17. How long were you two together?

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Another week, another update.

How was 2023 for you all? Mine wasn't so bad, I did have the worst date of my life this year but that taught me a few life lessons. I made new friends, travelled to different countries and started a new interactive script contract for a gaming app. - Yeah, 2023 was pretty good, minus the fact that it went by in a blink. 


Chapter 17. How long were you two together?

I keep my chin in the middle of my palm, my elbow resting on the kitchen table as I watch Nimit move skilfully in the kitchen. It's early morning and he is making something from chocolate, along with his usual protein shake and salad for breakfast.

Since he had Pizza last time, it's my turn to eat the nasty blend of raw vegetables. But I know better than to complain, especially if I want him to have more junk food in the future. 

So I sit quietly and watch him work his magic. He isn't wearing a t-shirt, just his black shorts that hug his butt and make me squirm uncomfortably in my seat.

A sexy man, chest exposed, bare feet, cooking in the kitchen – a tantalizing recipe for potential chaos!

Nimit glances at me and gives a small smile, adding salt and pepper to the salad bowl. "What are you thinking about?"

Pulling down those boxers to finally see what treasure you are hiding behind them.

I look away and shrug a shoulder, trying to get my head out of the gutter. "Nothing." After a thought, I add. "Do we have to leave soon?"

"What do you mean?"

"If it turns out that the attack was supposed to be for Sania, we'll be going back to my place, right?" I ask meekly, afraid of his reply. I am not quite ready to leave his personal space and go back to my arrogant meddling father.

Nimit exhales heavily and passes me a small bowl and fresh watermelon juice. "Possibly. If there's no threat to you. But Sania's team hasn't been able to find out anything yet."

"It can't be a random attack?" I sip the watermelon juice first, letting that taste reside on my tongue before I pulverize it with lettuce.

Nimit shakes his head. "Impossible. It was too well-planned, they knew exactly what they were doing. I am sure the attack was premeditated."

I hum in thought. "So if it's not me and it's not Sania, maybe it's you," I say jokingly, smiling and expecting a chuckle in response. Instead, I am faced with an ashen look from Nimit, as if my words have pulled the ground under his feet. He stares blankly at the wall, still holding his salad bowl, a faraway look on his face. I frown at his aghast expression. "Nimit? I was just kidding. Obviously, it can't be you." I mutter but Nimit shakes his head and picks up his phone from the table, typing something rapidly into it. He waits for a reply and then sighs, dropping the phone back on the table. Worry rolling off in waves from his body.  

I watch his movements in concern. "Do you think the attack was for you?"

His eyes turn to me but they have lost the warmth that was present a few minutes back. He forces a smile and shakes his head. "No, why would it be me?" But the smile doesn't reach his eyes.

"Exactly. Why would anyone want to kill you?" I question, mostly to myself.

Is he hiding something from me... again?

Nimit gulps and turns around to grab his glass of juice. "You have no idea." It's a low mutter but I still hear it. I want to ask more questions but I know I won't get any answers.

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