Part 2

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Taylor's POV

Another day, another concert. This time, it's the last show of my first few nights in the UK, night three in Edinburgh.

I decided to take a moment to hide in the tent with Mom and observe as the audience took their seats. I might even catch some of Paramore's set before heading backstage to finish getting ready. After all these months, the process has become a well-oiled machine. Taking a bit of time to watch the audience settle in before the show won't hurt anything. Plus, it would be nice to see what everyone is like before the concert in person rather than lurking on the internet and watching everyone get ready.

I've got a makeshift disguise on, one that I'm not convinced is foolproof, but it should prevent me from being recognised down here from a distance. No one would expect to find me in this tent anyway. I've never done this before, but something compelled me to come out here today.

It's like a voice in my head insisted that I be here, and for some reason, I decided to listen to it. I just feel like maybe something is going to happen, and I need to be here when it happens. It's silly, but I couldn't shake the feeling.

Mom's here too, chatting with fans near the fence, exchanging friendship bracelets. Meanwhile, I'm lurking in the shadows at the back of the tent. A part of me wishes I could join her and engage with the fans, but I know it would turn into a chaotic scene, and security wouldn't be pleased, not to mention it would be unsafe for everyone, and that's not something I'm willing to risk.

Initially, Tree opposed the idea of me being anywhere near the crowd, very vocally, might I add. She thought I was crazy even considering it. After a heated conversation, she reluctantly agreed to the compromise of having extra security around the tent as long as I kept a low profile. So far, everything's going smoothly. Thanks to Mom's efforts, I've even accumulated a nice collection of friendship bracelets, which is always fun. Not that anyone knows I'm the one getting the bracelets.

The best bit is that Mom is handing fans friendship bracelets back, and they have no idea I am sitting back here making them while watching them interact. It is pretty entertaining for me, really. The smiles on people's faces as they talk to Mom and trade bracelets is the reason I do this; they all look like they're having the time of their lives.

I sneaked out here before the crowd arrived to avoid causing a frenzy. For the past couple of hours, I've been observing the audience, watching them laugh, smile, and enjoy themselves. I don't know why I've never done this before because the buzz of hiding out here and watching everyone come in is fantastic.

"Tay," Mom's voice whispers, pulling me from my thoughts as I finish knotting another bracelet. She approaches my corner again, though her smile is gone this time, and she's not carrying any friendship bracelets.


"Yeah?" I respond, straining to see if there's any commotion in the stadium that's upsetting her. However, I can't detect anything unusual. Just a sea of people, dressed in their concert-best, having a good time. I hope they are. It's my goal for everyone here to have an incredible experience. All I want is to walk off the stage at the end of the night, leaving everyone smiling.

"Do you see that little kid in the crowd? About four years old, wearing a blue cap and a purple backpack?" Mom asks, nodding discreetly in a specific direction, indicating where to look without drawing attention. Even though we've managed to remain unnoticed in the tent so far, I'm well aware that pictures of us could surface online later, and fans will lose their shit undoubtedly. Meaning this is probably the only time I can do this because if people catch on, there is no way Tree will let me come back out here.

I hum and let my gaze scan the crowd, straining to spot a small child amidst the multitude of people. It's becoming busier out there. It takes me a moment, but eventually, I see the child Mom is referring to. I'm not sure why she wants me to notice them, though. "Yeah, what about them?" I inquire, keeping my eyes fixed on the kid, who seems to be wandering around, seemingly alone but unhindered.

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