, feeling my throat dry up. I haven't done anything rebellious since Nimit has come, I am sure he knows my wild history but he's never lived through it. And a part of me doesn't want to disappoint him or anger him but I need to think about myself – not him or my father or the hundreds of strangers dying to pass insulting remarks.

I have been a good girl for a few years now, time to let the devil in my head play outside for a while.

I deserve this, I have earned it.

I'll just say that I am feeling a little tired and go to my room, I'll escape through the window later.

I stand up and stretch my arms in the air, yawning loudly. Nimit stands up instantly, arms to the side and eyes attentive. It makes me grin a little. "Well, I am going to sleep."

"At 6 in the evening?" His tone is filled with disbelief.

Uh oh. "I am just so tired. I'll continue this movie in my room, do some assignments, study a little and then sleep early." I hope I sound convincing. Nimit's eyebrows furrow a little and he doesn't reply for a few seconds, the silence surges and makes me more anxious and uneasy. I chew on my bottom lip, trying my best to not delve into a series of lame excuses. I have a habit of talking too much when nervous.

Finally, Nimit nods and steps to the side. "If that's what you want." My sigh is audibly loud and Nimit raises an eyebrow at that. I force a smile and walk past him towards the bedroom. "You should get some sleep too. You have dark circles."

"What?" Nimit actually touches his under eyes and that make me smirk a little. He cares about his appearance, aww.

"I could give you a face mask if you wish. I'll be using one tonight, I have a few extras. You want a charcoal or a cucumber one?" He quickly catches on to my teasing tone and his lips lift a little, a ghost of a smile dancing on his handsome face. I blink a few times, taken aback by the effect it has on me. It's just a very light smile Aisha, get over it. You have seen dozens of smiles. "Um, it's really nice... the face masks I mean."

"I think I'll be fine. Thank you, though. I don't think you need it either, you are already beautiful." I have to blink a few times to register his words, his compliment. It's incredibly rare and I wish I had recorded it. I could set it as my alarm, oh what joy to wake up to his voice every morning.

"Aisha?" Even the way my name flows through his lips is thrilling and I shiver at the honey dipped tone. I quickly look away and climb up the stairs – two steps at a time. My heart is racing in my chest and there's heat rushing into my cheeks. Christ, Aisha, you aren't 14 anymore, why are you blushing like one?

I dare not look back at him. "Well, goodnight then."

"Goodnight. Sleep well."

I have a flirty response ready, it's at the tip of my tongue, eager to escape.

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