Part 23

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The music room was my favourite place in the whole house. 

It was filled with guitars, keyboards, and all sorts of instruments that Taylor could make magic with. Today, Taylor sat on the piano bench, her fingers dancing over the keys, creating a melody that wrapped around us like a warm blanket.

I was nestled against Taylor on her lap, wearing the monkey onesie Austin had given me. It was so soft and cosy, and the monkey face on the hood made me Taylor smile each time she looked at me, which made me feel all warm and safe on the inside. Taylor was humming along while she played, the odd word slipping through, but it didn't matter. I just wanted cuddles, so the piano in the background is an added bounce to me.

Her fingers moved gracefully over the piano keys, and I felt the vibrations of the music beneath me. I closed my eyes, letting the soothing sounds wash over me, as Taylor's voice whispered promises of safety and love. It was my safe haven, this music room, where the worries of the world couldn't reach me.

Taylor paused between songs, her gentle fingers tracing patterns on my back. I snuggled closer, feeling the warmth of her embrace. The familiar scent of her shampoo and the softness of her touch reassured me that I was right where I belonged.

"Feeling okay, little survivor?" Taylor's voice was a soft murmur, and I nodded against her, not wanting to break the tranquillity of the moment. She resumed playing, and I let myself get lost in the melody, the worries of the night fading away.

I'm glad that Taylor isn't mad. I really thought she would be. But she doesn't seem mad. Cory was never good at hiding when he was mad. You could always tell. So, I don't think Taylor is mad.

The door creaked open, and I turned to see Austin peeking inside, a sheepish smile on his face. "Hope I'm not interrupting. Ready for some movie time?" He asked, and I couldn't help but smile. Austin had a way of making everything feel lighter. He was silly and fun, and I liked being around him.

Yesterday wasn't his fault, and when he said it was, that made me feel sad. So I want to have our movie day even more than before so that I can show him I'm not upset with him. I don't want him to think that. It's not nice knowing you made someone mad or upset. I don't want Austin to feel that. He's happy, like Taylor. They should always be happy. I want to make sure they're both happy. Andrea too.

Taylor nodded, and we followed Austin to the living room. To my surprise, the space had been transformed into a massive fort, blankets and pillows, creating a cosy nest that was even bigger than the fort Taylor made us the last time we watched movies. The telly was set up for our movie time, and a spread of snacks awaited us.

"Wow," I mumbled, my eyes wide with delight as I looked around the room the best I could without lifting my head off Taylor's chest. My head feels all stuffy, and it hurts to move. But that's okay because I am getting Taylor cuddles and hanging out with Austin.

Austin beamed, clearly proud of his fort-building skills. I couldn't wait to dive into the sea of cushions and blankets. We settled into our fort, and Austin passed Taylor and me a blanket with a grin before sitting beside us. "Right, shadow. This is the first movie. Remember I said there are eight. Well, this is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," Austin explains, a smile on his face as he grabs the remote.

"We're in England, Austin. It's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone here," Taylor corrects, which makes Austin pull a funny face. "You say potato, I say potato. Does it matter? It's the same film either way. Now, shh, you're only here because shadow needs cuddles from her Mama. You are a silent participant in the Uncle Austin and Shadow show," Austin grumbles, making me laugh slightly at the look Taylor shoots Austin as he presses play.

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