6. Can you stop saying my name?

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What time do you usually sleep? I used to sleep only after 2AM but now, I sleep by 12AM!


Chapter 6: Can you stop saying my name?

I lean back on the couch with a cup of coffee in my right hand, a fashion magazine in my left hand and my feet on the glass table in front of the couch. I hum quietly as I read through the latest fashion trends and what celebs are wearing. I don't care much for that stuff but it's the only kind of magazine one can find in Sania's house and I can't watch anything on my phone because the second I turn it on – I'll be bombarded by calls and messages and they'll track me instantly. If they haven't already.

Honestly, I am mentally prepared for my father's security to storm through the front door anytime with their big fat guns.

I hear some shuffling and smile as Sania walks in, even after just waking up, she looks stunning. Her hair still curly as ever but she looks good in her silk night suit. And her face somehow has a morning glow. She returns my smile with a scowl. "Your dad called me."

I quickly straighten up, throwing the magazine to the side and staring at her with wide eyes. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing." She grunts, joining me on the couch. "I was asleep. But he kept calling and calling and calling. How am I going to get my beauty sleep with so much disturbance?" She pushes her phone into my lap. "And he is still calling. Just tell him you are here, Aisha. For his mental sake and my sanity."

I look down at my lap, 'Shaan Mehta' flickers continuously on her phone screen and after talking a deep breath, I decide there's no use fighting the inevitable. I click on the accept call.

"Oh, thank God. She picked up the call! Sania, have you seen Aisha?" My father's strained and worried voice rings though the mobile and for a second it, I feel happy and guilty about it. He seems genuinely upset – which means he cares. "She left yesterday night, we think, and her mobile is off and-"

"Hi, dad." I whisper.

There's a long pause, from behind I can hear feet shuffling, low whispers and gasps. "Aisha?" His voice is hesitant.


There's a loud exhale and then comes the tone I are most familiar with. He starts to yell. "What the hell were you thinking? Have you lost your goddamn mind? I told you, you are grounded! What part of that do you not understand? Come back home, right this second. You have some explaining to do, young lady. I shall not tolerate such rash and irrational behaviour from you. You are going to be grounded till you turn 30. Do not test me! You ran away – ran away – how childish." Behind him, I can hear Nimit's tense voice, telling him to calm down but my father isn't hearing it. "I want you back in your room within an hour. An hour, Aisha. Do not test my patience! I have already been lenient enough with you."

Once I know his rant is done, I say. "I am not coming back home, Dad. At least, not for a few days."

There's another long pause and then a disgruntled heave from him. "I can't talk to her. You talk, make her see some sense, Nimit. Otherwise, you are fired."

I gasp at that threat. Why should be Nimit be fired because of this? That's insane. "You can't fire him!"

I hear his muffled voice from behind. "Watch me."

Then Nimit's low comforting voice takes over. "Where are you? Are you okay?"

"I am good. I am at Sania's place, the Embark flat."

"Okay, good. You know what you did was extremely reckless and stupid, right? I had told you not to do something so dumb."

I chew on my lower lip, he isn't yelling like my father yet his tone makes me feel more guilty than ever. "I know. I had to leave. I needed space."

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