Part 5

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Taylor's POV

They had to sedate her so they could put her shoulder and knee back in place. Typically, they wouldn't sedate someone to fix the types of dislocations she has, but since she is so tiny and can't understand what is happening due to her ears and needs two joints popped back into place, they figured this would be the best course of action.

They also thought this would give them a real chance to get a full-body MRI since she wouldn't be so upset while it was being done. They mentioned getting a CT scan as well so that they could double-check her head was okay since she has clearly experienced so much trauma in her life.

They wouldn't let me stay with her while they fixed her shoulder or knee. They said I don't need to see that happening, that it would do more harm than good. They said I was better off not watching.

Axel and Greg had to drag me away from Ryan after she was sedated. They had let me hold her until she was asleep, but after that, they insisted I let them work. Despite my begs to stay with her as I held her little limp hand, they were adamant that I needed to leave her while they worked.

I don't want her out of my sight.

Who knows what is happening to her? Who knows who could try and retake her?

The last time I wasn't watching her in a hospital, she was ripped away from me for seven years, and now she is so broken I don't know where even to think to start to put her back together. I feel physically sick just even thinking about what could happen to her while I'm not with her.

"Taylor, you need to sit down and listen to what Agent Booth has to say," Dad tried to get me to settle down in the little private room we had been told to wait in until they were done patching up Ryan. Greg guarded the door in the name of protecting me, although everyone knew he was really there to make sure I didn't leave the room and try and hunt down Ryan so that I could be with her again.

Ignoring him, I shake my head, moving to the door to find Axle standing with Greg. "Can you please stay close to her? Just stand outside her door and follow her to get the test done? I know this isn't your job, but I will triple your pay, and you're getting one hell of a bonus regardless. I just... I don't trust hospital security, and if I can't be with her, I need to know someone is close by to keep her safe and make sure no one can ever touch her again. She can't go through any more pain. Please," I plead, watching as the man simply gives me an understanding smile and nods before walking back down the halls. Hopefully, he's gone to find my baby.

"I can't imagine what you are going through, Miss Swift. I'm Agent Booth. As I explained to Mr and Mrs Swift and Mrs Paine, I'm with the FBI and happened to be in Scotland, so the bureau sent me to collaborate with British authorities. I have been given full access to your case and have read up on everything. Dr Renylods had the DNA test rushed, and the results are in. Did you want to see them for yourself, or did you want me to tell you?" Agent Booth spoke up, clearly not caring about the fact that I first ignored him and am now back to pacing around the room like a rouge yoyo.

"I don't need you to tell me. I already know that Ryan is my daughter. I don't know why we are talking about any of this. I don't care anymore. I just want my daughter in my arms again. Whoever did this to her is never getting near her again. She is never leaving my sight again. She is going to have three guards twenty-four seven. No one is going to harm her ever again—end of conversation. Maybe I'll get her her own private army. Yeah, that sounds more like it," I mumble the last bit to myself.

"Now, Agent Booth, unless you have a way of going back seven years and stopping this ever happening. Or a way to stop your idiot colleagues from telling me she was dead and giving up on finding her, giving up on rescuing her, giving up on her. I don't really have much to say to you. You guys failed spectacularly at getting my daughter back, and now look at her state. I will sort this all out myself. I don't need that piece of paper you are holding me to tell me anything. I already know she is my daughter. There is not a single doubt in my mind," I huff, not stopping my pacing to look at him as I seeth slightly.

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