33. Did I open the door to heaven?

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Chapter 33. Did I open the door to heaven?


I pace the length of my office, alongside the sleek cabinets filled with accolades and memories of past victories. None of that matters right now, it's all overshadowed by the looming threat of my uncle's catastrophe.

My fingers drum a restless rhythm against the polished surface of my desk. I glance at the clock, its hands ticking away, the sound making my mind race, replaying scenarios from my past. I swallow a ball of worry, trying to fake my calmness despite the swirling hurricane of fear in my chest.

The door opens and Jace walks in. he can see the urgency on my face so he doesn't waste a heartbeat with small talk. "I found him."

My shoulders visibly sag. "Where is he?"

Jace lips are pressed thin, his eyes serious yet pitiful. "A lot closer than we had anticipated. He's staying at the Lotte Inn, it's close to the Metha's residence."

I rub my forehead, trying to get my thoughts in line. I knew he was here, I didn't know he was that near. "What else? I can see you are hiding something."

Jace pauses for a second before replying. "He looks a little different now. There's no beard, dark circles under his eyes, he looks older than his age and has a scar on his neck. Even his hair color is different."

My eyebrows furrow at that piece of information. My uncle's face is vivid in my mind, no matter how hard I try to forget it, it's engraved and I remember every single detail – the vicious smirk, the cold dreadful eyes, the repugnant smell of alcohol from his mouth, the light sneer every time I didn't cry from the unbearable pain. I close my eyes, forcing the dark memories out. "He must have got that scar from the mafia. So, he looks different, that was expected."

"Yes, but I showed the picture to Greg." My spine stiffens as Jace continues. "He said he's seen the guy around, usually at the café Aisha frequently goes to."

My mind races, thoughts tumbling over one another in a chaotic dance of worry and rage. "Fucking hell! That bastard!"

Every fiber of my being screams with a primal fury, a protective instinct taking over me. I launch towards the door, fueled to go out and kill the man before he lays his eyes on my girl again but Jace stops me, forcing me back against the wall. He pushes my chest, glaring at me. "What the hell are you going to do, Nimit? He is provoking you! He wants you to react irrationally. He wants you to take the fight to him! Greg is there with her. He is put on high alert. He won't let that man touch Aisha."

I glare back, my fists clench, nails digging into my palms as I struggle to contain the rage within. "I should be the one with her, Jace. I should be the one protecting her. I am the only one who can! She's – she's everything to me. If something happens to her – because of me. God, I'll never be able to forgive myself. I have to do something."

"Then do your fucking job," Jace yells, snapping me out of anger trance. "Find out why he's back. Find out what he wants. Make a plan. Destroy him once and for all. And call your girlfriend! Ignoring her isn't doing either of you any good. It's putting you in a foul mood and I am tired of dealing with it."

"But her father-" I am stopped before I can continue. "That's a lame excuse. Her father didn't stop you from falling in love with her, why should he stop you from proving how much you love her?"

Jace sighs, patting my shoulders and taking a step now, now that he's sure I am not going to do something insane in anger. "You are letting your guilt rule you, Nimit. I like you but damn you can be stupid as a stone sometimes. She knows your full story and she isn't running for the hills. She's there, waiting for you, giving you the space to take the next step. And you are here, annoying me instead of being in her arms. What does that tell you?"

I fight back a smirk. Who had thought I'd be taking advice from a man who barely believes in love? "I take it things with Sania are going good?"

That shuts him up swiftly and my eyes widen at the light shade of pink on his cheeks. "What the hell? Are you – blushing?"

Jace narrows his eyes, shooting daggers into my head for even insinuating such an absurd thing. "Jace doesn't blush! I have no reason to. There's nothing going on between Sania and me. She's a pain in the ass."

My smirk only grows. "You like having that pain in your ass."

Jace rolls his eyes, heading for my door. "That's my cue to leave. Whatever you do, think twice. If I were you, I'd be with my girl right now, kissing the living shit out of her."

The idea makes me smile. Oh, I really want to kiss Aisha right now. I haven't been able to get her out of my damn mind, not even for a moment and certainly not when I was taking a cold shower today morning. I remember the way I tasted her, ravaged her, devoured her the way I wanted to since the first day I saw her. I remember her sweet taste and her lush tempting lips moving skilfully against mine. I remember her light moans every time I bit her lower lip and rolled my tongue over hers. I remember the way her heart beat faster whenever I was close to her. I remember her fingers caressing my jaw before threading into my hair and tugging softly. I remember how delicious her pu-

I grunt and shift in my pants at the dangerous train of my thoughts. I adjust my erection with a sigh. Sure, she is the best fuck I have ever had but I can't possibly get so hard just thinking about it. Apparently, I can.

Knowing what to do, I call Greg, asking him for a location update.

After 20 minutes, I enter a hotel room wearing a hooded black sweatshirt and pants, looking like a thief trying to rob a 5-star Hilton Hotel.

If I had any doubts about my decision, they all evaporate into thin air once I see the stunning sight in front of me. Aisha is spread eagle on the bed, wearing only a bottle green bikini that barely hides her private parts.

My jaw is lying on the ground floor, 15 floors down from where I stand as I shamelessly ogle over my woman. "Fuck, did I open the door to heaven?"

She giggles, a sound that makes my heart flip and my stomach clench. Yes, she's going to be the death of me. Not a bad way to go.

Her eyes hold fire as she glances up at me, motioning me to come closer. I don't waste another second, I leap into action, crawling over her and grabbing her face. I pulled her close so I can kiss her fiercely. I wrap my arms around her, smoothing my hands over her back, as if to make sure she is really with me. She kisses me back with equal fervor, her nails dragging up and down my back, pressing her chest against mine.

A small smile spread across her face as we break the kiss. "I see you missed me."

I nip at her collarbone and murmur, "Let's see if you missed me too,"

She gasps before I slid my hand into her panties. "Fucking soaked. You missed me quite a lot." She purrs with hunger in her eyes and I know she is exactly where she belongs - with me, under me, with my body so close to her that I can smell her arousal and hear her shallow breaths.

I bring her closer, pressing my lips against her forehead. A breath of relief leaves my lips.

She's in my arms and she's safe.

But for how long? The question nags my mind even as I undress her slowly and kiss every inch of her body.


Leaving the rest naughty things to your imagination ;)

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