15. How can he sleep after hiding such a horrible thing from me?

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Back with another interesting chapter!

Chapter 15. How can he sleep after hiding such a horrible thing from me?

I twist in my bed, swallowing nervously. I can see the darkness out of my window, not even the moon has decided to grace us with it's presence tonight. The only illumination comes from the distant glow of scattered stars, flickering intermittently as if watching my every move. A soft wind whispers through the air, rustling leaves and a few birds flock around the tree near my window.

I hold my breath, straining my ears to listen to any sound inside the house. It's sheer silence. Licking my dry lips, I lift the blanket off me and swing my legs to the side of the bed. I stand in my loose red printed tee and pale blue cotton shorts. I look around the dark room, barely able to see anything in front of me. Fortunately, I am familiar with the space now. I walk towards the door, silently and slowly, without stumbling over my own feet.

I pause at the door handle, pressing my ear to the door to make sure Nimit isn't awake and prowling outside my door like a bloodthirsty hound dog. I am greeted with silence. Exhaling softly, I twist the handle and open the door, peeking outside. The lights are off, except for a dim floor light in the living room and kitchen. My eyes scan the empty area and once assured, that I am the only one awake in the house, I step out of my room. I leave the door open knowing it makes a loud clicking sound when someone closes it.

This is it. This is my chance. Nimit was never going to show me the letter. But it's mine and I deserve to know what he's hiding from me.

It can't possibly be that bad, can it?

With that thought in mind, I walk towards his bedroom. I know exactly where he has kept the letter – in a black backpack next to his bed. The only issue is entering his room and getting to his bed without waking him up - a man who wakes up to the sound of a falling pin. Difficult? Obviously. Worth it? Definitely!

I tiptoe towards his room and I can hear his light snores coming from inside. I stop just by the door, my hand on the handle. My nerves are a wreck and my heart is beating wildly, I just hope he doesn't hear that loud thudding sound and wake up. I twist the handle and wince at the light clicking sound of the lock. I freeze, waiting for him to jump out of the bed and attack me but there's only his soft snores in response.

My shoulders slack and I push the door open slowly, careful not to make any unnecessary noise. His room has the soft glow of the bedside lamp, casting a warm ambience that contrasts sharply with my anxiety. My eyes land on a sleeping Nimit and for a second, I forget all about my mission. He looks so calm, so innocent – nothing like the dark brooding man I know. I watch, mesmerized by the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest indicating that he is in deep sleep, unaware of my late night intrusion.

God, you sure took your time making this man, huh! Could've given half of that attention to me too.

The blanket is spread low on his abdomen, leaving his bare and beautifully sculpted chest on display and my eyes shamelessly take in the sight. The light hair on his chest teases my restraint and his slightly parted mouth makes me question my motive for entering his room.

He looks so lonely on that huge bed by himself. Maybe I should join him.

But I force my eyes to look away from the tempting sight and they dart around the room, searching for the bag. It's still next to the bed, only a step away from the sleeping lion. I am in his den now and I pray I get out alive.

Swallowing hard, I tiptoe towards it, my every movement exaggerated in the silence. My eyes dart between the unmoving bag and snoring Nimit. I finally reach my destination and lower my arms, a bead of sweat forms on my forehead. I lift the bag but it's too heavy for me. I scowl at Nimit, wondering what he's kept inside.

Great, I have to open the bag here only. I hope the zip noise doesn't wake him up.

Keeping my eyes strained on Nimit for any movement, I slowly unzip the bag. Thankfully, it doesn't make too much noise and moves smoothly to the other side. I peek inside and see dumbbells and a gun inside the bag. Why on earth is he carrying dumbbells in a bag? Is he nuts!? He has a perfectly capable gym here.

I look into the bag and push my hand past the gun, and soon my fingers come across the soft rustle of paper and I exhale in relief. Slowly and steadily, I remove the letter and take a hasty step back. As if the bag might explode once the letter is out of it.

My heart pounds erratically and I clutch the letter dearly to my chest. Nimit is still asleep and the bag is open. I debate on closing it but I don't want to take that risk. Unable to hold my curiosity, I remove the paper from the already open envelope. I frown at the white paper. Nothing interesting, what's to hide in this?

And that's when I open it.

A shiver runs down my spine as I read the rough print handwriting.

Dear Aisha,

I don't see you around the house anymore. Where are you? I miss seeing your sweet smile and twinkling eyes. You looked really cute in that red dress last weekend. I keep searching for you but no one seems to know where you are hiding.

I hope you are getting my letters and reading them. I wish I could introduce myself to you but it's not time – not yet. There's so much we need to talk about. I am searching for answers and only you can give them to me. But not knowing where you are is worrying me. However, you can't find me – not until I want you to. So keep patience.

For one day we will meet again... soon.

There's no sign and I reread the letter again and again and utter fear. My knees shake and my eyes zero on the 'again' part.

What in the god's world is this? Do I have a crazy stalker? And no one told me about this? How long has this been going on? And what does he mean by again?

I stare at a peacefully sleeping Nimit and that only aggravates me more. How can he sleep after hiding such a horrible thing from me?

I have a good mind to kick him, wake him up and demand answers but I know how well he can evade my questions and instead make me feel guilty for sneaking into his room. He'll easily turn the tables on me.

Just as I am wondering what to do next, I hear a low whimper. I freeze, afraid that Nimit has woken up and will unleash his terror on me. But instead, I am greeted with a sight that I hadn't imagined I'd see in a million years. Nimit's face is contorted in agony, bathed in cold sweat. His breathing is coming in short, ragged gasps, and his hands clench and unclench as if grappling with an unseen foe.

My heart lurches in my chest and the letter crumples in my gripping fists. I watch in sheer horror as Nimit twists under the blanket, a low moan escapes his lips, it's a haunting melody of distress that echoes through the room. His fingers dig into the sheets and beads of sweat forms on his brow, tracing a path down his temples and disappearing into the shadowed contours of his face.

'No, please, no!' His breathy whispers send a dreaded chill down my spine. 'Don't!'

'Help, somebody, help!'


Hmm, who can be the stalker?

And what might Nimit's nightmares be about?

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