20. He looks like a dishevelled pig...

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Another week, another update!

What's your fav chocolate? I love Snickers!

Chapter 20. He looks like a dishevelled pig

Kelly is the first to snap out of the shock. Her eyebrows rise as she remembers exactly who Ved is. "Oh my God, that brown glasses nerd who was tall and had a cute face but a funny nose?"

I scowl at her description, although true, I don't like it. "Yes, the same."

Sania pipes in. "I saw his Instagram posts, he's gotten so hot. And he has a beard now, beard plus new black glasses and a white V-neck tee with black jeans, whoa! I almost didn't believe it was him when I saw the post." Sania fans herself, eyes glazing as she remembers the post. "I thought it was some model. He's become a sexy chunk of ass!"

Kelly jumps in excitement, clapping her hands. "Show me, show me, show me!"

I roll my eyes at them, ignoring the light hiss of disdain from behind me, courtesy of Nimit. "Sania, how do you know he's come back?"

"Oh, he messaged me," Sania casually says as she opens her Instagram profile.

Ryan folds his arms and glares at Sania. "You talk to him? Since when did you two become buddies."

Sania sighs and turns her attention to us, knowing we won't drop this subject easily. "I was always friends with him." She reminds us. "But after what he did to Aisha, I stopped talking to him. Then a few months back, he followed me and commented on my post. I followed back and we started talking. We aren't best friends or anything but we talk occasionally. Just hi, how are you and stuff."

I don't drop the frown on my face, unhappy with this information. "And why is he here?"

Sania shrugs a shoulder. "That I don't know, didn't care to inquire. He just said he's coming and asked if you are in town. I said yes and he said he'd come to meet you."

I feel irritation creep up my spine, slightly wounded by her actions. "Why would you tell him to meet me?"

"I didn't suggest him to meet you, he wanted to." Sania gives an overly sweet smile. "Maybe he wants to apologize."

I force a smile and shoot her an unimpressed glare. "He's 2 years too late for that!"

Nimit clears his throat, feeling left out of this conversation. Normally, he'd stay quiet and in the shadows but now he wants to participate and ask more.

"What exactly did this Ved creature do?"

Ryan and Imran look in surprise at the interruption. They aren't used to Nimit talking too much, especially not in front of them. He's usually the sullen brooding man, blending into the background like a silent ghost.

Great, perfect timing. Just as I am trying to work things out with my present crush, my past mistake shows up.

Talk about running out of the frying pan and into the fire!

Ryan's eyes narrow at Nimit. "Why do you care?"

Nimit stiffens his shoulders and looks pointedly at Ryan. "I am her bodyguard, it's my job to know about her and protect her from any harm."

Kelly who has her eyes glued to Sania's mobile, whistles softly. "The only thing you need to worry about is this handsome hunk breaking our Aisha's heart again." Kelly shows us the latest picture and I have to admit, he has changed, for the better... and my sanity's worse.

The photo is taken by the beach and the sunset frames his face perfectly. Sania wasn't lying, he has become hot. Dumb guy!

My eyes crinkle to get a better look at his chiselled jawline and half-smile. Through the photo, his eyes hold mine and my heart skips a beat which annoys me. I quickly glance away from the phone, not caring to read those 47 comments underneath the picture. I wonder how many are from girls and is one of those his girlfriend? It's been 2 years, he can't still affect me, can he?

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