11. I think I can manage a little flirting.

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Further chapters shall be a bit shorter due to a Wattpad Program. I apologize in advance but they shall be just as enticing and exciting! Happy reading loves!

Always appreciate the votes and comments!


Chapter 11: I think I can manage a little flirting.

"I am sorry, you did what now?"

I sigh and roll my eyes again, clutching the small Nokia phone in my hand that I am sure no one since the early 2000s has even seen. "I told Nimit I want to sleep with him. Well, to be fair, I just accepted his offer."


"And now he is ignoring me."

There's a pause and then Sania laughs, an evil cackle floating through the phone and I scowl at the plain white wall. "Oh my God! This is unbelievable! I don't even know what topic to start first, the fact that you have a crush on your bodyguard or the fact that he offered to fuck you for one night or that he is now ignoring you."

"Shut up!" I hiss. "If I wanted to hear taunts, I would've called my father. Help me."

There's a slight disbelief in her tone. "Wait, so when I asked if I could sleep with him – you liked him even then?"

I press my lips together, feeling glad she can't see my embarrassed and flushed face. "It was complicated. I didn't know if he wanted me then."

"Wow." Sania whistles. "When I woke up this morning, I had no idea I was going to be shocked to the core. This is epic. I do feel pity for Ryan but damn, it's hard not to want Nimit. And how do you know he is ignoring you?"

The mere reminder makes me scowl and grit my teeth. After that conversation, Nimit claimed he had something important to do and left the house, he came back late at night and I was half-asleep by then. I thought he'd join me in the bed but instead, he didn't even care enough to take a peek in my room. No hi, hello or even a goodnight. And the next morning – he was gone before I woke up, there was a dull little note on the fridge – 'see you for lunch.'

So, I waited and waited and waited until it was dinner time and I knew that he wasn't coming back, not until I was fully tucked under the blankets and he could continue avoiding me. That night I barely slept, thanks to the constant weight of my anxiety and guilt-ridden thoughts. I rolled in the sheets, my mind continuously coming up with weird scenarios. And when I woke up today, once again to an empty house, I knew I had to tell this to someone before I lost my mind.

So I called Sania and told her everything. "And even now – he's not here. Not even a note today. That bastard is ignoring me! He's the one who suggested this and now – he is ignoring me! What the hell do I do Sania? Should I just pack my bags and run away? Or hide out in the blanket until I die?"

"Hmm, but ideas are equally tempting and useless. Ideally, I'd suggest making him jealous but who is there in that empty house to make him jealous of?"

"No one." I sigh, and then my eyes widen as if a light bulb has gone on in my mind, my back straightens and I look out of the window. "There's no one in the house – but outside – there's plenty." What better way to turn the tables on Nimit than flirting with his own security men?

"The security outside? That needs a lot of guts, Aisha. You sure you got it in you?" Sania mocks.

"I was going to have sex with my bodyguard, a man I certainly shouldn't be fraternizing with. I think I can manage a little flirting." I snort out in defence, annoyed that my best friend would think I am not even capable of some harmless flirting.

"I am just saying. Don't roll your eyes too much."

I roll my eyes.

"You just rolled your eyes at me, didn't you?"

"Of course, I didn't."

"Oh please, I bet you did." Sania mocked. "Don't do that in front of the security men, they'll run away. Be good, flutter your eyes, play with your hair, show a little cleavage – just temptingly enough, giggle at lame jokes."

I look at my closet. "I think I got this. I am not 12."

"You flirt like you are 12."

"Bye, Sania!" I say in a sing-song voice.

Sania laughs. "Okay, okay. I'll call you later. Give me all the deets then."

"You can't call me back. This stupid phone has some stupid encrypted system that changes my calling number every 3 hours." I mutter in annoyance. "I'll call you tonight."

"Yes, cool, give me the juicy update. Good luck!"

I cut the call and change into some nice clothes, fit enough for flirting. I purposefully pick a low-cut crop top and a denim skirt that reaches just past my mid-thighs. I apply a little lipstick and mascara, adding a pink hue to my cheeks.

"Okay, this will have to do." I say to my reflection in the mirror. "I think I look tempting enough."

Taking a deep breath, I open the door and instantly there's a man in front of me, gun in his hand. His stance alert and his eyes scanning the space behind me. His tone gruff, serious and strong. "Everything okay, ma'am? Is someone inside? Do you need something?" The man looks inside the empty house as if expecting a bunch of trolls to just jump out of nowhere.

I force a smile, a little taken aback by the firm and no-fun voice. "Yeah, um, I am alone. I just wanted to invite you guys in."

He looks at me as if I just said I found the entrance to Narnia in my hallway. He blinks and frowns again. "I am sorry, ma'am?"

I clear my throat, smiling flirtatiously at him. Taking a strand of hair in my fingers, I twirl it around and lower my eyelashes. "Come inside, please." I step to the side, making way for him to walk in.

The man looks to the security guard next to him in sheer confusion and they both shrug their shoulders, not quite comprehending what is going on. They look completely baffled and lost.

I press my lips together and rub my forehead in exasperation. This isn't going as planned. Is Sania right, do I not know how to flirt?

I look at the first guy. "What's your name?"

"Scott, ma'am."

I lean on the door and smirk at him, pushing out my chest, showing my sexy top and the efforts I put into this little act. "Well, Scott, would you like to come in for a drink?"

There's no response. I try again. "I have some really good wine. Both of you can join me. it will be fun,"

"No, it will not be fun."

I almost trip on the voice and fall on my face. My jaw drops as does my heart. Nimit comes into the view from behind the men, his lips pressed firmly in a straight line. He looks furious, eyes narrowed and when his gaze reaches my low-cut top, they darken.

My heart pounds and I swallow nervously.

Oh crappity crap! This definitely isn't going to be fun!


Hmm, how do you think Nimit is going to react?

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