Part 15

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Taylor's POV

The gentle hum of the baby monitor on the bedside table became a lifeline, a constant reassurance in the stillness of the night. Mom's advice to place it in the music room now felt like an ingenious suggestion, one that I couldn't be more grateful for. Waking up without Ryan nestled beside me never failed to induce a wave of panic, a surge of fear that something might have happened to her.

The room was dimly lit, shadows playing on the walls like silent whispers. I blinked away the remnants of sleep, my senses immediately attuned to the soft static emanating from the baby monitor. The soft glow of the device offered a semblance of comfort, a connection to the heart of the house where Ryan, my little survivor, created melodies that painted the air with magic.

The sheets beside me felt emptier without her warmth, and a sudden knot tightened in my chest. The absence of her presence triggered an automatic response, an urgent need to ensure her safety. The journey from the bed to the music room felt like an eternity, the distance between us an echo of vulnerability that tugged at my heart.

The door creaked open as I stepped into the music room, and a gentle sigh of relief escaped my lips. There, by the grand piano, sat Ryan, lost in a world of her own creation. The soft moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a serene glow on her tousled hair. She was wrapped in the melody she had crafted, her fingers dancing gracefully on the piano keys.

The sight was a balm to my worried soul, a reminder that she was safe and sound, immersed in the solace of her music. The air in the room held a delicate harmony, the lingering notes of Sunlit Dreams that she had composed earlier. It was a testament to the healing power of music, a testament to the resilience of the little survivor who had found refuge in its embrace.

I approached quietly, not wanting to disrupt the sacred moment. The soft click of the door closing behind me barely registered as I leaned against the doorframe, watching the scene unfold. Ryan's eyes were closed, her focus entirely on the piano, and a small smile graced her lips as Woof sat nestled on her lap. Her hands moved with a fluidity that belied her age as if the piano keys were an extension of her very soul.

It was like she was born to play. In fact, I am sure she was because I have never seen anyone with an ability like hers. When she plays, she isn't playing music; she is bringing it to life in a way even I am envious of.

The soft strains of Sunlit Dreams filled the room, creating an ethereal atmosphere that transcended the boundaries of the mundane. It was as if the music itself whispered tales of resilience and triumph, a testament to the indomitable spirit of a child who had faced the shadows of the past.

It was so much happier than anything she had played before, and there were not enough words in the dictionary to describe how much reassurance I felt that she was playing something happy.

I couldn't help but just stand there, watching her play with a sense of awe that transcended the mere appreciation of melody. It struck me as nothing short of remarkable — the fact that she, with a life coloured by unspoken struggles and hardships, could conjure music so buoyant, so filled with an unmistakable joy.

The soft smile on her lips, though concealing the scars of untold stories, radiated a genuine happiness that seemed to defy the weight of the world. As her fingers moved gracefully over the piano keys, I marvelled at the disconnect between her turbulent past and the serenity she now emanated. It was as if, through the magic of music, she could rewrite the script of her life, replacing the sad notes with a triumphant crescendo.

As I stood there, the melody washing over me, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of safety. Safety, not just in the physical sense, but the emotional security that allowed me to revel in the happiness of the moment. The journey had been arduous, fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but here we were, basking in the harmonious glow of a melody that spoke of hope and celebration.

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