12. I am a woman and I was overthinking.

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Chapter 12: I am a woman and I was overthinking

The dim light in the kitchen casts long shadows across the room, emphasizing the tension in the air. I stand nervously in the centre of it, my fingers fidgeting with the hem of my low-cut top. What was I thinking? I wasn't, that's what! Stupid Sania, she's to blame for this.

Nimit, my sexy imposing bodyguard, leans against the kitchen counter with a stoic expression that makes me look away from him, his arms crossed over his broad chest. His sharp eyes, normally vigilant and focused, now narrow slightly as he glares at me through those beautiful eyelashes. The air crackles with an unspoken understanding that a line has been crossed.

Come on, I can win this. Just talk. He's at fault here, not me. He's the one who left without a word. I was – I was just offering company to a man, that's it. Last time I checked that wasn't a crime. I am an adult, perfectly capable of making my own decisions. And he would've enjoyed my company if he wasn't such an ass and a coward. But I know my pep talk will only ever make it to the tip of my tongue and never reach his ears.

I take a deep breath, summoning the courage to meet his gaze. "I... I can explain," I stammer, the crack in my voice betraying the nervousness within.

Nimit raises an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. He hasn't said a single word and that in itself is terrifying. His silence is more intimidating than any words he could utter. I shift uncomfortably under his scrutiny, acutely aware of the gravity of my actions.

"You left, without a word!" I play the part of the victim quickly, accusing him.

He is less than fazed by my outburst, his expression still unreadable, as if he had expected me to say that. The seconds tick by, each one amplifying my anxiety. Why will he not reply? And since when did he get so good at the silent treatment game? That is my forte! Ugh!

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me? I can play that game too." I snap back, staring back at him.

Nimit sighs and straightens, unfolding his arms and pushing away from the counter. He takes a step closer, his towering figure casting a protective shadow over me. I lick my dry lips, my heart pounding at the sudden closeness. "That was a very foolish move. Flirting with my men to make me jealous, wearing such revealing clothes that leave little to the imagination, opening the door and provoking the guard. And more importantly, pissing me off."

"When are you not pissed off?"

"When you are asleep. That's the only peaceful time I have."

I narrow my eyes at him, lips thinning into a straight line. "Was that supposed to be a joke?"

Nimit shrugs, his lips twitching. "Maybe a joke, maybe a fact."

"Where were you?"

The smile drops. Nimit looks away and that makes me frown more. "Well? Where were you?"

"Had some work.'

"What kind of work?"

"The important kind. Bodyguard stuff, you don't need to know."

"You are being such an ass!"

"You are being such a bitch!"

I gasp, stunned by his outburst. Even Nimit looks astonished by his own words. He shakes his head and frowns at me. "That was-"

"Uncalled for. What happened?" I take a step closer, reaching forward to hold his hand. His warmth flows into my body and I entwine my fingers with his. His huge hand easily swallows my little one but I love how safe and protected it makes me feel.

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