Part 14

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The past few days with Taylor have been an enchanting journey into a magical world. From the crack of dawn until the night sky twinkles with stars, Taylor weaves joy into every moment. The hotel is vast, with a grand bed and fluffy pillows that cocoon me in a fairy-tale-like comfort. Despite the lingering fear from Cory's anger the last time I stayed in a hotel, Taylor's presence makes me feel a little safer in this new space.

In the night, she allows me to cuddle close. The way she wraps me in the covers before pulling me into the warmth of her chest creates a sense of security that makes me believe even if Cory were to find me, I would still be safe. That I would be safe and sound because I have Taylor now.

The nightmares persist, a reminder of the shadows from my past. Yet, they're better than the ones I endured back there. Now, when I wake, I can turn to the keyboard with Woof. We sit there, creating melodies until Taylor awakens. She joins us, either singing softly until I drift back to sleep or playing with me until Andrea arrives with breakfast.

Taylor never probes with questions about why I'm awake or what's troubling me, and I cherish that. I don't want to talk about Cory, the embodiment of evil. Taylor is the opposite, and I won't let Cory steal her joy. She cares so much, and I won't let him take that away from her.

During the day, we spend countless hours in front of the keyboard. Taylor's fingers dance on the keys like poetry, playing beautiful songs that captivate me. I watch her, absorbing every movement so that I can play just like her. After each song, she smiles and shares the name before nodding for me to play. Sometimes, I play one she taught me, and she smiles, whispering the words. Other times, I play one of the songs I created in my mind, and Taylor's smile broadens even more. She asks if it has a name, and my simple answer is enough for her. It was never enough for Cory. Nothing ever was.

The evenings hold a different kind of magic, not in a bad way, but a magical spectacle of lights and music that takes my breath away. Taylor takes the grand stage, performing for a sea of people. I sit in a special area where I can see her and the entire crowd. It's like a dream. The music is loud, and the lights are a dazzling fireworks display.

The first night was a bit scary because it was all so new, and Taylor wasn't holding me. But the second night, I had a chair, and after a bit of trial and error, I managed to get into it. I could see Taylor even better than before. I watch her sing these incredible songs, and it's like a magical spell; everyone is so happy, and I can feel the music reverberate in my heart.

My absolute favourite song that Taylor plays in the show is called Champagne Problems. I love it because it's all piano, and the sound is exquisitely pretty. The melody wraps me in a warmth that stays with me. Taylor plays the piano so skillfully, and I wish to play like her someday. I want to be just like Taylor when I grow up. She is the best person I have ever met.

Safe and Sound remains my favourite song; it's just that Taylor doesn't play it on the stage. Well, other than the first night. But she sings it to me at bedtime, so that's alright. I prefer it when it's just me and her anyway, as then I get to snuggle with her, feeling her chest rumble softly against my ear when she hums.

At night, the colours on the stage change, painting the scene like a living rainbow. I love watching the lights dance, and it feels as if I'm living in a fairy tale. There's one song that Andrea said is called You Need To Calm Down, and the whole place transforms into a rainbow; it's nothing short of amazing.

Last night marked the end of Taylor's shows here in Liverpool. Apparently, she doesn't have a show for a couple of days, and we are going to go to London in the morning. I've never been to London before. Taylor assures me that I'll like it, but there's a sliver of uncertainty. Regardless, as long as I'm with her, I think it'll be alright. However, a whisper of worry lingers—a fear that this happiness could be snatched away in a second.

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